import { _optionalChain } from '@sentry/utils'; import { execFile } from 'child_process'; import { readFile, readdir } from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { join } from 'path'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { defineIntegration, convertIntegrationFnToClass } from '@sentry/core'; /* eslint-disable max-lines */ // TODO: Required until we drop support for Node v8 const readFileAsync = promisify(readFile); const readDirAsync = promisify(readdir); const INTEGRATION_NAME = 'Context'; const _nodeContextIntegration = ((options = {}) => { let cachedContext; const _options = { app: true, os: true, device: true, culture: true, cloudResource: true, ...options, }; /** Add contexts to the event. Caches the context so we only look it up once. */ async function addContext(event) { if (cachedContext === undefined) { cachedContext = _getContexts(); } const updatedContext = _updateContext(await cachedContext); event.contexts = { ...event.contexts, app: {, ..._optionalChain([event, 'access', _ => _.contexts, 'optionalAccess', _2 =>]) }, os: { ...updatedContext.os, ..._optionalChain([event, 'access', _3 => _3.contexts, 'optionalAccess', _4 => _4.os]) }, device: { ...updatedContext.device, ..._optionalChain([event, 'access', _5 => _5.contexts, 'optionalAccess', _6 => _6.device]) }, culture: { ...updatedContext.culture, ..._optionalChain([event, 'access', _7 => _7.contexts, 'optionalAccess', _8 => _8.culture]) }, cloud_resource: { ...updatedContext.cloud_resource, ..._optionalChain([event, 'access', _9 => _9.contexts, 'optionalAccess', _10 => _10.cloud_resource]) }, }; return event; } /** Get the contexts from node. */ async function _getContexts() { const contexts = {}; if (_options.os) { contexts.os = await getOsContext(); } if ( { = getAppContext(); } if (_options.device) { contexts.device = getDeviceContext(_options.device); } if (_options.culture) { const culture = getCultureContext(); if (culture) { contexts.culture = culture; } } if (_options.cloudResource) { contexts.cloud_resource = getCloudResourceContext(); } return contexts; } return { name: INTEGRATION_NAME, // TODO v8: Remove this setupOnce() {}, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function processEvent(event) { return addContext(event); }, }; }) ; const nodeContextIntegration = defineIntegration(_nodeContextIntegration); /** * Add node modules / packages to the event. * @deprecated Use `nodeContextIntegration()` instead. */ // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const Context = convertIntegrationFnToClass(INTEGRATION_NAME, nodeContextIntegration) ; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation /** * Updates the context with dynamic values that can change */ function _updateContext(contexts) { // Only update properties if they exist if (_optionalChain([contexts, 'optionalAccess', _11 =>, 'optionalAccess', _12 => _12.app_memory])) { = process.memoryUsage().rss; } if (_optionalChain([contexts, 'optionalAccess', _13 => _13.device, 'optionalAccess', _14 => _14.free_memory])) { contexts.device.free_memory = os.freemem(); } return contexts; } /** * Returns the operating system context. * * Based on the current platform, this uses a different strategy to provide the * most accurate OS information. Since this might involve spawning subprocesses * or accessing the file system, this should only be executed lazily and cached. * * - On macOS (Darwin), this will execute the `sw_vers` utility. The context * has a `name`, `version`, `build` and `kernel_version` set. * - On Linux, this will try to load a distribution release from `/etc` and set * the `name`, `version` and `kernel_version` fields. * - On all other platforms, only a `name` and `version` will be returned. Note * that `version` might actually be the kernel version. */ async function getOsContext() { const platformId = os.platform(); switch (platformId) { case 'darwin': return getDarwinInfo(); case 'linux': return getLinuxInfo(); default: return { name: PLATFORM_NAMES[platformId] || platformId, version: os.release(), }; } } function getCultureContext() { try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any if (typeof (process.versions ).icu !