const {MemberPageViewEvent, MemberCommentEvent, MemberLinkClickEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events'); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const {IncorrectUsageError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const {EmailOpenedEvent} = require('@tryghost/email-events'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const LastSeenAtCache = require('./LastSeenAtCache'); /** * Listen for `MemberViewEvent` to update the `member.last_seen_at` timestamp */ class LastSeenAtUpdater { /** * Initializes the event subscriber * @param {Object} deps dependencies * @param {Object} The list of service dependencies * @param {any} The settings service * @param {() => object} deps.getMembersApi - A function which returns an instance of members-api * @param {any} deps.db Database connection * @param {any} The event emitter * @param {any} deps.lastSeenAtCache An instance of the last seen at cache */ constructor({ services: { settingsCache }, getMembersApi, db, events, lastSeenAtCache }) { if (!getMembersApi) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({message: 'Missing option getMembersApi'}); } this._getMembersApi = getMembersApi; this._settingsCacheService = settingsCache; this._db = db; this._events = events; this._lastSeenAtCache = lastSeenAtCache || new LastSeenAtCache({services: {settingsCache}}); } /** * Subscribe to events of this domainEvents service * @param {any} domainEvents The DomainEvents service */ subscribe(domainEvents) { domainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, async (event) => { try { await this.cachedUpdateLastSeenAt(,, event.timestamp); } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error in LastSeenAtUpdater.MemberPageViewEvent listener for member ${}`); logging.error(err); } }); domainEvents.subscribe(MemberLinkClickEvent, async (event) => { try { await this.cachedUpdateLastSeenAt(,, event.timestamp); } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error in LastSeenAtUpdater.MemberLinkClickEvent listener for member ${}`); logging.error(err); } }); domainEvents.subscribe(MemberCommentEvent, async (event) => { try { await this.updateLastCommentedAt(, event.timestamp); } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error in LastSeenAtUpdater.MemberCommentEvent listener for member ${}`); logging.error(err); } }); domainEvents.subscribe(EmailOpenedEvent, async (event) => { try { await this.updateLastSeenAtWithoutKnownLastSeen(event.memberId, event.timestamp); } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error in LastSeenAtUpdater.EmailOpenedEvent listener for member ${event.memberId}, emailRecipientId ${event.emailRecipientId}`); logging.error(err); } }); } /** * Updates the member.last_seen_at field if it wasn't updated in the current day yet (in the publication timezone) * Example: current time is 2022-02-28 18:00:00 * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-27 23:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` is set to the current time * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-28 01:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` isn't changed * @param {string} memberId The id of the member to be udpated * @param {Date} timestamp The event timestamp */ async updateLastSeenAtWithoutKnownLastSeen(memberId, timestamp) { // Note: we are not using Bookshelf / member repository to prevent firing webhooks + to prevent deadlock issues // If we would use the member repostiory, we would create a forUpdate lock when editing the member, including when fetching the member labels. Creating a possible deadlock if somewhere else we do the reverse in a transaction. const timezone = this._settingsCacheService.get('timezone') || 'Etc/UTC'; const startOfDayInSiteTimezone = moment.utc(timestamp).tz(timezone).startOf('day').utc().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); const formattedTimestamp = moment.utc(timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); await this._db.knex('members') .where('id', '=', memberId) .andWhere(builder => builder .where('last_seen_at', '<', startOfDayInSiteTimezone) .orWhereNull('last_seen_at') ) .update({ last_seen_at: formattedTimestamp }); } /** * Updates the member.last_seen_at field if it wasn't updated in the current day yet (in the publication timezone) */ async cachedUpdateLastSeenAt(memberId, memberLastSeenAt, timestamp) { if (this._lastSeenAtCache.shouldUpdateMember(memberId)) { await this.updateLastSeenAt(memberId, memberLastSeenAt, timestamp); } } /** * Updates the member.last_seen_at field if it wasn't updated in the current day yet (in the publication timezone) * Example: current time is 2022-02-28 18:00:00 * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-27 23:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` is set to the current time * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-28 01:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` isn't changed * @param {string} memberId The id of the member to be udpated * @param {Date} timestamp The event timestamp */ async updateLastSeenAt(memberId, memberLastSeenAt, timestamp) { const timezone = this._settingsCacheService.get('timezone'); // First, check if memberLastSeenAt is null or before the beginning of the current day in the publication timezone // This isn't strictly necessary since we will fetch the member row for update and double check this // This is an optimization to avoid unnecessary database queries if last_seen_at is already after the beginning of the current day if (memberLastSeenAt === null || moment(moment.utc(timestamp).tz(timezone).startOf('day')).isAfter(memberLastSeenAt)) { try { // Pre-emptively update local cache so we don't update the same member again in the same day this._lastSeenAtCache.add(memberId); const membersApi = this._getMembersApi(); await this._db.knex.transaction(async (trx) => { // To avoid a race condition, we lock the member row for update, then the last_seen_at field again to prevent simultaneous updates const currentMember = await membersApi.members.get({id: memberId}, {require: true, transacting: trx, forUpdate: true}); const currentMemberLastSeenAt = currentMember.get('last_seen_at'); if (currentMemberLastSeenAt === null || moment(moment.utc(timestamp).tz(timezone).startOf('day')).isAfter(currentMemberLastSeenAt)) { const memberToUpdate = await currentMember.refresh({transacting: trx, forUpdate: false, withRelated: ['labels', 'newsletters']}); const updatedMember = await{last_seen_at: moment.utc(timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}, {transacting: trx, patch: true, method: 'update'}); // The standard event doesn't get emitted inside the transaction, so we do it manually this._events.emit('member.edited', updatedMember); return Promise.resolve(updatedMember); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); }); } catch (err) { // Remove the member from the cache if an error occurs // This is to ensure that the member is updated on the next event if this one fails this._lastSeenAtCache.remove(memberId); // Bubble up the error to the event listener throw err; } } } /** * Updates the member.last_seen_at field if it wasn't updated in the current day yet (in the publication timezone) * Example: current time is 2022-02-28 18:00:00 * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-27 23:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` is set to the current time * - memberLastSeenAt is 2022-02-28 01:00:00, timestamp is current time, then `last_seen_at` isn't changed * @param {string} memberId The id of the member to be udpated * @param {Date} timestamp The event timestamp */ async updateLastCommentedAt(memberId, timestamp) { const membersApi = this._getMembersApi(); const member = await membersApi.members.get({id: memberId}, {require: true}); const timezone = this._settingsCacheService.get('timezone'); const memberLastSeenAt = member.get('last_seen_at'); const memberLastCommentedAt = member.get('last_commented_at'); if (memberLastSeenAt === null || moment(moment.utc(timestamp).tz(timezone).startOf('day')).isAfter(memberLastSeenAt) || memberLastCommentedAt === null || moment(moment.utc(timestamp).tz(timezone).startOf('day')).isAfter(memberLastCommentedAt)) { await membersApi.members.update({ last_seen_at: moment.utc(timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), last_commented_at: moment.utc(timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }, { id: memberId }); } } } module.exports = LastSeenAtUpdater;