// Internal Helpers import type { $Dictionary, $NormalizeIntoArray } from './typescript/helpers.js'; import type { DefaultNamespace, FlatNamespace, FormatFunction, InitOptions, InterpolationOptions, Namespace, Resource, ResourceKey, ResourceLanguage, TOptions, } from './typescript/options.js'; import type { KeyPrefix, TFunction } from './typescript/t.v4.js'; export interface WithT { // Expose parameterized t in the i18next interface hierarchy t: TFunction; } export interface Interpolator { init(options: InterpolationOptions, reset: boolean): undefined; reset(): undefined; resetRegExp(): undefined; interpolate(str: string, data: object, lng: string, options: InterpolationOptions): string; nest(str: string, fc: (...args: any[]) => any, options: InterpolationOptions): string; } export class ResourceStore { constructor(data: Resource, options: InitOptions); public data: Resource; public options: InitOptions; /** * Gets fired when resources got added or removed */ on(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void; /** * Remove event listener * removes all callback when callback not specified */ off(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback?: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void; } export interface Formatter { init(services: Services, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void; add(name: string, fc: (value: any, lng: string | undefined, options: any) => string): void; addCached( name: string, fc: (lng: string | undefined, options: any) => (value: any) => string, ): void; format: FormatFunction; } export interface Services { backendConnector: any; i18nFormat: any; interpolator: Interpolator; languageDetector: any; languageUtils: any; logger: any; pluralResolver: any; resourceStore: ResourceStore; formatter?: Formatter; } export type ModuleType = | 'backend' | 'logger' | 'languageDetector' | 'postProcessor' | 'i18nFormat' | 'formatter' | '3rdParty'; export interface Module { type: ModuleType; } export type CallbackError = Error | string | null | undefined; export type ReadCallback = ( err: CallbackError, data: ResourceKey | boolean | null | undefined, ) => void; export type MultiReadCallback = (err: CallbackError, data: Resource | null | undefined) => void; /** * Used to load data for i18next. * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next). * For singleton set property `type` to `'backend'` For a prototype constructor set static property. */ export interface BackendModule extends Module { type: 'backend'; init(services: Services, backendOptions: Options, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void; read(language: string, namespace: string, callback: ReadCallback): void; /** Save the missing translation */ create?( languages: readonly string[], namespace: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string, ): void; /** Load multiple languages and namespaces. For backends supporting multiple resources loading */ readMulti?( languages: readonly string[], namespaces: readonly string[], callback: MultiReadCallback, ): void; /** Store the translation. For backends acting as cache layer */ save?(language: string, namespace: string, data: ResourceLanguage): void; } /** * Used to detect language in user land. * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next). * For singleton set property `type` to `'languageDetector'` For a prototype constructor set static property. */ export interface LanguageDetectorModule extends Module { type: 'languageDetector'; init?(services: Services, detectorOptions: object, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void; /** Must return detected language */ detect(): string | readonly string[] | undefined; cacheUserLanguage?(lng: string): void; } /** * Used to detect language in user land. * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next). * For singleton set property `type` to `'languageDetector'` For a prototype constructor set static property. */ export interface LanguageDetectorAsyncModule extends Module { type: 'languageDetector'; /** Set to true to enable async detection */ async: true; init?(services: Services, detectorOptions: object, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void; /** Must call callback passing detected language or return a Promise */ detect( callback: (lng: string | readonly string[] | undefined) => void | undefined, ): void | Promise; cacheUserLanguage?(lng: string): void | Promise; } /** * Used to extend or manipulate the translated values before returning them in `t` function. * Need to be a singleton object. */ export interface PostProcessorModule extends Module { /** Unique name */ name: string; type: 'postProcessor'; process(value: string, key: string | string[], options: TOptions, translator: any): string; } /** * Override the built-in console logger. * Do not need to be a prototype function. */ export interface LoggerModule extends Module { type: 'logger'; log(...args: any[]): void; warn(...args: any[]): void; error(...args: any[]): void; } export interface I18nFormatModule extends Module { type: 'i18nFormat'; } export interface FormatterModule extends Module, Formatter { type: 'formatter'; } export interface