'use strict'; const process = require('process'); const mysql = require('../index.js'); const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; const PoolConnection = require('./pool_connection.js'); const Queue = require('denque'); const Connection = require('./connection.js'); function spliceConnection(queue, connection) { const len = queue.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (queue.get(i) === connection) { queue.removeOne(i); break; } } } class Pool extends EventEmitter { constructor(options) { super(); this.config = options.config; this.config.connectionConfig.pool = this; this._allConnections = new Queue(); this._freeConnections = new Queue(); this._connectionQueue = new Queue(); this._closed = false; if (this.config.maxIdle < this.config.connectionLimit) { // create idle connection timeout automatically release job this._removeIdleTimeoutConnections(); } } promise(promiseImpl) { const PromisePool = require('../promise').PromisePool; return new PromisePool(this, promiseImpl); } getConnection(cb) { if (this._closed) { return process.nextTick(() => cb(new Error('Pool is closed.'))); } let connection; if (this._freeConnections.length > 0) { connection = this._freeConnections.pop(); this.emit('acquire', connection); return process.nextTick(() => cb(null, connection)); } if ( this.config.connectionLimit === 0 || this._allConnections.length < this.config.connectionLimit ) { connection = new PoolConnection(this, { config: this.config.connectionConfig }); this._allConnections.push(connection); return connection.connect(err => { if (this._closed) { return cb(new Error('Pool is closed.')); } if (err) { return cb(err); } this.emit('connection', connection); this.emit('acquire', connection); return cb(null, connection); }); } if (!this.config.waitForConnections) { return process.nextTick(() => cb(new Error('No connections available.'))); } if ( this.config.queueLimit && this._connectionQueue.length >= this.config.queueLimit ) { return cb(new Error('Queue limit reached.')); } this.emit('enqueue'); return this._connectionQueue.push(cb); } releaseConnection(connection) { let cb; if (!connection._pool) { // The connection has been removed from the pool and is no longer good. if (this._connectionQueue.length) { cb = this._connectionQueue.shift(); process.nextTick(this.getConnection.bind(this, cb)); } } else if (this._connectionQueue.length) { cb = this._connectionQueue.shift(); process.nextTick(cb.bind(null, null, connection)); } else { this._freeConnections.push(connection); this.emit('release', connection); } } end(cb) { this._closed = true; clearTimeout(this._removeIdleTimeoutConnectionsTimer); if (typeof cb !== 'function') { cb = function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } }; } let calledBack = false; let closedConnections = 0; let connection; const endCB = function(err) { if (calledBack) { return; } if (err || ++closedConnections >= this._allConnections.length) { calledBack = true; cb(err); return; } }.bind(this); if (this._allConnections.length === 0) { endCB(); return; } for (let i = 0; i < this._allConnections.length; i++) { connection = this._allConnections.get(i); connection._realEnd(endCB); } } query(sql, values, cb) { const cmdQuery = Connection.createQuery( sql, values, cb, this.config.connectionConfig ); if (typeof cmdQuery.namedPlaceholders === 'undefined') { cmdQuery.namedPlaceholders = this.config.connectionConfig.namedPlaceholders; } this.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { if (typeof cmdQuery.onResult === 'function') { cmdQuery.onResult(err); } else { cmdQuery.emit('error', err); } return; } try { conn.query(cmdQuery).once('end', () => { conn.release(); }); } catch (e) { conn.release(); throw e; } }); return cmdQuery; } execute(sql, values, cb) { // TODO construct execute command first here and pass it to connection.execute // so that polymorphic arguments logic is there in one place if (typeof values === 'function') { cb = values; values = []; } this.getConnection((err, conn) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } try { conn.execute(sql, values, cb).once('end', () => { conn.release(); }); } catch (e) { conn.release(); return cb(e); } }); } _removeConnection(connection) { // Remove connection from all connections spliceConnection(this._allConnections, connection); // Remove connection from free connections spliceConnection(this._freeConnections, connection); this.releaseConnection(connection); } _removeIdleTimeoutConnections() { if (this._removeIdleTimeoutConnectionsTimer) { clearTimeout(this._removeIdleTimeoutConnectionsTimer); } this._removeIdleTimeoutConnectionsTimer = setTimeout(() => { try { while ( this._freeConnections.length > this.config.maxIdle && Date.now() - this._freeConnections.get(0).lastActiveTime > this.config.idleTimeout ) { this._freeConnections.get(0).destroy(); } } finally { this._removeIdleTimeoutConnections(); } }, 1000); } format(sql, values) { return mysql.format( sql, values, this.config.connectionConfig.stringifyObjects, this.config.connectionConfig.timezone ); } escape(value) { return mysql.escape( value, this.config.connectionConfig.stringifyObjects, this.config.connectionConfig.timezone ); } escapeId(value) { return mysql.escapeId(value, false); } } module.exports = Pool;