'use strict'; var observable = require('lib0/observable'); var array = require('lib0/array'); var math = require('lib0/math'); var map = require('lib0/map'); var encoding = require('lib0/encoding'); var decoding = require('lib0/decoding'); var random = require('lib0/random'); var promise = require('lib0/promise'); var buffer = require('lib0/buffer'); var error = require('lib0/error'); var binary = require('lib0/binary'); var f = require('lib0/function'); var set = require('lib0/set'); var logging = require('lib0/logging'); var time = require('lib0/time'); var string = require('lib0/string'); var iterator = require('lib0/iterator'); var object = require('lib0/object'); function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) { var n = Object.create(null); if (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'default') { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return e[k]; } }); } }); } n.default = e; return Object.freeze(n); } var array__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(array); var math__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(math); var map__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(map); var encoding__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(encoding); var decoding__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(decoding); var random__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(random); var promise__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(promise); var buffer__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(buffer); var error__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(error); var binary__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(binary); var f__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(f); var set__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(set); var logging__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(logging); var time__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(time); var string__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(string); var iterator__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(iterator); var object__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(object); /** * This is an abstract interface that all Connectors should implement to keep them interchangeable. * * @note This interface is experimental and it is not advised to actually inherit this class. * It just serves as typing information. * * @extends {ObservableV2} */ class AbstractConnector extends observable.ObservableV2 { /** * @param {Doc} ydoc * @param {any} awareness */ constructor (ydoc, awareness) { super(); this.doc = ydoc; this.awareness = awareness; } } class DeleteItem { /** * @param {number} clock * @param {number} len */ constructor (clock, len) { /** * @type {number} */ this.clock = clock; /** * @type {number} */ this.len = len; } } /** * We no longer maintain a DeleteStore. DeleteSet is a temporary object that is created when needed. * - When created in a transaction, it must only be accessed after sorting, and merging * - This DeleteSet is send to other clients * - We do not create a DeleteSet when we send a sync message. The DeleteSet message is created directly from StructStore * - We read a DeleteSet as part of a sync/update message. In this case the DeleteSet is already sorted and merged. */ class DeleteSet { constructor () { /** * @type {Map>} */ this.clients = new Map(); } } /** * Iterate over all structs that the DeleteSet gc's. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {function(GC|Item):void} f * * @function */ const iterateDeletedStructs = (transaction, ds, f) => ds.clients.forEach((deletes, clientid) => { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (transaction.doc.store.clients.get(clientid)); for (let i = 0; i < deletes.length; i++) { const del = deletes[i]; iterateStructs(transaction, structs, del.clock, del.len, f); } }); /** * @param {Array} dis * @param {number} clock * @return {number|null} * * @private * @function */ const findIndexDS = (dis, clock) => { let left = 0; let right = dis.length - 1; while (left <= right) { const midindex = math__namespace.floor((left + right) / 2); const mid = dis[midindex]; const midclock = mid.clock; if (midclock <= clock) { if (clock < midclock + mid.len) { return midindex } left = midindex + 1; } else { right = midindex - 1; } } return null }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {ID} id * @return {boolean} * * @private * @function */ const isDeleted = (ds, id) => { const dis = ds.clients.get(id.client); return dis !== undefined && findIndexDS(dis, id.clock) !== null }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * * @private * @function */ const sortAndMergeDeleteSet = ds => { ds.clients.forEach(dels => { dels.sort((a, b) => a.clock - b.clock); // merge items without filtering or splicing the array // i is the current pointer // j refers to the current insert position for the pointed item // try to merge dels[i] into dels[j-1] or set dels[j]=dels[i] let i, j; for (i = 1, j = 1; i < dels.length; i++) { const left = dels[j - 1]; const right = dels[i]; if (left.clock + left.len >= right.clock) { left.len = math__namespace.max(left.len, right.clock + right.len - left.clock); } else { if (j < i) { dels[j] = right; } j++; } } dels.length = j; }); }; /** * @param {Array} dss * @return {DeleteSet} A fresh DeleteSet */ const mergeDeleteSets = dss => { const merged = new DeleteSet(); for (let dssI = 0; dssI < dss.length; dssI++) { dss[dssI].clients.forEach((delsLeft, client) => { if (!merged.clients.has(client)) { // Write all missing keys from current ds and all following. // If merged already contains `client` current ds has already been added. /** * @type {Array} */ const dels = delsLeft.slice(); for (let i = dssI + 1; i < dss.length; i++) { array__namespace.appendTo(dels, dss[i].clients.get(client) || []); } merged.clients.set(client, dels); } }); } sortAndMergeDeleteSet(merged); return merged }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {number} client * @param {number} clock * @param {number} length * * @private * @function */ const addToDeleteSet = (ds, client, clock, length) => { map__namespace.setIfUndefined(ds.clients, client, () => /** @type {Array} */ ([])).push(new DeleteItem(clock, length)); }; const createDeleteSet = () => new DeleteSet(); /** * @param {StructStore} ss * @return {DeleteSet} Merged and sorted DeleteSet * * @private * @function */ const createDeleteSetFromStructStore = ss => { const ds = createDeleteSet(); ss.clients.forEach((structs, client) => { /** * @type {Array} */ const dsitems = []; for (let i = 0; i < structs.length; i++) { const struct = structs[i]; if (struct.deleted) { const clock = struct.id.clock; let len = struct.length; if (i + 1 < structs.length) { for (let next = structs[i + 1]; i + 1 < structs.length && next.deleted; next = structs[++i + 1]) { len += next.length; } } dsitems.push(new DeleteItem(clock, len)); } } if (dsitems.length > 0) { ds.clients.set(client, dsitems); } }); return ds }; /** * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder * @param {DeleteSet} ds * * @private * @function */ const writeDeleteSet = (encoder, ds) => { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, ds.clients.size); // Ensure that the delete set is written in a deterministic order array__namespace.from(ds.clients.entries()) .sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) .forEach(([client, dsitems]) => { encoder.resetDsCurVal(); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, client); const len = dsitems.length; encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const item = dsitems[i]; encoder.writeDsClock(item.clock); encoder.writeDsLen(item.len); } }); }; /** * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder * @return {DeleteSet} * * @private * @function */ const readDeleteSet = decoder => { const ds = new DeleteSet(); const numClients = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < numClients; i++) { decoder.resetDsCurVal(); const client = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); const numberOfDeletes = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); if (numberOfDeletes > 0) { const dsField = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(ds.clients, client, () => /** @type {Array} */ ([])); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDeletes; i++) { dsField.push(new DeleteItem(decoder.readDsClock(), decoder.readDsLen())); } } } return ds }; /** * @todo YDecoder also contains references to String and other Decoders. Would make sense to exchange YDecoder.toUint8Array for YDecoder.DsToUint8Array().. */ /** * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @return {Uint8Array|null} Returns a v2 update containing all deletes that couldn't be applied yet; or null if all deletes were applied successfully. * * @private * @function */ const readAndApplyDeleteSet = (decoder, transaction, store) => { const unappliedDS = new DeleteSet(); const numClients = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < numClients; i++) { decoder.resetDsCurVal(); const client = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); const numberOfDeletes = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); const structs = store.clients.get(client) || []; const state = getState(store, client); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDeletes; i++) { const clock = decoder.readDsClock(); const clockEnd = clock + decoder.readDsLen(); if (clock < state) { if (state < clockEnd) { addToDeleteSet(unappliedDS, client, state, clockEnd - state); } let index = findIndexSS(structs, clock); /** * We can ignore the case of GC and Delete structs, because we are going to skip them * @type {Item} */ // @ts-ignore let struct = structs[index]; // split the first item if necessary if (!struct.deleted && struct.id.clock < clock) { structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clock - struct.id.clock)); index++; // increase we now want to use the next struct } while (index < structs.length) { // @ts-ignore struct = structs[index++]; if (struct.id.clock < clockEnd) { if (!struct.deleted) { if (clockEnd < struct.id.clock + struct.length) { structs.splice(index, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clockEnd - struct.id.clock)); } struct.delete(transaction); } } else { break } } } else { addToDeleteSet(unappliedDS, client, clock, clockEnd - clock); } } } if (unappliedDS.clients.size > 0) { const ds = new UpdateEncoderV2(); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(ds.restEncoder, 0); // encode 0 structs writeDeleteSet(ds, unappliedDS); return ds.toUint8Array() } return null }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds1 * @param {DeleteSet} ds2 */ const equalDeleteSets = (ds1, ds2) => { if (ds1.clients.size !== ds2.clients.size) return false for (const [client, deleteItems1] of ds1.clients.entries()) { const deleteItems2 = /** @type {Array} */ (ds2.clients.get(client)); if (deleteItems2 === undefined || deleteItems1.length !== deleteItems2.length) return false for (let i = 0; i < deleteItems1.length; i++) { const di1 = deleteItems1[i]; const di2 = deleteItems2[i]; if (di1.clock !== di2.clock || di1.len !== di2.len) { return false } } } return true }; /** * @module Y */ const generateNewClientId = random__namespace.uint32; /** * @typedef {Object} DocOpts * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.gc=true] Disable garbage collection (default: gc=true) * @property {function(Item):boolean} [DocOpts.gcFilter] Will be called before an Item is garbage collected. Return false to keep the Item. * @property {string} [DocOpts.guid] Define a globally unique identifier for this document * @property {string | null} [DocOpts.collectionid] Associate this document with a collection. This only plays a role if your provider has a concept of collection. * @property {any} [DocOpts.meta] Any kind of meta information you want to associate with this document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will store the meta information as well. * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.autoLoad] If a subdocument, automatically load document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will load the document as well automatically. * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.shouldLoad] Whether the document should be synced by the provider now. This is toggled to true when you call ydoc.load() */ /** * @typedef {Object} DocEvents * @property {function(Doc):void} DocEvents.destroy * @property {function(Doc):void} DocEvents.load * @property {function(boolean, Doc):void} DocEvents.sync * @property {function(Uint8Array, any, Doc, Transaction):void} DocEvents.update * @property {function(Uint8Array, any, Doc, Transaction):void} DocEvents.updateV2 * @property {function(Doc):void} DocEvents.beforeAllTransactions * @property {function(Transaction, Doc):void} DocEvents.beforeTransaction * @property {function(Transaction, Doc):void} DocEvents.beforeObserverCalls * @property {function(Transaction, Doc):void} DocEvents.afterTransaction * @property {function(Transaction, Doc):void} DocEvents.afterTransactionCleanup * @property {function(Doc, Array):void} DocEvents.afterAllTransactions * @property {function({ loaded: Set, added: Set, removed: Set }, Doc, Transaction):void} DocEvents.subdocs */ /** * A Yjs instance handles the state of shared data. * @extends ObservableV2 */ class Doc extends observable.ObservableV2 { /** * @param {DocOpts} opts configuration */ constructor ({ guid = random__namespace.uuidv4(), collectionid = null, gc = true, gcFilter = () => true, meta = null, autoLoad = false, shouldLoad = true } = {}) { super(); this.gc = gc; this.gcFilter = gcFilter; this.clientID = generateNewClientId(); this.guid = guid; this.collectionid = collectionid; /** * @type {Map>>} */ this.share = new Map(); this.store = new StructStore(); /** * @type {Transaction | null} */ this._transaction = null; /** * @type {Array} */ this._transactionCleanups = []; /** * @type {Set} */ this.subdocs = new Set(); /** * If this document is a subdocument - a document integrated into another document - then _item is defined. * @type {Item?