== 'string') { // Node was built without ICU support return; } // Check that node was built with full Intl support. Its possible it was built without support for non-English // locales which will make resolvedOptions inaccurate // // const january = new Date(9e8); const spanish = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('es', { month: 'long' }); if (spanish.format(january) === 'enero') { const options = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions(); return { locale: options.locale, timezone: options.timeZone, }; } } catch (err) { // } return; } function getAppContext() { const app_memory = process.memoryUsage().rss; const app_start_time = new Date( - process.uptime() * 1000).toISOString(); return { app_start_time, app_memory }; } /** * Gets device information from os */ function getDeviceContext(deviceOpt) { const device = {}; // Sometimes os.uptime() throws due to lacking permissions: let uptime; try { uptime = os.uptime && os.uptime(); } catch (e) { // noop } // os.uptime or its return value seem to be undefined in certain environments (e.g. Azure functions). // Hence, we only set boot time, if we get a valid uptime value. // @see if (typeof uptime === 'number') { device.boot_time = new Date( - uptime * 1000).toISOString(); } device.arch = os.arch(); if (deviceOpt === true || deviceOpt.memory) { device.memory_size = os.totalmem(); device.free_memory = os.freemem(); } if (deviceOpt === true || deviceOpt.cpu) { const cpuInfo = os.cpus(); if (cpuInfo && cpuInfo.length) { const firstCpu = cpuInfo[0]; device.processor_count = cpuInfo.length; device.cpu_description = firstCpu.model; device.processor_frequency = firstCpu.speed; } } return device; } /** Mapping of Node's platform names to actual OS names. */ const PLATFORM_NAMES = { aix: 'IBM AIX', freebsd: 'FreeBSD', openbsd: 'OpenBSD', sunos: 'SunOS', win32: 'Windows', }; /** Linux version file to check for a distribution. */ /** Mapping of linux release files located in /etc to distributions. */ const LINUX_DISTROS = [ { name: 'fedora-release', distros: ['Fedora'] }, { name: 'redhat-release', distros: ['Red Hat Linux', 'Centos'] }, { name: 'redhat_version', distros: ['Red Hat Linux'] }, { name: 'SuSE-release', distros: ['SUSE Linux'] }, { name: 'lsb-release', distros: ['Ubuntu Linux', 'Arch Linux'] }, { name: 'debian_version', distros: ['Debian'] }, { name: 'debian_release', distros: ['Debian'] }, { name: 'arch-release', distros: ['Arch Linux'] }, { name: 'gentoo-release', distros: ['Gentoo Linux'] }, { name: 'novell-release', distros: ['SUSE Linux'] }, { name: 'alpine-release', distros: ['Alpine Linux'] }, ]; /** Functions to extract the OS version from Linux release files. */ const LINUX_VERSIONS = { alpine: content => content, arch: content => matchFirst(/distrib_release=(.*)/, content), centos: content => matchFirst(/release ([^ ]+)/, content), debian: content => content, fedora: content => matchFirst(/release (..)/, content), mint: content => matchFirst(/distrib_release=(.*)/, content), red: content => matchFirst(/release ([^ ]+)/, content), suse: content => matchFirst(/VERSION = (.*)\n/, content), ubuntu: content => matchFirst(/distrib_release=(.*)/, content), }; /** * Executes a regular expression with one capture group. * * @param regex A regular expression to execute. * @param text Content to execute the RegEx on. * @returns The captured string if matched; otherwise undefined. */ function matchFirst(regex, text) { const match = regex.exec(text); return match ? match[1] : undefined; } /** Loads the macOS operating system context. */ async function getDarwinInfo() { // Default values that will be used in case no operating system information // can be loaded. The default version is computed via heuristics from the // kernel version, but the build ID is missing. const darwinInfo = { kernel_version: os.release(), name: 'Mac OS X', version: `10.${Number(os.release().split('.')[0]) - 4}`, }; try { // We try to load the actual macOS version by executing the `sw_vers` tool. // This tool should be available on every standard macOS installation. In // case this fails, we stick with the values computed above. const output = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { execFile('/usr/bin/sw_vers', (error, stdout) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(stdout); }); }); = matchFirst(/^ProductName:\s+(.