const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const setTimeoutPromise = util.promisify(setTimeout); const fastq = require('fastq'); const later = require('@breejs/later'); const Bree = require('bree'); const pWaitFor = require('p-wait-for'); const {UnhandledJobError, IncorrectUsageError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const isCronExpression = require('./is-cron-expression'); const assembleBreeJob = require('./assemble-bree-job'); const JobsRepository = require('./JobsRepository'); const worker = async (task, callback) => { try { let result = await task(); await callback(null, result); } catch (error) { await callback(error); } }; const ALL_STATUSES = { started: 'started', finished: 'finished', failed: 'failed', queued: 'queued' }; class JobManager { #domainEvents; #completionPromises = new Map(); /** * @param {Object} options * @param {Function} [options.errorHandler] - custom job error handler * @param {Function} [options.workerMessageHandler] - custom message handler coming from workers * @param {Object} [options.JobModel] - a model which can persist job data in the storage * @param {Object} [options.domainEvents] - domain events emitter */ constructor({errorHandler, workerMessageHandler, JobModel, domainEvents}) { this.queue = fastq(this, worker, 3); this._jobMessageHandler = this._jobMessageHandler.bind(this); this._jobErrorHandler = this._jobErrorHandler.bind(this); this.#domainEvents = domainEvents; const combinedMessageHandler = workerMessageHandler ? ({name, message}) => { workerMessageHandler({name, message}); this._jobMessageHandler({name, message}); } : this._jobMessageHandler; const combinedErrorHandler = errorHandler ? (error, workerMeta) => { errorHandler(error, workerMeta); this._jobErrorHandler(error, workerMeta); } : this._jobErrorHandler; this.bree = new Bree({ root: false, // set this to `false` to prevent requiring a root directory of jobs hasSeconds: true, // precision is needed to avoid task overlaps after immediate execution outputWorkerMetadata: true, logger: logging, errorHandler: combinedErrorHandler, workerMessageHandler: combinedMessageHandler }); this.bree.on('worker created', (name) => { this._jobMessageHandler({name, message: ALL_STATUSES.started}); }); if (JobModel) { this._jobsRepository = new JobsRepository({JobModel}); } } inlineJobHandler(jobName) { return async (error, result) => { if (error) { await this._jobErrorHandler(error, { name: jobName }); } else { await this._jobMessageHandler({ name: jobName, message: 'done' }); } // Can potentially standardize the result here return result; }; } async _jobMessageHandler({name, message}) { if (name) { if (message === ALL_STATUSES.started) { if (this._jobsRepository) { const job = await; if (job) { await this._jobsRepository.update(, { status: ALL_STATUSES.started, started_at: new Date() }); } } } else if (message === 'done') { if (this._jobsRepository) { const job = await; if (job) { await this._jobsRepository.update(, { status: ALL_STATUSES.finished, finished_at: new Date() }); } } // Check completion listeners if (this.#completionPromises.has(name)) { for (const listeners of this.#completionPromises.get(name)) { listeners.resolve(); } // Clear the listeners this.#completionPromises.delete(name); } if (this.queue.length() <= 1) { if (this.#completionPromises.has('all')) { for (const listeners of this.#completionPromises.get('all')) { listeners.resolve(); } // Clear the listeners this.#completionPromises.delete('all'); } } } else { if (typeof message === 'object' && this.#domainEvents) { // Is this an event? if (message.event) { this.#domainEvents.dispatchRaw(message.event.type,; } } } } } async _jobErrorHandler(error, jobMeta) { if (this._jobsRepository && { const job = await; if (job) { await this._jobsRepository.update(, { status: ALL_STATUSES.failed }); } } // Check completion listeners and call them with error if (this.#completionPromises.has( { for (const listeners of this.#completionPromises.get( { listeners.reject(error); } // Clear the listeners this.#completionPromises.delete(; } if (this.queue.length() <= 1) { if (this.#completionPromises.has('all')) { for (const listeners of this.#completionPromises.get('all')) { listeners.reject(error); } // Clear the listeners this.#completionPromises.delete('all'); } } } /** * By default schedules an "offloaded" job. If `offloaded: true` parameter is set, * puts an "inline" immediate job into the queue. * * @param {Object} GhostJob - job options * @prop {Function | String} GhostJob.job - function or path to a module defining a job * @prop {String} [] - unique job name, if not provided takes function name or job script filename * @prop {String | Date} [] - Date, cron or human readable schedule format. Manage will do immediate execution if not specified. Not supported for "inline" jobs * @prop {Object} [] - data to be passed into the job * @prop {Boolean} [GhostJob.offloaded] - creates an "offloaded" job running in a worker thread by default. If set to "false" runs an "inline" job on the same event loop */ addJob({name, at, job, data, offloaded = true}) { if (offloaded) {'Adding offloaded job to the queue'); let schedule; if (!name) { if (typeof job === 'string') { name = path.parse(job).name; } else { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Name parameter should be present if job is a function' }); } } if (at && !