} */ this._item = null; this.shouldLoad = shouldLoad; this.autoLoad = autoLoad; this.meta = meta; /** * This is set to true when the persistence provider loaded the document from the database or when the `sync` event fires. * Note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire the `load` event when the doc content is loaded from the database. * * @type {boolean} */ this.isLoaded = false; /** * This is set to true when the connection provider has successfully synced with a backend. * Note that when using peer-to-peer providers this event may not provide very useful. * Also note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire * the `sync` event when the doc has been synced (with `true` as a parameter) or if connection is * lost (with false as a parameter). */ this.isSynced = false; this.isDestroyed = false; /** * Promise that resolves once the document has been loaded from a presistence provider. */ this.whenLoaded = promise__namespace.create(resolve => { this.on('load', () => { this.isLoaded = true; resolve(this); }); }); const provideSyncedPromise = () => promise__namespace.create(resolve => { /** * @param {boolean} isSynced */ const eventHandler = (isSynced) => { if (isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true) { this.off('sync', eventHandler); resolve(); } }; this.on('sync', eventHandler); }); this.on('sync', isSynced => { if (isSynced === false && this.isSynced) { this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise(); } this.isSynced = isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true; if (this.isSynced && !this.isLoaded) { this.emit('load', [this]); } }); /** * Promise that resolves once the document has been synced with a backend. * This promise is recreated when the connection is lost. * Note the documentation about the `isSynced` property. */ this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise(); } /** * Notify the parent document that you request to load data into this subdocument (if it is a subdocument). * * `load()` might be used in the future to request any provider to load the most current data. * * It is safe to call `load()` multiple times. */ load () { const item = this._item; if (item !== null && !this.shouldLoad) { transact(/** @type {any} */ (item.parent).doc, transaction => { transaction.subdocsLoaded.add(this); }, null, true); } this.shouldLoad = true; } getSubdocs () { return this.subdocs } getSubdocGuids () { return new Set(array__namespace.from(this.subdocs).map(doc => doc.guid)) } /** * Changes that happen inside of a transaction are bundled. This means that * the observer fires _after_ the transaction is finished and that all changes * that happened inside of the transaction are sent as one message to the * other peers. * * @template T * @param {function(Transaction):T} f The function that should be executed as a transaction * @param {any} [origin] Origin of who started the transaction. Will be stored on transaction.origin * @return T * * @public */ transact (f, origin = null) { return transact(this, f, origin) } /** * Define a shared data type. * * Multiple calls of `ydoc.get(name, TypeConstructor)` yield the same result * and do not overwrite each other. I.e. * `ydoc.get(name, Y.Array) === ydoc.get(name, Y.Array)` * * After this method is called, the type is also available on `ydoc.share.get(name)`. * * *Best Practices:* * Define all types right after the Y.Doc instance is created and store them in a separate object. * Also use the typed methods `getText(name)`, `getArray(name)`, .. * * @template {typeof AbstractType} Type * @example * const ydoc = new Y.Doc(..) * const appState = { * document: ydoc.getText('document') * comments: ydoc.getArray('comments') * } * * @param {string} name * @param {Type} TypeConstructor The constructor of the type definition. E.g. Y.Text, Y.Array, Y.Map, ... * @return {InstanceType} The created type. Constructed with TypeConstructor * * @public */ get (name, TypeConstructor = /** @type {any} */ (AbstractType)) { const type = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(this.share, name, () => { // @ts-ignore const t = new TypeConstructor(); t._integrate(this, null); return t }); const Constr = type.constructor; if (TypeConstructor !== AbstractType && Constr !== TypeConstructor) { if (Constr === AbstractType) { // @ts-ignore const t = new TypeConstructor(); t._map = type._map; type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item?} n */ n => { for (; n !== null; n = n.left) { // @ts-ignore n.parent = t; } }); t._start = type._start; for (let n = t._start; n !== null; n = n.right) { n.parent = t; } t._length = type._length; this.share.set(name, t); t._integrate(this, null); return /** @type {InstanceType} */ (t) } else { throw new Error(`Type with the name ${name} has already been defined with a different constructor`) } } return /** @type {InstanceType} */ (type) } /** * @template T * @param {string} [name] * @return {YArray} * * @public */ getArray (name = '') { return /** @type {YArray} */ (this.get(name, YArray)) } /** * @param {string} [name] * @return {YText} * * @public */ getText (name = '') { return this.get(name, YText) } /** * @template T * @param {string} [name] * @return {YMap} * * @public */ getMap (name = '') { return /** @type {YMap} */ (this.get(name, YMap)) } /** * @param {string} [name] * @return {YXmlElement} * * @public */ getXmlElement (name = '') { return /** @type {YXmlElement<{[key:string]:string}>} */ (this.get(name, YXmlElement)) } /** * @param {string} [name] * @return {YXmlFragment} * * @public */ getXmlFragment (name = '') { return this.get(name, YXmlFragment) } /** * Converts the entire document into a js object, recursively traversing each yjs type * Doesn't log types that have not been defined (using ydoc.getType(..)). * * @deprecated Do not use this method and rather call toJSON directly on the shared types. * * @return {Object} */ toJSON () { /** * @type {Object} */ const doc = {}; this.share.forEach((value, key) => { doc[key] = value.toJSON(); }); return doc } /** * Emit `destroy` event and unregister all event handlers. */ destroy () { this.isDestroyed = true; array__namespace.from(this.subdocs).forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy()); const item = this._item; if (item !== null) { this._item = null; const content = /** @type {ContentDoc} */ (item.content); content.doc = new Doc({ guid: this.guid, ...content.opts, shouldLoad: false }); content.doc._item = item; transact(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent.doc, transaction => { const doc = content.doc; if (!item.deleted) { transaction.subdocsAdded.add(doc); } transaction.subdocsRemoved.add(this); }, null, true); } // @ts-ignore this.emit('destroyed', [true]); // DEPRECATED! this.emit('destroy', [this]); super.destroy(); } } class DSDecoderV1 { /** * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder */ constructor (decoder) { this.restDecoder = decoder; } resetDsCurVal () { // nop } /** * @return {number} */ readDsClock () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {number} */ readDsLen () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) } } class UpdateDecoderV1 extends DSDecoderV1 { /** * @return {ID} */ readLeftID () { return createID(decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder), decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder)) } /** * @return {ID} */ readRightID () { return createID(decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder), decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder)) } /** * Read the next client id. * Use this in favor of readID whenever possible to reduce the number of objects created. */ readClient () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ readInfo () { return decoding__namespace.readUint8(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {string} */ readString () { return decoding__namespace.readVarString(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {boolean} isKey */ readParentInfo () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) === 1 } /** * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ readTypeRef () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) } /** * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder. * * @return {number} len */ readLen () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {any} */ readAny () { return decoding__namespace.readAny(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {Uint8Array} */ readBuf () { return buffer__namespace.copyUint8Array(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(this.restDecoder)) } /** * Legacy implementation uses JSON parse. We use any-decoding in v2. * * @return {any} */ readJSON () { return JSON.parse(decoding__namespace.readVarString(this.restDecoder)) } /** * @return {string} */ readKey () { return decoding__namespace.readVarString(this.restDecoder) } } class DSDecoderV2 { /** * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder */ constructor (decoder) { /** * @private */ this.dsCurrVal = 0; this.restDecoder = decoder; } resetDsCurVal () { this.dsCurrVal = 0; } /** * @return {number} */ readDsClock () { this.dsCurrVal += decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder); return this.dsCurrVal } /** * @return {number} */ readDsLen () { const diff = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(this.restDecoder) + 1; this.dsCurrVal += diff; return diff } } class UpdateDecoderV2 extends DSDecoderV2 { /** * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder */ constructor (decoder) { super(decoder); /** * List of cached keys. If the keys[id] does not exist, we read a new key * from stringEncoder and push it to keys. * * @type {Array} */ this.keys = []; decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder); // read feature flag - currently unused this.keyClockDecoder = new decoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.clientDecoder = new decoding__namespace.UintOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.leftClockDecoder = new decoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.rightClockDecoder = new decoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.infoDecoder = new decoding__namespace.RleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder), decoding__namespace.readUint8); this.stringDecoder = new decoding__namespace.StringDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.parentInfoDecoder = new decoding__namespace.RleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder), decoding__namespace.readUint8); this.typeRefDecoder = new decoding__namespace.UintOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); this.lenDecoder = new decoding__namespace.UintOptRleDecoder(decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(decoder)); } /** * @return {ID} */ readLeftID () { return new ID(this.clientDecoder.read(), this.leftClockDecoder.read()) } /** * @return {ID} */ readRightID () { return new ID(this.clientDecoder.read(), this.rightClockDecoder.read()) } /** * Read the next client id. * Use this in favor of readID whenever possible to reduce the number of objects created. */ readClient () { return this.clientDecoder.read() } /** * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ readInfo () { return /** @type {number} */ (this.infoDecoder.read()) } /** * @return {string} */ readString () { return this.stringDecoder.read() } /** * @return {boolean} */ readParentInfo () { return this.parentInfoDecoder.read() === 1 } /** * @return {number} An unsigned 8-bit integer */ readTypeRef () { return this.typeRefDecoder.read() } /** * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder. * * @return {number} */ readLen () { return this.lenDecoder.read() } /** * @return {any} */ readAny () { return decoding__namespace.readAny(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {Uint8Array} */ readBuf () { return decoding__namespace.readVarUint8Array(this.restDecoder) } /** * This is mainly here for legacy purposes. * * Initial we incoded objects using JSON. Now we use the much faster lib0/any-encoder. This method mainly exists for legacy purposes for the v1 encoder. * * @return {any} */ readJSON () { return decoding__namespace.readAny(this.restDecoder) } /** * @return {string} */ readKey () { const keyClock = this.keyClockDecoder.read(); if (keyClock < this.keys.length) { return this.keys[keyClock] } else { const key = this.stringDecoder.read(); this.keys.push(key); return key } } } class DSEncoderV1 { constructor () { this.restEncoder = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); } toUint8Array () { return encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(this.restEncoder) } resetDsCurVal () { // nop } /** * @param {number} clock */ writeDsClock (clock) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, clock); } /** * @param {number} len */ writeDsLen (len) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len); } } class UpdateEncoderV1 extends DSEncoderV1 { /** * @param {ID} id */ writeLeftID (id) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock); } /** * @param {ID} id */ writeRightID (id) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock); } /** * Use writeClient and writeClock instead of writeID if possible. * @param {number} client */ writeClient (client) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, client); } /** * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ writeInfo (info) { encoding__namespace.writeUint8(this.restEncoder, info); } /** * @param {string} s */ writeString (s) { encoding__namespace.writeVarString(this.restEncoder, s); } /** * @param {boolean} isYKey */ writeParentInfo (isYKey) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, isYKey ? 