*)$/m, output); darwinInfo.version = matchFirst(/^ProductVersion:\s+(.*)$/m, output); = matchFirst(/^BuildVersion:\s+(.*)$/m, output); } catch (e) { // ignore } return darwinInfo; } /** Returns a distribution identifier to look up version callbacks. */ function getLinuxDistroId(name) { return name.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase(); } /** Loads the Linux operating system context. */ async function getLinuxInfo() { // By default, we cannot assume anything about the distribution or Linux // version. `os.release()` returns the kernel version and we assume a generic // "Linux" name, which will be replaced down below. const linuxInfo = { kernel_version: os.release(), name: 'Linux', }; try { // We start guessing the distribution by listing files in the /etc // directory. This is were most Linux distributions (except Knoppix) store // release files with certain distribution-dependent meta data. We search // for exactly one known file defined in `LINUX_DISTROS` and exit if none // are found. In case there are more than one file, we just stick with the // first one. const etcFiles = await readDirAsync('/etc'); const distroFile = LINUX_DISTROS.find(file => etcFiles.includes(; if (!distroFile) { return linuxInfo; } // Once that file is known, load its contents. To make searching in those // files easier, we lowercase the file contents. Since these files are // usually quite small, this should not allocate too much memory and we only // hold on to it for a very short amount of time. const distroPath = join('/etc',; const contents = ((await readFileAsync(distroPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' })) ).toLowerCase(); // Some Linux distributions store their release information in the same file // (e.g. RHEL and Centos). In those cases, we scan the file for an // identifier, that basically consists of the first word of the linux // distribution name (e.g. "red" for Red Hat). In case there is no match, we // just assume the first distribution in our list. const { distros } = distroFile; = distros.find(d => contents.indexOf(getLinuxDistroId(d)) >= 0) || distros[0]; // Based on the found distribution, we can now compute the actual version // number. This is different for every distribution, so several strategies // are computed in `LINUX_VERSIONS`. const id = getLinuxDistroId(; linuxInfo.version = LINUX_VERSIONS[id](contents); } catch (e) { // ignore } return linuxInfo; } /** * Grabs some information about hosting provider based on best effort. */ function getCloudResourceContext() { if (process.env.VERCEL) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'vercel', 'cloud.region': process.env.VERCEL_REGION, }; } else if (process.env.AWS_REGION) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'aws', 'cloud.region': process.env.AWS_REGION, 'cloud.platform': process.env.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV, }; } else if (process.env.GCP_PROJECT) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'gcp', }; } else if (process.env.ALIYUN_REGION_ID) { // TODO: find where I found these environment variables - at least returns something return { 'cloud.provider': 'alibaba_cloud', 'cloud.region': process.env.ALIYUN_REGION_ID, }; } else if (process.env.WEBSITE_SITE_NAME && process.env.REGION_NAME) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'azure', 'cloud.region': process.env.REGION_NAME, }; } else if (process.env.IBM_CLOUD_REGION) { // TODO: find where I found these environment variables - at least returns something return { 'cloud.provider': 'ibm_cloud', 'cloud.region': process.env.IBM_CLOUD_REGION, }; } else if (process.env.TENCENTCLOUD_REGION) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'tencent_cloud', 'cloud.region': process.env.TENCENTCLOUD_REGION, '': process.env.TENCENTCLOUD_APPID, 'cloud.availability_zone': process.env.TENCENTCLOUD_ZONE, }; } else if (process.env.NETLIFY) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'netlify', }; } else if (process.env.FLY_REGION) { // return { 'cloud.provider': '', 'cloud.region': process.env.FLY_REGION, }; } else if (process.env.DYNO) { // return { 'cloud.provider': 'heroku', }; } else { return undefined; } } export { Context, getDeviceContext, nodeContextIntegration, readDirAsync, readFileAsync }; //#