(at instanceof Date)) { if (isCronExpression(at)) { schedule = later.parse.cron(at, true); } else { schedule = later.parse.text(at); } if ((schedule.error && schedule.error !== -1) || schedule.schedules.length === 0) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Invalid schedule format' }); }`Scheduling job ${name} at ${at}. Next run on: ${later.schedule(schedule).next()}`); } else if (at !== undefined) {`Scheduling job ${name} at ${at}`); } else {`Scheduling job ${name} to run immediately`); } const breeJob = assembleBreeJob(at, job, data, name); this.bree.add(breeJob); return this.bree.start(name); } else {`Adding one-off job to queue with current length = ${this.queue.length()} called '${name || 'anonymous'}'`); this.queue.push(async () => { try { // NOTE: setting the status here otherwise it is impossible to // distinguish between states when the job fails immediately await this._jobMessageHandler({ name: name, message: ALL_STATUSES.started }); if (typeof job === 'function') { await job(data); } else { await require(job)(data); } } catch (err) { // NOTE: each job should be written in a safe way and handle all errors internally // if the error is caught here jobs implementation should be changed logging.error(new UnhandledJobError({ context: (typeof job === 'function') ? 'function' : job, err })); throw err; } }, this.inlineJobHandler(name)); } } /** * Adds a job that could ever be executed once. In case the job fails * can be "added" again, effectively restarting the failed job. * * @param {Object} GhostJob - job options * @prop {Function | String} GhostJob.job - function or path to a module defining a job * @prop {String} - unique job name, if not provided takes function name or job script filename * @prop {String | Date} [] - Date, cron or human readable schedule format. Manage will do immediate execution if not specified. Not supported for "inline" jobs * @prop {Object} [] - data to be passed into the job * @prop {Boolean} [GhostJob.offloaded] - creates an "offloaded" job running in a worker thread by default. If set to "false" runs an "inline" job on the same event loop */ async addOneOffJob({name, job, data, offloaded = true}) { if (!name) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: `The name parameter is required for a one off job.` }); } const persistedJob = await; if (persistedJob && (persistedJob.get('status') !== ALL_STATUSES.failed)) { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: `A "${name}" one off job has already been executed.` }); } if (persistedJob && (persistedJob.get('status') === ALL_STATUSES.failed)) { await this._jobsRepository.update(, { status: ALL_STATUSES.queued }); } else { await this._jobsRepository.add({ name, status: ALL_STATUSES.queued }); } // NOTE: there's a assumption the job with the same name failed while // running under different instance of job manager (bree). // For example, it failed and the process was restarted. // If we want to be able to restart within the same instance, // we'd need to handle job restart/removal in Bree first this.addJob({name, job, data, offloaded}); } /** * Checks if the one-off job has ever been executed successfully. * @param {String} name one-off job name */ async hasExecutedSuccessfully(name) { if (this._jobsRepository) { const persistedJob = await; if (!persistedJob) { return false; } else { return (persistedJob.get('status') !== ALL_STATUSES.failed); } } else { return false; } } /** * Awaits completion of the offloaded one-off job. * CAUTION: it might take a long time to resolve! * @param {String} name one-off job name * @returns resolves with a Job model at current state */ async awaitOneOffCompletion(name) { const persistedJob = await{ name }); if (!persistedJob || ![ALL_STATUSES.finished, ALL_STATUSES.failed].includes(persistedJob.get('status'))) { // NOTE: can implement exponential backoff here if that's ever needed await setTimeoutPromise(500); return this.awaitOneOffCompletion(name); } return persistedJob; } /*** * Create this promise before you add the job you want to listen for. Then await the returned promise. * Resolves if the job has been executed successfully. * Throws an error if the job has failed execution. */ async awaitCompletion(name) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.#completionPromises.set(name, [ ...(this.#completionPromises.get(name) ?? []), {resolve, reject} ]); }); return promise; } /** * Wait for all inline jobs to be completed. */ async allSettled() { const name = 'all'; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.queue.idle()) { resolve(); return; } this.#completionPromises.set(name, [ ...(this.#completionPromises.get(name) ?? []), {resolve, reject} ]); }); } /** * Removes an "offloaded" job from scheduled jobs queue. * It's NOT yet possible to remove "inline" jobs (will be possible when scheduling is added * The method will throw an Error if job with provided name does not exist. * * NOTE: current implementation does not guarante running job termination * for details see * * @param {String} name - job name */ async removeJob(name) { await this.bree.remove(name); } /** * @param {import('p-wait-for').Options} [options] */ async shutdown(options) { await this.bree.stop(); if (this.queue.idle()) { return; } logging.warn('Waiting for busy job queue'); await pWaitFor(() => this.queue.idle() === true, options); logging.warn('Job queue finished'); } } module.exports = JobManager;