1 : 0); } /** * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ writeTypeRef (info) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, info); } /** * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder. * * @param {number} len */ writeLen (len) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len); } /** * @param {any} any */ writeAny (any) { encoding__namespace.writeAny(this.restEncoder, any); } /** * @param {Uint8Array} buf */ writeBuf (buf) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf); } /** * @param {any} embed */ writeJSON (embed) { encoding__namespace.writeVarString(this.restEncoder, JSON.stringify(embed)); } /** * @param {string} key */ writeKey (key) { encoding__namespace.writeVarString(this.restEncoder, key); } } class DSEncoderV2 { constructor () { this.restEncoder = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); // encodes all the rest / non-optimized this.dsCurrVal = 0; } toUint8Array () { return encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(this.restEncoder) } resetDsCurVal () { this.dsCurrVal = 0; } /** * @param {number} clock */ writeDsClock (clock) { const diff = clock - this.dsCurrVal; this.dsCurrVal = clock; encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, diff); } /** * @param {number} len */ writeDsLen (len) { if (len === 0) { error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len - 1); this.dsCurrVal += len; } } class UpdateEncoderV2 extends DSEncoderV2 { constructor () { super(); /** * @type {Map} */ this.keyMap = new Map(); /** * Refers to the next uniqe key-identifier to me used. * See writeKey method for more information. * * @type {number} */ this.keyClock = 0; this.keyClockEncoder = new encoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleEncoder(); this.clientEncoder = new encoding__namespace.UintOptRleEncoder(); this.leftClockEncoder = new encoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleEncoder(); this.rightClockEncoder = new encoding__namespace.IntDiffOptRleEncoder(); this.infoEncoder = new encoding__namespace.RleEncoder(encoding__namespace.writeUint8); this.stringEncoder = new encoding__namespace.StringEncoder(); this.parentInfoEncoder = new encoding__namespace.RleEncoder(encoding__namespace.writeUint8); this.typeRefEncoder = new encoding__namespace.UintOptRleEncoder(); this.lenEncoder = new encoding__namespace.UintOptRleEncoder(); } toUint8Array () { const encoder = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder, 0); // this is a feature flag that we might use in the future encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.keyClockEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.clientEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.leftClockEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.rightClockEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(this.infoEncoder)); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.stringEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(this.parentInfoEncoder)); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.typeRefEncoder.toUint8Array()); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.lenEncoder.toUint8Array()); // @note The rest encoder is appended! (note the missing var) encoding__namespace.writeUint8Array(encoder, encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(this.restEncoder)); return encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(encoder) } /** * @param {ID} id */ writeLeftID (id) { this.clientEncoder.write(id.client); this.leftClockEncoder.write(id.clock); } /** * @param {ID} id */ writeRightID (id) { this.clientEncoder.write(id.client); this.rightClockEncoder.write(id.clock); } /** * @param {number} client */ writeClient (client) { this.clientEncoder.write(client); } /** * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ writeInfo (info) { this.infoEncoder.write(info); } /** * @param {string} s */ writeString (s) { this.stringEncoder.write(s); } /** * @param {boolean} isYKey */ writeParentInfo (isYKey) { this.parentInfoEncoder.write(isYKey ? 1 : 0); } /** * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer */ writeTypeRef (info) { this.typeRefEncoder.write(info); } /** * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder. * * @param {number} len */ writeLen (len) { this.lenEncoder.write(len); } /** * @param {any} any */ writeAny (any) { encoding__namespace.writeAny(this.restEncoder, any); } /** * @param {Uint8Array} buf */ writeBuf (buf) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf); } /** * This is mainly here for legacy purposes. * * Initial we incoded objects using JSON. Now we use the much faster lib0/any-encoder. This method mainly exists for legacy purposes for the v1 encoder. * * @param {any} embed */ writeJSON (embed) { encoding__namespace.writeAny(this.restEncoder, embed); } /** * Property keys are often reused. For example, in y-prosemirror the key `bold` might * occur very often. For a 3d application, the key `position` might occur very often. * * We cache these keys in a Map and refer to them via a unique number. * * @param {string} key */ writeKey (key) { const clock = this.keyMap.get(key); if (clock === undefined) { /** * @todo uncomment to introduce this feature finally * * Background. The ContentFormat object was always encoded using writeKey, but the decoder used to use readString. * Furthermore, I forgot to set the keyclock. So everything was working fine. * * However, this feature here is basically useless as it is not being used (it actually only consumes extra memory). * * I don't know yet how to reintroduce this feature.. * * Older clients won't be able to read updates when we reintroduce this feature. So this should probably be done using a flag. * */ // this.keyMap.set(key, this.keyClock) this.keyClockEncoder.write(this.keyClock++); this.stringEncoder.write(key); } else { this.keyClockEncoder.write(clock); } } } /** * @module encoding */ /* * We use the first five bits in the info flag for determining the type of the struct. * * 0: GC * 1: Item with Deleted content * 2: Item with JSON content * 3: Item with Binary content * 4: Item with String content * 5: Item with Embed content (for richtext content) * 6: Item with Format content (a formatting marker for richtext content) * 7: Item with Type */ /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Array} structs All structs by `client` * @param {number} client * @param {number} clock write structs starting with `ID(client,clock)` * * @function */ const writeStructs = (encoder, structs, client, clock) => { // write first id clock = math__namespace.max(clock, structs[0].id.clock); // make sure the first id exists const startNewStructs = findIndexSS(structs, clock); // write # encoded structs encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, structs.length - startNewStructs); encoder.writeClient(client); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, clock); const firstStruct = structs[startNewStructs]; // write first struct with an offset firstStruct.write(encoder, clock - firstStruct.id.clock); for (let i = startNewStructs + 1; i < structs.length; i++) { structs[i].write(encoder, 0); } }; /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {StructStore} store * @param {Map} _sm * * @private * @function */ const writeClientsStructs = (encoder, store, _sm) => { // we filter all valid _sm entries into sm const sm = new Map(); _sm.forEach((clock, client) => { // only write if new structs are available if (getState(store, client) > clock) { sm.set(client, clock); } }); getStateVector(store).forEach((_clock, client) => { if (!_sm.has(client)) { sm.set(client, 0); } }); // write # states that were updated encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, sm.size); // Write items with higher client ids first // This heavily improves the conflict algorithm. array__namespace.from(sm.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]).forEach(([client, clock]) => { writeStructs(encoder, /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(client)), client, clock); }); }; /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder The decoder object to read data from. * @param {Doc} doc * @return {Map }>} * * @private * @function */ const readClientsStructRefs = (decoder, doc) => { /** * @type {Map }>} */ const clientRefs = map__namespace.create(); const numOfStateUpdates = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < numOfStateUpdates; i++) { const numberOfStructs = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); /** * @type {Array} */ const refs = new Array(numberOfStructs); const client = decoder.readClient(); let clock = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); // const start = performance.now() clientRefs.set(client, { i: 0, refs }); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfStructs; i++) { const info = decoder.readInfo(); switch (binary__namespace.BITS5 & info) { case 0: { // GC const len = decoder.readLen(); refs[i] = new GC(createID(client, clock), len); clock += len; break } case 10: { // Skip Struct (nothing to apply) // @todo we could reduce the amount of checks by adding Skip struct to clientRefs so we know that something is missing. const len = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); refs[i] = new Skip(createID(client, clock), len); clock += len; break } default: { // Item with content /** * The optimized implementation doesn't use any variables because inlining variables is faster. * Below a non-optimized version is shown that implements the basic algorithm with * a few comments */ const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (binary__namespace.BIT7 | binary__namespace.BIT8)) === 0; // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y` // and we read the next string as parentYKey. // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share` // @type {string|null} const struct = new Item( createID(client, clock), null, // left (info & binary__namespace.BIT8) === binary__namespace.BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null, // origin null, // right (info & binary__namespace.BIT7) === binary__namespace.BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null, // right origin cantCopyParentInfo ? (decoder.readParentInfo() ? doc.get(decoder.readString()) : decoder.readLeftID()) : null, // parent cantCopyParentInfo && (info & binary__namespace.BIT6) === binary__namespace.BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content ); /* A non-optimized implementation of the above algorithm: // The item that was originally to the left of this item. const origin = (info & binary.BIT8) === binary.BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null // The item that was originally to the right of this item. const rightOrigin = (info & binary.BIT7) === binary.BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (binary.BIT7 | binary.BIT8)) === 0 const hasParentYKey = cantCopyParentInfo ? decoder.readParentInfo() : false // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y` // and we read the next string as parentYKey. // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share` // @type {string|null} const parentYKey = cantCopyParentInfo && hasParentYKey ? decoder.readString() : null const struct = new Item( createID(client, clock), null, // left origin, // origin null, // right rightOrigin, // right origin cantCopyParentInfo && !hasParentYKey ? decoder.readLeftID() : (parentYKey !