ThirdPartyModule extends Module { type: '3rdParty'; init(i18next: i18n): void; } export interface Modules { backend?: BackendModule; logger?: LoggerModule; languageDetector?: LanguageDetectorModule | LanguageDetectorAsyncModule; i18nFormat?: I18nFormatModule; formatter?: FormatterModule; external: ThirdPartyModule[]; } // helper to identify class https://stackoverflow.com/a/45983481/2363935 export interface Newable { new (...args: any[]): T; } export interface NewableModule extends Newable { type: T['type']; } export type Callback = (error: any, t: TFunction) => void; /** * Uses similar args as the t function and returns true if a key exists. */ export interface ExistsFunction< TKeys extends string = string, TInterpolationMap extends object = $Dictionary, > { (key: TKeys | TKeys[], options?: TOptions): boolean; } export interface CloneOptions extends InitOptions { /** * Will create a new instance of the resource store and import the existing translation resources. * This way it will not shared the resource store instance. * @default false */ forkResourceStore?: boolean; } export interface CustomInstanceExtensions {} // Used just here to exclude `DefaultNamespace` which can be both string or array from `FlatNamespace` // in TFunction declaration below. // Due to this only very special usage I'm not moving this inside helpers. type InferArrayValuesElseReturnType = T extends (infer A)[] ? A : T; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention export interface i18n extends CustomInstanceExtensions { // Expose parameterized t in the i18next interface hierarchy t: TFunction< [ ...$NormalizeIntoArray, ...Exclude>[], ] >; /** * The default of the i18next module is an i18next instance ready to be initialized by calling init. * You can create additional instances using the createInstance function. * * @param options - Initial options. * @param callback - will be called after all translations were loaded or with an error when failed (in case of using a backend). */ init(callback?: Callback): Promise; init(options: InitOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise; loadResources(callback?: (err: any) => void): void; /** * The use function is there to load additional plugins to i18next. * For available module see the plugins page and don't forget to read the documentation of the plugin. * * @param module Accepts a class or object */ use(module: T | NewableModule | Newable): this; /** * List of modules used */ modules: Modules; /** * Internal container for all used plugins and implementation details like languageUtils, pluralResolvers, etc. */ services: Services; /** * Internal container for translation resources */ store: ResourceStore; /** * Uses similar args as the t function and returns true if a key exists. */ exists: ExistsFunction; /** * Returns a resource data by language. */ getDataByLanguage(lng: string): { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } } | undefined; /** * Returns a t function that defaults to given language or namespace. * Both params could be arrays of languages or namespaces and will be treated as fallbacks in that case. * On the returned function you can like in the t function override the languages or namespaces by passing them in options or by prepending namespace. * * Accepts optional keyPrefix that will be automatically applied to returned t function. */ getFixedT< Ns extends Namespace | null = DefaultNamespace, TKPrefix extends KeyPrefix = undefined, ActualNs extends Namespace = Ns extends null ? DefaultNamespace : Ns, >( ...args: | [lng: string | readonly string[], ns?: Ns, keyPrefix?: TKPrefix] | [lng: null, ns: Ns, keyPrefix?: TKPrefix] ): TFunction; /** * Changes the language. The callback will be called as soon translations were loaded or an error occurs while loading. * HINT: For easy testing - setting lng to 'cimode' will set t function to always return the key. */ changeLanguage(lng?: string, callback?: Callback): Promise; /** * Is set to the current detected or set language. * If you need the primary used language depending on your configuration (supportedLngs, load) you will prefer using i18next.languages[0]. */ language: string; /** * Is set to an array of language-codes that will be used it order to lookup the translation value. */ languages: readonly string[]; /** * Is set to the current resolved language. * It can be used as primary used language, for example in a language switcher. */ resolvedLanguage?: string; /** * Checks if namespace has loaded yet. * i.e. used by react-i18next */ hasLoadedNamespace( ns: string | readonly string[], options?: { lng?: string | readonly string[]; fallbackLng?: InitOptions['fallbackLng']; /** * if `undefined` is returned default checks are performed. */ precheck?: ( i18n: i18n, /** * Check if the language namespace provided are not in loading status: * returns `true` if load is completed successfully or with an error. */ loadNotPending: ( lng: string | readonly string[], ns: string | readonly string[], ) => boolean, ) => boolean | undefined; }, ): boolean; /** * Loads additional namespaces not defined in init options. */ loadNamespaces(ns: string | readonly string[], callback?: Callback): Promise; /** * Loads