{ "{{amount}} characters left": "{{amount}} caractères restants", "{{amount}} comments": "{{amount}} commentaires", "{{amount}} days ago": "Il y a {{amount}} jours", "{{amount}} hrs ago": "Il y a {{amount}} heures", "{{amount}} mins ago": "Il y a {{amount}} minutes", "{{amount}} months ago": "Il y a {{amount}} mois", "{{amount}} more": "{{amount}} supplémentaire(s)", "{{amount}} seconds ago": "Il y a {{amount}} secondes", "{{amount}} weeks ago": "Il y a {{amount}} semaines", "{{amount}} years ago": "Il y a {{amount}} ans", "1 comment": "1 commentaire", "Add comment": "Ajoutez un commentaire", "Add context to your comment, share your name and expertise to foster a healthy discussion.": "Ajoutez un contexte à votre commentaire. Partagez votre nom et vos compétences pour favoriser une discussion saine.", "Add reply": "Ajoutez une réponse", "Already a member?": "Déjà membre ?", "Anonymous": "Anonyme", "Become a member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Devenez membre de {{publication}} pour commencer à commenter.", "Become a paid member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Devenez un membre payant de {{publication}} pour commencer à commenter.", "Cancel": "Annuler", "Comment": "Commentaire", "Complete your profile": "Complétez votre profil", "Delete": "Supprimer", "Deleted member": "Membre supprimé", "Discussion": "Discussion", "Edit": "Modifier", "Edit this comment": "Modifier ce commentaire", "edited": "modifié", "Enter your name": "Entrez votre nom", "Expertise": "Compétences", "Founder @ Acme Inc": "Fondateur @ Acme Inc", "Full-time parent": "Parent à plein temps", "Head of Marketing at Acme, Inc": "Responsable du marketing chez Acme, Inc", "Hide": "Masquer", "Hide comment": "Masquer le commentaire", "Jamie Larson": "Jamie Larson", "Join the discussion": "Rejoignez la discussion", "Just now": "À l'instant", "Local resident": "Résident local", "Member discussion": "Discussion entre membres", "Name": "Nom", "Neurosurgeon": "Neurochirurgien", "One day ago": "Il y a un jour", "One hour ago": "Il y a une heure", "One min ago": "Il y a une minute", "One month ago": "Il y a un mois", "One week ago": "Il y a une semaine", "One year ago": "Il y a un an", "Reply": "Répondre", "Reply to comment": "Répondre au commentaire", "Report": "Signaler", "Report comment": "Signalez le commentaire", "Report this comment": "Signalez ce commentaire", "Report this comment?": "Signaler ce commentaire ?", "Save": "Enregistrer", "Sending": "Envoi en cours", "Sent": "Envoyé", "Show": "Afficher", "Show {{amount}} more replies": "Afficher {{amount}} réponses supplémentaires", "Show {{amount}} previous comments": "Afficher {{amount}} commentaires précédents", "Show 1 more reply": "Afficher 1 réponse supplémentaire", "Show 1 previous comment": "Afficher 1 commentaire précédent", "Show comment": "Afficher le commentaire", "Sign in": "Se connecter", "Sign up now": "Inscrivez-vous maintenant", "Start the conversation": "Commencer la conversation", "This comment has been hidden.": "Ce commentaire a été masqué.", "This comment has been removed.": "Ce commentaire a été supprimé.", "Upgrade now": "Mettre à jour maintenant", "Yesterday": "Hier", "You want to report this comment?": "Souhaitez-vous signaler ce commentaire ?", "Your request will be sent to the owner of this site.": "Votre demande sera transférée au propriétaire de ce site." }