== null ? doc.get(parentYKey) : null), // parent cantCopyParentInfo && (info & binary.BIT6) === binary.BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content ) */ refs[i] = struct; clock += struct.length; } } } // console.log('time to read: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove } return clientRefs }; /** * Resume computing structs generated by struct readers. * * While there is something to do, we integrate structs in this order * 1. top element on stack, if stack is not empty * 2. next element from current struct reader (if empty, use next struct reader) * * If struct causally depends on another struct (ref.missing), we put next reader of * `ref.id.client` on top of stack. * * At some point we find a struct that has no causal dependencies, * then we start emptying the stack. * * It is not possible to have circles: i.e. struct1 (from client1) depends on struct2 (from client2) * depends on struct3 (from client1). Therefore the max stack size is eqaul to `structReaders.length`. * * This method is implemented in a way so that we can resume computation if this update * causally depends on another update. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @param {Map} clientsStructRefs * @return { null | { update: Uint8Array, missing: Map } } * * @private * @function */ const integrateStructs = (transaction, store, clientsStructRefs) => { /** * @type {Array} */ const stack = []; // sort them so that we take the higher id first, in case of conflicts the lower id will probably not conflict with the id from the higher user. let clientsStructRefsIds = array__namespace.from(clientsStructRefs.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b); if (clientsStructRefsIds.length === 0) { return null } const getNextStructTarget = () => { if (clientsStructRefsIds.length === 0) { return null } let nextStructsTarget = /** @type {{i:number,refs:Array}} */ (clientsStructRefs.get(clientsStructRefsIds[clientsStructRefsIds.length - 1])); while (nextStructsTarget.refs.length === nextStructsTarget.i) { clientsStructRefsIds.pop(); if (clientsStructRefsIds.length > 0) { nextStructsTarget = /** @type {{i:number,refs:Array}} */ (clientsStructRefs.get(clientsStructRefsIds[clientsStructRefsIds.length - 1])); } else { return null } } return nextStructsTarget }; let curStructsTarget = getNextStructTarget(); if (curStructsTarget === null) { return null } /** * @type {StructStore} */ const restStructs = new StructStore(); const missingSV = new Map(); /** * @param {number} client * @param {number} clock */ const updateMissingSv = (client, clock) => { const mclock = missingSV.get(client); if (mclock == null || mclock > clock) { missingSV.set(client, clock); } }; /** * @type {GC|Item} */ let stackHead = /** @type {any} */ (curStructsTarget).refs[/** @type {any} */ (curStructsTarget).i++]; // caching the state because it is used very often const state = new Map(); const addStackToRestSS = () => { for (const item of stack) { const client = item.id.client; const unapplicableItems = clientsStructRefs.get(client); if (unapplicableItems) { // decrement because we weren't able to apply previous operation unapplicableItems.i--; restStructs.clients.set(client, unapplicableItems.refs.slice(unapplicableItems.i)); clientsStructRefs.delete(client); unapplicableItems.i = 0; unapplicableItems.refs = []; } else { // item was the last item on clientsStructRefs and the field was already cleared. Add item to restStructs and continue restStructs.clients.set(client, [item]); } // remove client from clientsStructRefsIds to prevent users from applying the same update again clientsStructRefsIds = clientsStructRefsIds.filter(c => c !== client); } stack.length = 0; }; // iterate over all struct readers until we are done while (true) { if (stackHead.constructor !== Skip) { const localClock = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(state, stackHead.id.client, () => getState(store, stackHead.id.client)); const offset = localClock - stackHead.id.clock; if (offset < 0) { // update from the same client is missing stack.push(stackHead); updateMissingSv(stackHead.id.client, stackHead.id.clock - 1); // hid a dead wall, add all items from stack to restSS addStackToRestSS(); } else { const missing = stackHead.getMissing(transaction, store); if (missing !== null) { stack.push(stackHead); // get the struct reader that has the missing struct /** * @type {{ refs: Array, i: number }} */ const structRefs = clientsStructRefs.get(/** @type {number} */ (missing)) || { refs: [], i: 0 }; if (structRefs.refs.length === structRefs.i) { // This update message causally depends on another update message that doesn't exist yet updateMissingSv(/** @type {number} */ (missing), getState(store, missing)); addStackToRestSS(); } else { stackHead = structRefs.refs[structRefs.i++]; continue } } else if (offset === 0 || offset < stackHead.length) { // all fine, apply the stackhead stackHead.integrate(transaction, offset); state.set(stackHead.id.client, stackHead.id.clock + stackHead.length); } } } // iterate to next stackHead if (stack.length > 0) { stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (stack.pop()); } else if (curStructsTarget !== null && curStructsTarget.i < curStructsTarget.refs.length) { stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (curStructsTarget.refs[curStructsTarget.i++]); } else { curStructsTarget = getNextStructTarget(); if (curStructsTarget === null) { // we are done! break } else { stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (curStructsTarget.refs[curStructsTarget.i++]); } } } if (restStructs.clients.size > 0) { const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2(); writeClientsStructs(encoder, restStructs, new Map()); // write empty deleteset // writeDeleteSet(encoder, new DeleteSet()) encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0); // => no need for an extra function call, just write 0 deletes return { missing: missingSV, update: encoder.toUint8Array() } } return null }; /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Transaction} transaction * * @private * @function */ const writeStructsFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => writeClientsStructs(encoder, transaction.doc.store, transaction.beforeState); /** * Read and apply a document update. * * This function has the same effect as `applyUpdate` but accepts a decoder. * * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder * @param {Doc} ydoc * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))` * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} [structDecoder] * * @function */ const readUpdateV2 = (decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, structDecoder = new UpdateDecoderV2(decoder)) => transact(ydoc, transaction => { // force that transaction.local is set to non-local transaction.local = false; let retry = false; const doc = transaction.doc; const store = doc.store; // let start = performance.now() const ss = readClientsStructRefs(structDecoder, doc); // console.log('time to read structs: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove // start = performance.now() // console.log('time to merge: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove // start = performance.now() const restStructs = integrateStructs(transaction, store, ss); const pending = store.pendingStructs; if (pending) { // check if we can apply something for (const [client, clock] of pending.missing) { if (clock < getState(store, client)) { retry = true; break } } if (restStructs) { // merge restStructs into store.pending for (const [client, clock] of restStructs.missing) { const mclock = pending.missing.get(client); if (mclock == null || mclock > clock) { pending.missing.set(client, clock); } } pending.update = mergeUpdatesV2([pending.update, restStructs.update]); } } else { store.pendingStructs = restStructs; } // console.log('time to integrate: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove // start = performance.now() const dsRest = readAndApplyDeleteSet(structDecoder, transaction, store); if (store.pendingDs) { // @todo we could make a lower-bound state-vector check as we do above const pendingDSUpdate = new UpdateDecoderV2(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(store.pendingDs)); decoding__namespace.readVarUint(pendingDSUpdate.restDecoder); // read 0 structs, because we only encode deletes in pendingdsupdate const dsRest2 = readAndApplyDeleteSet(pendingDSUpdate, transaction, store); if (dsRest && dsRest2) { // case 1: ds1 != null && ds2 != null store.pendingDs = mergeUpdatesV2([dsRest, dsRest2]); } else { // case 2: ds1 != null // case 3: ds2 != null // case 4: ds1 == null && ds2 == null store.pendingDs = dsRest || dsRest2; } } else { // Either dsRest == null && pendingDs == null OR dsRest != null store.pendingDs = dsRest; } // console.log('time to cleanup: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove // start = performance.now() // console.log('time to resume delete readers: ', performance.now() - start) // @todo remove // start = performance.now() if (retry) { const update = /** @type {{update: Uint8Array}} */ (store.pendingStructs).update; store.pendingStructs = null; applyUpdateV2(transaction.doc, update); } }, transactionOrigin, false); /** * Read and apply a document update. * * This function has the same effect as `applyUpdate` but accepts a decoder. * * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder * @param {Doc} ydoc * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))` * * @function */ const readUpdate = (decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin) => readUpdateV2(decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, new UpdateDecoderV1(decoder)); /** * Apply a document update created by, for example, `y.on('update', update => ..)` or `update = encodeStateAsUpdate()`. * * This function has the same effect as `readUpdate` but accepts an Uint8Array instead of a Decoder. * * @param {Doc} ydoc * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))` * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder] * * @function */ const applyUpdateV2 = (ydoc, update, transactionOrigin, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { const decoder = decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update); readUpdateV2(decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, new YDecoder(decoder)); }; /** * Apply a document update created by, for example, `y.on('update', update => ..)` or `update = encodeStateAsUpdate()`. * * This function has the same effect as `readUpdate` but accepts an Uint8Array instead of a Decoder. * * @param {Doc} ydoc * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))` * * @function */ const applyUpdate = (ydoc, update, transactionOrigin) => applyUpdateV2(ydoc, update, transactionOrigin, UpdateDecoderV1); /** * Write all the document as a single update message. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetStateVector`) it will * only write the operations that are missing. * * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Doc} doc * @param {Map} [targetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs * * @function */ const writeStateAsUpdate = (encoder, doc, targetStateVector = new Map()) => { writeClientsStructs(encoder, doc.store, targetStateVector); writeDeleteSet(encoder, createDeleteSetFromStructStore(doc.store)); }; /** * Write all the document as a single update message that can be applied on the remote document. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetState`) it will * only write the operations that are missing. * * Use `writeStateAsUpdate` instead if you are working with lib0/encoding.js#Encoder * * @param {Doc} doc * @param {Uint8Array} [encodedTargetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} [encoder] * @return {Uint8Array} * * @function */ const encodeStateAsUpdateV2 = (doc, encodedTargetStateVector = new Uint8Array([0]), encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2()) => { const targetStateVector = decodeStateVector(encodedTargetStateVector); writeStateAsUpdate(encoder, doc, targetStateVector); const updates = [encoder.toUint8Array()]; // also add the pending updates (if there are any) if (doc.store.pendingDs) { updates.push(doc.store.pendingDs); } if (doc.store.pendingStructs) { updates.push(diffUpdateV2(doc.store.pendingStructs.update, encodedTargetStateVector)); } if (updates.length > 1) { if (encoder.constructor === UpdateEncoderV1) { return mergeUpdates(updates.map((update, i) => i === 0 ? update : convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1(update))) } else if (encoder.constructor === UpdateEncoderV2) { return mergeUpdatesV2(updates) } } return updates[0] }; /** * Write all the document as a single update message that can be applied on the remote document. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetState`) it will * only write the operations that are missing. * * Use `writeStateAsUpdate` instead if you are working with lib0/encoding.js#Encoder * * @param {Doc} doc * @param {Uint8Array} [encodedTargetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs * @return {Uint8Array} * * @function */ const encodeStateAsUpdate = (doc, encodedTargetStateVector) => encodeStateAsUpdateV2(doc, encodedTargetStateVector, new UpdateEncoderV1()); /** * Read state vector from Decoder and return as Map * * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder * @return {Map} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client. * * @function */ const readStateVector = decoder => { const ss = new Map(); const ssLength = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < ssLength; i++) { const client = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); const clock = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); ss.set(client, clock); } return ss }; /** * Read decodedState and return State as Map. * * @param {Uint8Array} decodedState * @return {Map} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client. * * @function */ // export const decodeStateVectorV2 = decodedState => readStateVector(new DSDecoderV2(decoding.createDecoder(decodedState))) /** * Read decodedState and return State as Map. * * @param {Uint8Array} decodedState * @return {Map} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client. * * @function */ const decodeStateVector = decodedState => readStateVector(new DSDecoderV1(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(decodedState))); /** * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Map} sv * @function */ const writeStateVector = (encoder, sv) => { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, sv.size); array__namespace.from(sv.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]).forEach(([client, clock]) => { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, client); // @todo use a special client decoder that is based on mapping encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, clock); }); return encoder }; /** * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Doc} doc * * @function */ const writeDocumentStateVector = (encoder, doc) => writeStateVector(encoder, getStateVector(doc.store)); /** * Encode State as Uint8Array. * * @param {Doc|Map} doc * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} [encoder] * @return {Uint8Array} * * @function */ const encodeStateVectorV2 = (doc, encoder = new DSEncoderV2()) => { if (doc instanceof Map) { writeStateVector(encoder, doc); } else { writeDocumentStateVector(encoder, doc); } return encoder.toUint8Array() }; /** * Encode State as Uint8Array. * * @param {Doc|Map} doc * @return {Uint8Array} * * @function */ const encodeStateVector = doc => encodeStateVectorV2(doc, new DSEncoderV1()); /** * General event handler implementation. * * @template ARG0, ARG1 * * @private */ class EventHandler { constructor () { /** * @type {Array} */ this.l = []; } } /** * @template ARG0,ARG1 * @returns {EventHandler} * * @private * @function */ const createEventHandler = () => new EventHandler(); /** * Adds an event listener that is called when * {@link EventHandler#callEventListeners} is called. * * @template ARG0,ARG1 * @param {EventHandler} eventHandler * @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler. * * @private * @function */ const addEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) => eventHandler.l.push(f); /** * Removes an event listener. * * @template ARG0,ARG1 * @param {EventHandler} eventHandler * @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler that was added with * {@link EventHandler#addEventListener} * * @private * @function */ const removeEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) => { const l = eventHandler.l; const len = l.length; eventHandler.l = l.filter(g => f !== g); if (len === eventHandler.l.length) { console.error('[yjs] Tried to remove event handler that doesn\'t exist.'); } }; /** * Call all event listeners that were added via * {@link EventHandler#addEventListener}. * * @template ARG0,ARG1 * @param {EventHandler} eventHandler * @param {ARG0} arg0 * @param {ARG1} arg1 * * @private * @function */ const callEventHandlerListeners = (eventHandler, arg0, arg1) => f__namespace.callAll(eventHandler.l, [arg0, arg1]); class ID { /** * @param {number} client client id * @param {number} clock unique per client id, continuous number */ constructor (client, clock) { /** * Client id * @type {number} */ this.client = client; /** * unique per client id, continuous number * @type {number} */ this.clock = clock; } } /** * @param {ID | null} a * @param {ID | null} b * @return {boolean} * * @function */ const compareIDs = (a, b) => a === b || (a !== null && b !== null && a.client === b.client && a.clock === b.clock); /** * @param {number} client * @param {number} clock * * @private * @function */ const createID = (client, clock) => new ID(client, clock); /** * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder * @param {ID} id * * @private * @function */ const writeID = (encoder, id) => { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder, id.client); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder, id.clock); }; /** * Read ID. * * If first varUint read is 0xFFFFFF a RootID is returned. * * Otherwise an ID is returned * * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder * @return {ID} * * @private * @function */ const readID = decoder => createID(decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder), decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder)); /** * The top types are mapped from y.share.get(keyname) => type. * `type` does not store any information about the `keyname`. * This function finds the correct `keyname` for `type` and throws otherwise. * * @param {AbstractType} type * @return {string} * * @private * @function */ const findRootTypeKey = type => { // @ts-ignore _y must be defined, otherwise unexpected case for (const [key, value] of type.doc.share.entries()) { if (value === type) { return key } } throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() }; /** * Check if `parent` is a parent of `child`. * * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {Item|null} child * @return {Boolean} Whether `parent` is a parent of `child`. * * @private * @function */ const isParentOf = (parent, child) => { while (child !== null) { if (child.parent === parent) { return true } child = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (child.parent)._item; } return false }; /** * Convenient helper to log type information. * * Do not use in productive systems as the output can be immense! * * @param {AbstractType} type */ const logType = type => { const res = []; let n = type._start; while (n) { res.push(n); n = n.right; } console.log('Children: ', res); console.log('Children content: ', res.filter(m => !m.deleted).map(m => m.content)); }; class PermanentUserData { /** * @param {Doc} doc * @param {YMap} [storeType] */ constructor (doc, storeType = doc.getMap('users')) { /** * @type {Map} */ const dss = new Map(); this.yusers = storeType; this.doc = doc; /** * Maps from clientid to userDescription * * @type {Map} */ this.clients = new Map(); this.dss = dss; /** * @param {YMap} user * @param {string} userDescription */ const initUser = (user, userDescription) => { /** * @type {YArray} */ const ds = user.get('ds'); const ids = user.get('ids'); const addClientId = /** @param {number} clientid */ clientid => this.clients.set(clientid, userDescription); ds.observe(/** @param {YArrayEvent} event */ event => { event.changes.added.forEach(item => { item.content.getContent().forEach(encodedDs => { if (encodedDs instanceof Uint8Array) { this.dss.set(userDescription, mergeDeleteSets([this.dss.get(userDescription) || createDeleteSet(), readDeleteSet(new DSDecoderV1(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(encodedDs)))])); } }); }); }); this.dss.set(userDescription, mergeDeleteSets(ds.map(encodedDs => readDeleteSet(new DSDecoderV1(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(encodedDs)))))); ids.observe(/** @param {YArrayEvent} event */ event => event.changes.added.forEach(item => item.content.getContent().forEach(addClientId)) ); ids.forEach(addClientId); }; // observe users storeType.observe(event => { event.keysChanged.forEach(userDescription => initUser(storeType.get(userDescription), userDescription) ); }); // add intial data storeType.forEach(initUser); } /** * @param {Doc} doc * @param {number} clientid * @param {string} userDescription * @param {Object} conf * @param {function(Transaction, DeleteSet):boolean} [conf.filter] */ setUserMapping (doc, clientid, userDescription, { filter = () => true } = {}) { const users = this.yusers; let user = users.get(userDescription); if (!user) { user = new YMap(); user.set('ids', new YArray()); user.set('ds', new YArray()); users.set(userDescription, user); } user.get('ids').push([clientid]); users.observe(_event => { setTimeout(() => { const userOverwrite = users.get(userDescription); if (userOverwrite !== user) { // user was overwritten, port all data over to the next user object // @todo Experiment with Y.Sets here user = userOverwrite; // @todo iterate over old type this.clients.forEach((_userDescription, clientid) => { if (userDescription === _userDescription) { user.get('ids').push([clientid]); } }); const encoder = new DSEncoderV1(); const ds = this.dss.get(userDescription); if (ds) { writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds); user.get('ds').push([encoder.toUint8Array()]); } } }, 0); }); doc.on('afterTransaction', /** @param {Transaction} transaction */ transaction => { setTimeout(() => { const yds = user.get('ds'); const ds = transaction.deleteSet; if (transaction.local && ds.clients.size > 0 && filter(transaction, ds)) { const encoder = new DSEncoderV1(); writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds); yds.push([encoder.toUint8Array()]); } }); }); } /** * @param {number} clientid * @return {any} */ getUserByClientId (clientid) { return this.clients.get(clientid) || null } /** * @param {ID} id * @return {string | null} */ getUserByDeletedId (id) { for (const [userDescription, ds] of this.dss.entries()) { if (isDeleted(ds, id)) { return userDescription } } return null } } /** * A relative position is based on the Yjs model and is not affected by document changes. * E.g. If you place a relative position before a certain character, it will always point to this character. * If you place a relative position at the end of a type, it will always point to the end of the type. * * A numeric position is often unsuited for user selections, because it does not change when content is inserted * before or after. * * ```Insert(0, 'x')('a|bc') = 'xa|bc'``` Where | is the relative position. * * One of the properties must be defined. * * @example * // Current cursor position is at position 10 * const relativePosition = createRelativePositionFromIndex(yText, 10) * // modify yText * yText.insert(0, 'abc') * yText.delete(3, 10) * // Compute the cursor position * const absolutePosition = createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition(y, relativePosition) * absolutePosition.type === yText // => true * console.log('cursor location is ' + absolutePosition.index) // => cursor location is 3 * */ class RelativePosition { /** * @param {ID|null} type * @param {string|null} tname * @param {ID|null} item * @param {number} assoc */ constructor (type, tname, item, assoc = 0) { /** * @type {ID|null} */ this.type = type; /** * @type {string|null} */ this.tname = tname; /** * @type {ID | null} */ this.item = item; /** * A relative position is associated to a specific character. By default * assoc >= 0, the relative position is associated to the character * after the meant position. * I.e. position 1 in 'ab' is associated to character 'b'. * * If assoc < 0, then the relative position is associated to the caharacter * before the meant position. * * @type {number} */ this.assoc = assoc; } } /** * @param {RelativePosition} rpos * @return {any} */ const relativePositionToJSON = rpos => { const json = {}; if (rpos.type) { json.type = rpos.type; } if (rpos.tname) { json.tname = rpos.tname; } if (rpos.item) { json.item = rpos.item; } if (rpos.assoc != null) { json.assoc = rpos.assoc; } return json }; /** * @param {any} json * @return {RelativePosition} * * @function */ const createRelativePositionFromJSON = json => new RelativePosition(json.type == null ? null : createID(json.type.client, json.type.clock), json.tname ?? null, json.item == null ? null : createID(json.item.client, json.item.clock), json.assoc == null ? 0 : json.assoc); class AbsolutePosition { /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {number} index * @param {number} [assoc] */ constructor (type, index, assoc = 0) { /** * @type {AbstractType} */ this.type = type; /** * @type {number} */ this.index = index; this.assoc = assoc; } } /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {number} index * @param {number} [assoc] * * @function */ const createAbsolutePosition = (type, index, assoc = 0) => new AbsolutePosition(type, index, assoc); /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {ID|null} item * @param {number} [assoc] * * @function */ const createRelativePosition = (type, item, assoc) => { let typeid = null; let tname = null; if (type._item === null) { tname = findRootTypeKey(type); } else { typeid = createID(type._item.id.client, type._item.id.clock); } return new RelativePosition(typeid, tname, item, assoc) }; /** * Create a relativePosition based on a absolute position. * * @param {AbstractType} type The base type (e.g. YText or YArray). * @param {number} index The absolute position. * @param {number} [assoc] * @return {RelativePosition} * * @function */ const createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex = (type, index, assoc = 0) => { let t = type._start; if (assoc < 0) { // associated to the left character or the beginning of a type, increment index if possible. if (index === 0) { return createRelativePosition(type, null, assoc) } index--; } while (t !