additional languages not defined in init options (preload). */ loadLanguages(lngs: string | readonly string[], callback?: Callback): Promise; /** * Reloads resources on given state. Optionally you can pass an array of languages and namespaces as params if you don't want to reload all. */ reloadResources( lngs?: string | readonly string[], ns?: string | readonly string[], callback?: () => void, ): Promise; reloadResources(lngs: null, ns: string | readonly string[], callback?: () => void): Promise; /** * Changes the default namespace. */ setDefaultNamespace(ns: string): void; /** * Returns rtl or ltr depending on languages read direction. */ dir(lng?: string): 'ltr' | 'rtl'; /** * Exposes interpolation.format function added on init. */ format: FormatFunction; /** * Will return a new i18next instance. * Please read the options page for details on configuration options. * Providing a callback will automatically call init. * The callback will be called after all translations were loaded or with an error when failed (in case of using a backend). */ createInstance(options?: InitOptions, callback?: Callback): i18n; /** * Creates a clone of the current instance. Shares store, plugins and initial configuration. * Can be used to create an instance sharing storage but being independent on set language or namespaces. */ cloneInstance(options?: CloneOptions, callback?: Callback): i18n; /** * Gets fired after initialization. */ on(event: 'initialized', callback: (options: InitOptions) => void): void; /** * Gets fired on loaded resources. */ on( event: 'loaded', callback: (loaded: { [language: string]: { [namespace: string]: boolean } }) => void, ): void; /** * Gets fired if loading resources failed. */ on(event: 'failedLoading', callback: (lng: string, ns: string, msg: string) => void): void; /** * Gets fired on accessing a key not existing. */ on( event: 'missingKey', callback: (lngs: readonly string[], namespace: string, key: string, res: string) => void, ): void; /** * Gets fired when resources got added or removed. */ on(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void; /** * Gets fired when changeLanguage got called. */ on(event: 'languageChanged', callback: (lng: string) => void): void; /** * Event listener */ on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Remove event listener * removes all callback when callback not specified */ off(event: string, listener?: (...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * Gets one value by given key. */ getResource( lng: string, ns: string, key: string, options?: Pick, ): any; /** * Adds one key/value. */ addResource( lng: string, ns: string, key: string, value: string, options?: { keySeparator?: string; silent?: boolean }, ): i18n; /** * Adds multiple key/values. */ addResources(lng: string, ns: string, resources: any): i18n; /** * Adds a complete bundle. * Setting deep param to true will extend existing translations in that file. * Setting overwrite to true it will overwrite existing translations in that file. */ addResourceBundle( lng: string, ns: string, resources: any, deep?: boolean, overwrite?: boolean, ): i18n; /** * Checks if a resource bundle exists. */ hasResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): boolean; /** * Returns a resource bundle. */ getResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): any; /** * Removes an existing bundle. */ removeResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): i18n; /** * Current options */ options: InitOptions; /** * Is initialized */ isInitialized: boolean; /** * Is initializing */ isInitializing: boolean; /** * Store was initialized */ initializedStoreOnce: boolean; /** * Language was initialized */ initializedLanguageOnce: boolean; /** * Emit event */ emit(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): void; } // export type * from './typescript/options.js'; export type { // we need to explicitely export some types, to prevent some issues with next-i18next and interpolation variable validation, etc... FallbackLngObjList, FallbackLng, InitOptions, TypeOptions, CustomTypeOptions, CustomPluginOptions, PluginOptions, FormatFunction, InterpolationOptions, ReactOptions, ResourceKey, ResourceLanguage, Resource, TOptions, Namespace, DefaultNamespace, FlatNamespace, } from './typescript/options.js'; // export type * from './typescript/t.v4.js'; export type { TFunction, ParseKeys, TFunctionReturn, TFunctionDetailedResult, KeyPrefix, } from './typescript/t.v4.js'; declare const i18next: i18n; export default i18next; export const createInstance: i18n['createInstance']; export const dir: i18n['dir']; export const init: i18n['init']; export const loadResources: i18n['loadResources']; export const reloadResources: i18n['reloadResources']; export const use: i18n['use']; export const changeLanguage: i18n['changeLanguage']; export const getFixedT: i18n['getFixedT']; export const t: i18n['t']; export const exists: i18n['exists']; export const setDefaultNamespace: i18n['setDefaultNamespace']; export const hasLoadedNamespace: i18n['hasLoadedNamespace']; export const loadNamespaces: i18n['loadNamespaces']; export const loadLanguages: i18n['loadLanguages'];