Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const core = require('@sentry/core'); const utils = require('@sentry/utils'); const INTEGRATION_NAME = 'RewriteFrames'; const _rewriteFramesIntegration = ((options = {}) => { const root = options.root; const prefix = options.prefix || 'app:///'; const iteratee = options.iteratee || ((frame) => { if (!frame.filename) { return frame; } // Determine if this is a Windows frame by checking for a Windows-style prefix such as `C:\` const isWindowsFrame = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/.test(frame.filename) || // or the presence of a backslash without a forward slash (which are not allowed on Windows) (frame.filename.includes('\\') && !frame.filename.includes('/')); // Check if the frame filename begins with `/` const startsWithSlash = /^\//.test(frame.filename); if (isWindowsFrame || startsWithSlash) { const filename = isWindowsFrame ? frame.filename .replace(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, '') // remove Windows-style prefix .replace(/\\/g, '/') // replace all `\\` instances with `/` : frame.filename; const base = root ? utils.relative(root, filename) : utils.basename(filename); frame.filename = `${prefix}${base}`; } return frame; }); /** Process an exception event. */ function _processExceptionsEvent(event) { try { return { ...event, exception: { ...event.exception, // The check for this is performed inside `process` call itself, safe to skip here // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion values: event.exception.values.map(value => ({ ...value, ...(value.stacktrace && { stacktrace: _processStacktrace(value.stacktrace) }), })), }, }; } catch (_oO) { return event; } } /** Process a stack trace. */ function _processStacktrace(stacktrace) { return { ...stacktrace, frames: stacktrace && stacktrace.frames && stacktrace.frames.map(f => iteratee(f)), }; } return { name: INTEGRATION_NAME, // TODO v8: Remove this setupOnce() {}, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function processEvent(originalEvent) { let processedEvent = originalEvent; if (originalEvent.exception && Array.isArray(originalEvent.exception.values)) { processedEvent = _processExceptionsEvent(processedEvent); } return processedEvent; }, }; }) ; const rewriteFramesIntegration = core.defineIntegration(_rewriteFramesIntegration); /** * Rewrite event frames paths. * @deprecated Use `rewriteFramesIntegration()` instead. */ // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const RewriteFrames = core.convertIntegrationFnToClass( INTEGRATION_NAME, rewriteFramesIntegration, ) ; exports.RewriteFrames = RewriteFrames; exports.rewriteFramesIntegration = rewriteFramesIntegration; //# sourceMappingURL=rewriteframes.js.map