== null) { if (!t.deleted && t.countable) { if (t.length > index) { // case 1: found position somewhere in the linked list return createRelativePosition(type, createID(t.id.client, t.id.clock + index), assoc) } index -= t.length; } if (t.right === null && assoc < 0) { // left-associated position, return last available id return createRelativePosition(type, t.lastId, assoc) } t = t.right; } return createRelativePosition(type, null, assoc) }; /** * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder * @param {RelativePosition} rpos * * @function */ const writeRelativePosition = (encoder, rpos) => { const { type, tname, item, assoc } = rpos; if (item !== null) { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder, 0); writeID(encoder, item); } else if (tname !== null) { // case 2: found position at the end of the list and type is stored in y.share encoding__namespace.writeUint8(encoder, 1); encoding__namespace.writeVarString(encoder, tname); } else if (type !== null) { // case 3: found position at the end of the list and type is attached to an item encoding__namespace.writeUint8(encoder, 2); writeID(encoder, type); } else { throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() } encoding__namespace.writeVarInt(encoder, assoc); return encoder }; /** * @param {RelativePosition} rpos * @return {Uint8Array} */ const encodeRelativePosition = rpos => { const encoder = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); writeRelativePosition(encoder, rpos); return encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(encoder) }; /** * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder * @return {RelativePosition} * * @function */ const readRelativePosition = decoder => { let type = null; let tname = null; let itemID = null; switch (decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder)) { case 0: // case 1: found position somewhere in the linked list itemID = readID(decoder); break case 1: // case 2: found position at the end of the list and type is stored in y.share tname = decoding__namespace.readVarString(decoder); break case 2: { // case 3: found position at the end of the list and type is attached to an item type = readID(decoder); } } const assoc = decoding__namespace.hasContent(decoder) ? decoding__namespace.readVarInt(decoder) : 0; return new RelativePosition(type, tname, itemID, assoc) }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array * @return {RelativePosition} */ const decodeRelativePosition = uint8Array => readRelativePosition(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(uint8Array)); /** * Transform a relative position to an absolute position. * * If you want to share the relative position with other users, you should set * `followUndoneDeletions` to false to get consistent results across all clients. * * When calculating the absolute position, we try to follow the "undone deletions". This yields * better results for the user who performed undo. However, only the user who performed the undo * will get the better results, the other users don't know which operations recreated a deleted * range of content. There is more information in this ticket: https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/638 * * @param {RelativePosition} rpos * @param {Doc} doc * @param {boolean} followUndoneDeletions - whether to follow undone deletions - see https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/638 * @return {AbsolutePosition|null} * * @function */ const createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition = (rpos, doc, followUndoneDeletions = true) => { const store = doc.store; const rightID = rpos.item; const typeID = rpos.type; const tname = rpos.tname; const assoc = rpos.assoc; let type = null; let index = 0; if (rightID !== null) { if (getState(store, rightID.client) <= rightID.clock) { return null } const res = followUndoneDeletions ? followRedone(store, rightID) : { item: getItem(store, rightID), diff: 0 }; const right = res.item; if (!(right instanceof Item)) { return null } type = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (right.parent); if (type._item === null || !type._item.deleted) { index = (right.deleted || !right.countable) ? 0 : (res.diff + (assoc >= 0 ? 0 : 1)); // adjust position based on left association if necessary let n = right.left; while (n !== null) { if (!n.deleted && n.countable) { index += n.length; } n = n.left; } } } else { if (tname !== null) { type = doc.get(tname); } else if (typeID !== null) { if (getState(store, typeID.client) <= typeID.clock) { // type does not exist yet return null } const { item } = followUndoneDeletions ? followRedone(store, typeID) : { item: getItem(store, typeID) }; if (item instanceof Item && item.content instanceof ContentType) { type = item.content.type; } else { // struct is garbage collected return null } } else { throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() } if (assoc >= 0) { index = type._length; } else { index = 0; } } return createAbsolutePosition(type, index, rpos.assoc) }; /** * @param {RelativePosition|null} a * @param {RelativePosition|null} b * @return {boolean} * * @function */ const compareRelativePositions = (a, b) => a === b || ( a !== null && b !== null && a.tname === b.tname && compareIDs(a.item, b.item) && compareIDs(a.type, b.type) && a.assoc === b.assoc ); class Snapshot { /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {Map} sv state map */ constructor (ds, sv) { /** * @type {DeleteSet} */ this.ds = ds; /** * State Map * @type {Map} */ this.sv = sv; } } /** * @param {Snapshot} snap1 * @param {Snapshot} snap2 * @return {boolean} */ const equalSnapshots = (snap1, snap2) => { const ds1 = snap1.ds.clients; const ds2 = snap2.ds.clients; const sv1 = snap1.sv; const sv2 = snap2.sv; if (sv1.size !== sv2.size || ds1.size !== ds2.size) { return false } for (const [key, value] of sv1.entries()) { if (sv2.get(key) !== value) { return false } } for (const [client, dsitems1] of ds1.entries()) { const dsitems2 = ds2.get(client) || []; if (dsitems1.length !== dsitems2.length) { return false } for (let i = 0; i < dsitems1.length; i++) { const dsitem1 = dsitems1[i]; const dsitem2 = dsitems2[i]; if (dsitem1.clock !== dsitem2.clock || dsitem1.len !== dsitem2.len) { return false } } } return true }; /** * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} [encoder] * @return {Uint8Array} */ const encodeSnapshotV2 = (snapshot, encoder = new DSEncoderV2()) => { writeDeleteSet(encoder, snapshot.ds); writeStateVector(encoder, snapshot.sv); return encoder.toUint8Array() }; /** * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @return {Uint8Array} */ const encodeSnapshot = snapshot => encodeSnapshotV2(snapshot, new DSEncoderV1()); /** * @param {Uint8Array} buf * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} [decoder] * @return {Snapshot} */ const decodeSnapshotV2 = (buf, decoder = new DSDecoderV2(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(buf))) => { return new Snapshot(readDeleteSet(decoder), readStateVector(decoder)) }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} buf * @return {Snapshot} */ const decodeSnapshot = buf => decodeSnapshotV2(buf, new DSDecoderV1(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(buf))); /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {Map} sm * @return {Snapshot} */ const createSnapshot = (ds, sm) => new Snapshot(ds, sm); const emptySnapshot = createSnapshot(createDeleteSet(), new Map()); /** * @param {Doc} doc * @return {Snapshot} */ const snapshot = doc => createSnapshot(createDeleteSetFromStructStore(doc.store), getStateVector(doc.store)); /** * @param {Item} item * @param {Snapshot|undefined} snapshot * * @protected * @function */ const isVisible = (item, snapshot) => snapshot === undefined ? !item.deleted : snapshot.sv.has(item.id.client) && (snapshot.sv.get(item.id.client) || 0) > item.id.clock && !isDeleted(snapshot.ds, item.id); /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Snapshot} snapshot */ const splitSnapshotAffectedStructs = (transaction, snapshot) => { const meta = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(transaction.meta, splitSnapshotAffectedStructs, set__namespace.create); const store = transaction.doc.store; // check if we already split for this snapshot if (!meta.has(snapshot)) { snapshot.sv.forEach((clock, client) => { if (clock < getState(store, client)) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(client, clock)); } }); iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, snapshot.ds, _item => {}); meta.add(snapshot); } }; /** * @example * const ydoc = new Y.Doc({ gc: false }) * ydoc.getText().insert(0, 'world!') * const snapshot = Y.snapshot(ydoc) * ydoc.getText().insert(0, 'hello ') * const restored = Y.createDocFromSnapshot(ydoc, snapshot) * assert(restored.getText().toString() === 'world!') * * @param {Doc} originDoc * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @param {Doc} [newDoc] Optionally, you may define the Yjs document that receives the data from originDoc * @return {Doc} */ const createDocFromSnapshot = (originDoc, snapshot, newDoc = new Doc()) => { if (originDoc.gc) { // we should not try to restore a GC-ed document, because some of the restored items might have their content deleted throw new Error('Garbage-collection must be disabled in `originDoc`!') } const { sv, ds } = snapshot; const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2(); originDoc.transact(transaction => { let size = 0; sv.forEach(clock => { if (clock > 0) { size++; } }); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, size); // splitting the structs before writing them to the encoder for (const [client, clock] of sv) { if (clock === 0) { continue } if (clock < getState(originDoc.store, client)) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(client, clock)); } const structs = originDoc.store.clients.get(client) || []; const lastStructIndex = findIndexSS(structs, clock - 1); // write # encoded structs encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, lastStructIndex + 1); encoder.writeClient(client); // first clock written is 0 encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0); for (let i = 0; i <= lastStructIndex; i++) { structs[i].write(encoder, 0); } } writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds); }); applyUpdateV2(newDoc, encoder.toUint8Array(), 'snapshot'); return newDoc }; /** * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder] */ const snapshotContainsUpdateV2 = (snapshot, update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)); const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false); for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = lazyDecoder.next()) { if ((snapshot.sv.get(curr.id.client) || 0) < curr.id.clock + curr.length) { return false } } const mergedDS = mergeDeleteSets([snapshot.ds, readDeleteSet(updateDecoder)]); return equalDeleteSets(snapshot.ds, mergedDS) }; /** * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @param {Uint8Array} update */ const snapshotContainsUpdate = (snapshot, update) => snapshotContainsUpdateV2(snapshot, update, UpdateDecoderV1); class StructStore { constructor () { /** * @type {Map>} */ this.clients = new Map(); /** * @type {null | { missing: Map, update: Uint8Array }} */ this.pendingStructs = null; /** * @type {null | Uint8Array} */ this.pendingDs = null; } } /** * Return the states as a Map. * Note that clock refers to the next expected clock id. * * @param {StructStore} store * @return {Map} * * @public * @function */ const getStateVector = store => { const sm = new Map(); store.clients.forEach((structs, client) => { const struct = structs[structs.length - 1]; sm.set(client, struct.id.clock + struct.length); }); return sm }; /** * @param {StructStore} store * @param {number} client * @return {number} * * @public * @function */ const getState = (store, client) => { const structs = store.clients.get(client); if (structs === undefined) { return 0 } const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1]; return lastStruct.id.clock + lastStruct.length }; /** * @param {StructStore} store * @param {GC|Item} struct * * @private * @function */ const addStruct = (store, struct) => { let structs = store.clients.get(struct.id.client); if (structs === undefined) { structs = []; store.clients.set(struct.id.client, structs); } else { const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1]; if (lastStruct.id.clock + lastStruct.length !== struct.id.clock) { throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() } } structs.push(struct); }; /** * Perform a binary search on a sorted array * @param {Array} structs * @param {number} clock * @return {number} * * @private * @function */ const findIndexSS = (structs, clock) => { let left = 0; let right = structs.length - 1; let mid = structs[right]; let midclock = mid.id.clock; if (midclock === clock) { return right } // @todo does it even make sense to pivot the search? // If a good split misses, it might actually increase the time to find the correct item. // Currently, the only advantage is that search with pivoting might find the item on the first try. let midindex = math__namespace.floor((clock / (midclock + mid.length - 1)) * right); // pivoting the search while (left <= right) { mid = structs[midindex]; midclock = mid.id.clock; if (midclock <= clock) { if (clock < midclock + mid.length) { return midindex } left = midindex + 1; } else { right = midindex - 1; } midindex = math__namespace.floor((left + right) / 2); } // Always check state before looking for a struct in StructStore // Therefore the case of not finding a struct is unexpected throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() }; /** * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise. * * @param {StructStore} store * @param {ID} id * @return {GC|Item} * * @private * @function */ const find = (store, id) => { /** * @type {Array} */ // @ts-ignore const structs = store.clients.get(id.client); return structs[findIndexSS(structs, id.clock)] }; /** * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise. * @private * @function */ const getItem = /** @type {function(StructStore,ID):Item} */ (find); /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Array} structs * @param {number} clock */ const findIndexCleanStart = (transaction, structs, clock) => { const index = findIndexSS(structs, clock); const struct = structs[index]; if (struct.id.clock < clock && struct instanceof Item) { structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clock - struct.id.clock)); return index + 1 } return index }; /** * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {ID} id * @return {Item} * * @private * @function */ const getItemCleanStart = (transaction, id) => { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (transaction.doc.store.clients.get(id.client)); return structs[findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, id.clock)] }; /** * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @param {ID} id * @return {Item} * * @private * @function */ const getItemCleanEnd = (transaction, store, id) => { /** * @type {Array} */ // @ts-ignore const structs = store.clients.get(id.client); const index = findIndexSS(structs, id.clock); const struct = structs[index]; if (id.clock !== struct.id.clock + struct.length - 1 && struct.constructor !== GC) { structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, id.clock - struct.id.clock + 1)); } return struct }; /** * Replace `item` with `newitem` in store * @param {StructStore} store * @param {GC|Item} struct * @param {GC|Item} newStruct * * @private * @function */ const replaceStruct = (store, struct, newStruct) => { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(struct.id.client)); structs[findIndexSS(structs, struct.id.clock)] = newStruct; }; /** * Iterate over a range of structs * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Array} structs * @param {number} clockStart Inclusive start * @param {number} len * @param {function(GC|Item):void} f * * @function */ const iterateStructs = (transaction, structs, clockStart, len, f) => { if (len === 0) { return } const clockEnd = clockStart + len; let index = findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockStart); let struct; do { struct = structs[index++]; if (clockEnd < struct.id.clock + struct.length) { findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockEnd); } f(struct); } while (index < structs.length && structs[index].id.clock < clockEnd) }; /** * A transaction is created for every change on the Yjs model. It is possible * to bundle changes on the Yjs model in a single transaction to * minimize the number on messages sent and the number of observer calls. * If possible the user of this library should bundle as many changes as * possible. Here is an example to illustrate the advantages of bundling: * * @example * const ydoc = new Y.Doc() * const map = ydoc.getMap('map') * // Log content when change is triggered * map.observe(() => { * console.log('change triggered') * }) * // Each change on the map type triggers a log message: * map.set('a', 0) // => "change triggered" * map.set('b', 0) // => "change triggered" * // When put in a transaction, it will trigger the log after the transaction: * ydoc.transact(() => { * map.set('a', 1) * map.set('b', 1) * }) // => "change triggered" * * @public */ class Transaction { /** * @param {Doc} doc * @param {any} origin * @param {boolean} local */ constructor (doc, origin, local) { /** * The Yjs instance. * @type {Doc} */ this.doc = doc; /** * Describes the set of deleted items by ids * @type {DeleteSet} */ this.deleteSet = new DeleteSet(); /** * Holds the state before the transaction started. * @type {Map} */ this.beforeState = getStateVector(doc.store); /** * Holds the state after the transaction. * @type {Map} */ this.afterState = new Map(); /** * All types that were directly modified (property added or child * inserted/deleted). New types are not included in this Set. * Maps from type to parentSubs (`item.parentSub = null` for YArray) * @type {Map>,Set>} */ this.changed = new Map(); /** * Stores the events for the types that observe also child elements. * It is mainly used by `observeDeep`. * @type {Map>,Array>>} */ this.changedParentTypes = new Map(); /** * @type {Array} */ this._mergeStructs = []; /** * @type {any} */ this.origin = origin; /** * Stores meta information on the transaction * @type {Map} */ this.meta = new Map(); /** * Whether this change originates from this doc. * @type {boolean} */ this.local = local; /** * @type {Set} */ this.subdocsAdded = new Set(); /** * @type {Set} */ this.subdocsRemoved = new Set(); /** * @type {Set} */ this.subdocsLoaded = new Set(); /** * @type {boolean} */ this._needFormattingCleanup = false; } } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {Transaction} transaction * @return {boolean} Whether data was written. */ const writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => { if (transaction.deleteSet.clients.size === 0 && !map__namespace.any(transaction.afterState, (clock, client) => transaction.beforeState.get(client) !== clock)) { return false } sortAndMergeDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet); writeStructsFromTransaction(encoder, transaction); writeDeleteSet(encoder, transaction.deleteSet); return true }; /** * If `type.parent` was added in current transaction, `type` technically * did not change, it was just added and we should not fire events for `type`. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType>} type * @param {string|null} parentSub */ const addChangedTypeToTransaction = (transaction, type, parentSub) => { const item = type._item; if (item === null || (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0) && !item.deleted)) { map__namespace.setIfUndefined(transaction.changed, type, set__namespace.create).add(parentSub); } }; /** * @param {Array} structs * @param {number} pos * @return {number} # of merged structs */ const tryToMergeWithLefts = (structs, pos) => { let right = structs[pos]; let left = structs[pos - 1]; let i = pos; for (; i > 0; right = left, left = structs[--i - 1]) { if (left.deleted === right.deleted && left.constructor === right.constructor) { if (left.mergeWith(right)) { if (right instanceof Item && right.parentSub !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (right.parent)._map.get(right.parentSub) === right) { /** @type {AbstractType} */ (right.parent)._map.set(right.parentSub, /** @type {Item} */ (left)); } continue } } break } const merged = pos - i; if (merged) { // remove all merged structs from the array structs.splice(pos + 1 - merged, merged); } return merged }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {StructStore} store * @param {function(Item):boolean} gcFilter */ const tryGcDeleteSet = (ds, store, gcFilter) => { for (const [client, deleteItems] of ds.clients.entries()) { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(client)); for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) { const deleteItem = deleteItems[di]; const endDeleteItemClock = deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len; for ( let si = findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock), struct = structs[si]; si < structs.length && struct.id.clock < endDeleteItemClock; struct = structs[++si] ) { const struct = structs[si]; if (deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len <= struct.id.clock) { break } if (struct instanceof Item && struct.deleted && !struct.keep && gcFilter(struct)) { struct.gc(store, false); } } } } }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {StructStore} store */ const tryMergeDeleteSet = (ds, store) => { // try to merge deleted / gc'd items // merge from right to left for better efficiency and so we don't miss any merge targets ds.clients.forEach((deleteItems, client) => { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(client)); for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) { const deleteItem = deleteItems[di]; // start with merging the item next to the last deleted item const mostRightIndexToCheck = math__namespace.min(structs.length - 1, 1 + findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len - 1)); for ( let si = mostRightIndexToCheck, struct = structs[si]; si > 0 && struct.id.clock >= deleteItem.clock; struct = structs[si] ) { si -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, si); } } }); }; /** * @param {DeleteSet} ds * @param {StructStore} store * @param {function(Item):boolean} gcFilter */ const tryGc = (ds, store, gcFilter) => { tryGcDeleteSet(ds, store, gcFilter); tryMergeDeleteSet(ds, store); }; /** * @param {Array} transactionCleanups * @param {number} i */ const cleanupTransactions = (transactionCleanups, i) => { if (i < transactionCleanups.length) { const transaction = transactionCleanups[i]; const doc = transaction.doc; const store = doc.store; const ds = transaction.deleteSet; const mergeStructs = transaction._mergeStructs; try { sortAndMergeDeleteSet(ds); transaction.afterState = getStateVector(transaction.doc.store); doc.emit('beforeObserverCalls', [transaction, doc]); /** * An array of event callbacks. * * Each callback is called even if the other ones throw errors. * * @type {Array} */ const fs = []; // observe events on changed types transaction.changed.forEach((subs, itemtype) => fs.push(() => { if (itemtype._item === null || !itemtype._item.deleted) { itemtype._callObserver(transaction, subs); } }) ); fs.push(() => { // deep observe events transaction.changedParentTypes.forEach((events, type) => { // We need to think about the possibility that the user transforms the // Y.Doc in the event. if (type._dEH.l.length > 0 && (type._item === null || !type._item.deleted)) { events = events .filter(event => event.target._item === null || !event.target._item.deleted ); events .forEach(event => { event.currentTarget = type; // path is relative to the current target event._path = null; }); // sort events by path length so that top-level events are fired first. events .sort((event1, event2) => event1.path.length - event2.path.length); // We don't need to check for events.length // because we know it has at least one element callEventHandlerListeners(type._dEH, events, transaction); } }); }); fs.push(() => doc.emit('afterTransaction', [transaction, doc])); f.callAll(fs, []); if (transaction._needFormattingCleanup) { cleanupYTextAfterTransaction(transaction); } } finally { // Replace deleted items with ItemDeleted / GC. // This is where content is actually remove from the Yjs Doc. if (doc.gc) { tryGcDeleteSet(ds, store, doc.gcFilter); } tryMergeDeleteSet(ds, store); // on all affected store.clients props, try to merge transaction.afterState.forEach((clock, client) => { const beforeClock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0; if (beforeClock !== clock) { const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(client)); // we iterate from right to left so we can safely remove entries const firstChangePos = math__namespace.max(findIndexSS(structs, beforeClock), 1); for (let i = structs.length - 1; i >= firstChangePos;) { i -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, i); } } }); // try to merge mergeStructs // @todo: it makes more sense to transform mergeStructs to a DS, sort it, and merge from right to left // but at the moment DS does not handle duplicates for (let i = mergeStructs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const { client, clock } = mergeStructs[i].id; const structs = /** @type {Array} */ (store.clients.get(client)); const replacedStructPos = findIndexSS(structs, clock); if (replacedStructPos + 1 < structs.length) { if (tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos + 1) > 1) { continue // no need to perform next check, both are already merged } } if (replacedStructPos > 0) { tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos); } } if (!transaction.local && transaction.afterState.get(doc.clientID) !== transaction.beforeState.get(doc.clientID)) { logging__namespace.print(logging__namespace.ORANGE, logging__namespace.BOLD, '[yjs] ', logging__namespace.UNBOLD, logging__namespace.RED, 'Changed the client-id because another client seems to be using it.'); doc.clientID = generateNewClientId(); } // @todo Merge all the transactions into one and provide send the data as a single update message doc.emit('afterTransactionCleanup', [transaction, doc]); if (doc._observers.has('update')) { const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV1(); const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction); if (hasContent) { doc.emit('update', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]); } } if (doc._observers.has('updateV2')) { const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2(); const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction); if (hasContent) { doc.emit('updateV2', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]); } } const { subdocsAdded, subdocsLoaded, subdocsRemoved } = transaction; if (subdocsAdded.size > 0 || subdocsRemoved.size > 0 || subdocsLoaded.size > 0) { subdocsAdded.forEach(subdoc => { subdoc.clientID = doc.clientID; if (subdoc.collectionid == null) { subdoc.collectionid = doc.collectionid; } doc.subdocs.add(subdoc); }); subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => doc.subdocs.delete(subdoc)); doc.emit('subdocs', [{ loaded: subdocsLoaded, added: subdocsAdded, removed: subdocsRemoved }, doc, transaction]); subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy()); } if (transactionCleanups.length <= i + 1) { doc._transactionCleanups = []; doc.emit('afterAllTransactions', [doc, transactionCleanups]); } else { cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, i + 1); } } } }; /** * Implements the functionality of `y.transact(()=>{..})` * * @template T * @param {Doc} doc * @param {function(Transaction):T} f * @param {any} [origin=true] * @return {T} * * @function */ const transact = (doc, f, origin = null, local = true) => { const transactionCleanups = doc._transactionCleanups; let initialCall = false; /** * @type {any} */ let result = null; if (doc._transaction === null) { initialCall = true; doc._transaction = new Transaction(doc, origin, local); transactionCleanups.push(doc._transaction); if (transactionCleanups.length === 1) { doc.emit('beforeAllTransactions', [doc]); } doc.emit('beforeTransaction', [doc._transaction, doc]); } try { result = f(doc._transaction); } finally { if (initialCall) { const finishCleanup = doc._transaction === transactionCleanups[0]; doc._transaction = null; if (finishCleanup) { // The first transaction ended, now process observer calls. // Observer call may create new transactions for which we need to call the observers and do cleanup. // We don't want to nest these calls, so we execute these calls one after // another. // Also we need to ensure that all cleanups are called, even if the // observes throw errors. // This file is full of hacky try {} finally {} blocks to ensure that an // event can throw errors and also that the cleanup is called. cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, 0); } } } return result }; class StackItem { /** * @param {DeleteSet} deletions * @param {DeleteSet} insertions */ constructor (deletions, insertions) { this.insertions = insertions; this.deletions = deletions; /** * Use this to save and restore metadata like selection range */ this.meta = new Map(); } } /** * @param {Transaction} tr * @param {UndoManager} um * @param {StackItem} stackItem */ const clearUndoManagerStackItem = (tr, um, stackItem) => { iterateDeletedStructs(tr, stackItem.deletions, item => { if (item instanceof Item && um.scope.some(type => isParentOf(type, item))) { keepItem(item, false); } }); }; /** * @param {UndoManager} undoManager * @param {Array} stack * @param {'undo'|'redo'} eventType * @return {StackItem?} */ const popStackItem = (undoManager, stack, eventType) => { /** * Keep a reference to the transaction so we can fire the event with the changedParentTypes * @type {any} */ let _tr = null; const doc = undoManager.doc; const scope = undoManager.scope; transact(doc, transaction => { while (stack.length > 0 && undoManager.currStackItem === null) { const store = doc.store; const stackItem = /** @type {StackItem} */ (stack.pop()); /** * @type {Set} */ const itemsToRedo = new Set(); /** * @type {Array} */ const itemsToDelete = []; let performedChange = false; iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, stackItem.insertions, struct => { if (struct instanceof Item) { if (struct.redone !== null) { let { item, diff } = followRedone(store, struct.id); if (diff > 0) { item = getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(item.id.client, item.id.clock + diff)); } struct = item; } if (!struct.deleted && scope.some(type => isParentOf(type, /** @type {Item} */ (struct)))) { itemsToDelete.push(struct); } } }); iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, stackItem.deletions, struct => { if ( struct instanceof Item && scope.some(type => isParentOf(type, struct)) && // Never redo structs in stackItem.insertions because they were created and deleted in the same capture interval. !isDeleted(stackItem.insertions, struct.id) ) { itemsToRedo.add(struct); } }); itemsToRedo.forEach(struct => { performedChange = redoItem(transaction, struct, itemsToRedo, stackItem.insertions, undoManager.ignoreRemoteMapChanges, undoManager) !== null || performedChange; }); // We want to delete in reverse order so that children are deleted before // parents, so we have more information available when items are filtered. for (let i = itemsToDelete.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const item = itemsToDelete[i]; if (undoManager.deleteFilter(item)) { item.delete(transaction); performedChange = true; } } undoManager.currStackItem = performedChange ? stackItem : null; } transaction.changed.forEach((subProps, type) => { // destroy search marker if necessary if (subProps.has(null) && type._searchMarker) { type._searchMarker.length = 0; } }); _tr = transaction; }, undoManager); const res = undoManager.currStackItem; if (res != null) { const changedParentTypes = _tr.changedParentTypes; undoManager.emit('stack-item-popped', [{ stackItem: res, type: eventType, changedParentTypes, origin: undoManager }, undoManager]); undoManager.currStackItem = null; } return res }; /** * @typedef {Object} UndoManagerOptions * @property {number} [UndoManagerOptions.captureTimeout=500] * @property {function(Transaction):boolean} [UndoManagerOptions.captureTransaction] Do not capture changes of a Transaction if result false. * @property {function(Item):boolean} [UndoManagerOptions.deleteFilter=()=>true] Sometimes * it is necessary to filter what an Undo/Redo operation can delete. If this * filter returns false, the type/item won't be deleted even it is in the * undo/redo scope. * @property {Set} [UndoManagerOptions.trackedOrigins=new Set([null])] * @property {boolean} [ignoreRemoteMapChanges] Experimental. By default, the UndoManager will never overwrite remote changes. Enable this property to enable overwriting remote changes on key-value changes (Y.Map, properties on Y.Xml, etc..). * @property {Doc} [doc] The document that this UndoManager operates on. Only needed if typeScope is empty. */ /** * @typedef {Object} StackItemEvent * @property {StackItem} StackItemEvent.stackItem * @property {any} StackItemEvent.origin * @property {'undo'|'redo'} StackItemEvent.type * @property {Map>,Array>>} StackItemEvent.changedParentTypes */ /** * Fires 'stack-item-added' event when a stack item was added to either the undo- or * the redo-stack. You may store additional stack information via the * metadata property on `event.stackItem.meta` (it is a `Map` of metadata properties). * Fires 'stack-item-popped' event when a stack item was popped from either the * undo- or the redo-stack. You may restore the saved stack information from `event.stackItem.meta`. * * @extends {ObservableV2<{'stack-item-added':function(StackItemEvent, UndoManager):void, 'stack-item-popped': function(StackItemEvent, UndoManager):void, 'stack-cleared': function({ undoStackCleared: boolean, redoStackCleared: boolean }):void, 'stack-item-updated': function(StackItemEvent, UndoManager):void }>} */ class UndoManager extends observable.ObservableV2 { /** * @param {AbstractType|Array>} typeScope Accepts either a single type, or an array of types * @param {UndoManagerOptions} options */ constructor (typeScope, { captureTimeout = 500, captureTransaction = _tr => true, deleteFilter = () => true, trackedOrigins = new Set([null]), ignoreRemoteMapChanges = false, doc = /** @type {Doc} */ (array__namespace.isArray(typeScope) ? typeScope[0].doc : typeScope.doc) } = {}) { super(); /** * @type {Array>} */ this.scope = []; this.doc = doc; this.addToScope(typeScope); this.deleteFilter = deleteFilter; trackedOrigins.add(this); this.trackedOrigins = trackedOrigins; this.captureTransaction = captureTransaction; /** * @type {Array} */ this.undoStack = []; /** * @type {Array} */ this.redoStack = []; /** * Whether the client is currently undoing (calling UndoManager.undo) * * @type {boolean} */ this.undoing = false; this.redoing = false; /** * The currently popped stack item if UndoManager.undoing or UndoManager.redoing * * @type {StackItem|null} */ this.currStackItem = null; this.lastChange = 0; this.ignoreRemoteMapChanges = ignoreRemoteMapChanges; this.captureTimeout = captureTimeout; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ this.afterTransactionHandler = transaction => { // Only track certain transactions if ( !this.captureTransaction(transaction) || !this.scope.some(type => transaction.changedParentTypes.has(type)) || (!this.trackedOrigins.has(transaction.origin) && (!transaction.origin || !this.trackedOrigins.has(transaction.origin.constructor))) ) { return } const undoing = this.undoing; const redoing = this.redoing; const stack = undoing ? this.redoStack : this.undoStack; if (undoing) { this.stopCapturing(); // next undo should not be appended to last stack item } else if (!redoing) { // neither undoing nor redoing: delete redoStack this.clear(false, true); } const insertions = new DeleteSet(); transaction.afterState.forEach((endClock, client) => { const startClock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0; const len = endClock - startClock; if (len > 0) { addToDeleteSet(insertions, client, startClock, len); } }); const now = time__namespace.getUnixTime(); let didAdd = false; if (this.lastChange > 0 && now - this.lastChange < this.captureTimeout && stack.length > 0 && !undoing && !redoing) { // append change to last stack op const lastOp = stack[stack.length - 1]; lastOp.deletions = mergeDeleteSets([lastOp.deletions, transaction.deleteSet]); lastOp.insertions = mergeDeleteSets([lastOp.insertions, insertions]); } else { // create a new stack op stack.push(new StackItem(transaction.deleteSet, insertions)); didAdd = true; } if (!undoing && !redoing) { this.lastChange = now; } // make sure that deleted structs are not gc'd iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, transaction.deleteSet, /** @param {Item|GC} item */ item => { if (item instanceof Item && this.scope.some(type => isParentOf(type, item))) { keepItem(item, true); } }); /** * @type {[StackItemEvent, UndoManager]} */ const changeEvent = [{ stackItem: stack[stack.length - 1], origin: transaction.origin, type: undoing ? 'redo' : 'undo', changedParentTypes: transaction.changedParentTypes }, this]; if (didAdd) { this.emit('stack-item-added', changeEvent); } else { this.emit('stack-item-updated', changeEvent); } }; this.doc.on('afterTransaction', this.afterTransactionHandler); this.doc.on('destroy', () => { this.destroy(); }); } /** * @param {Array> | AbstractType} ytypes */ addToScope (ytypes) { ytypes = array__namespace.isArray(ytypes) ? ytypes : [ytypes]; ytypes.forEach(ytype => { if (this.scope.every(yt => yt !== ytype)) { if (ytype.doc !== this.doc) logging__namespace.warn('[yjs#509] Not same Y.Doc'); // use MultiDocUndoManager instead. also see https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/509 this.scope.push(ytype); } }); } /** * @param {any} origin */ addTrackedOrigin (origin) { this.trackedOrigins.add(origin); } /** * @param {any} origin */ removeTrackedOrigin (origin) { this.trackedOrigins.delete(origin); } clear (clearUndoStack = true, clearRedoStack = true) { if ((clearUndoStack && this.canUndo()) || (clearRedoStack && this.canRedo())) { this.doc.transact(tr => { if (clearUndoStack) { this.undoStack.forEach(item => clearUndoManagerStackItem(tr, this, item)); this.undoStack = []; } if (clearRedoStack) { this.redoStack.forEach(item => clearUndoManagerStackItem(tr, this, item)); this.redoStack = []; } this.emit('stack-cleared', [{ undoStackCleared: clearUndoStack, redoStackCleared: clearRedoStack }]); }); } } /** * UndoManager merges Undo-StackItem if they are created within time-gap * smaller than `options.captureTimeout`. Call `um.stopCapturing()` so that the next * StackItem won't be merged. * * * @example * // without stopCapturing * ytext.insert(0, 'a') * ytext.insert(1, 'b') * um.undo() * ytext.toString() // => '' (note that 'ab' was removed) * // with stopCapturing * ytext.insert(0, 'a') * um.stopCapturing() * ytext.insert(0, 'b') * um.undo() * ytext.toString() // => 'a' (note that only 'b' was removed) * */ stopCapturing () { this.lastChange = 0; } /** * Undo last changes on type. * * @return {StackItem?} Returns StackItem if a change was applied */ undo () { this.undoing = true; let res; try { res = popStackItem(this, this.undoStack, 'undo'); } finally { this.undoing = false; } return res } /** * Redo last undo operation. * * @return {StackItem?} Returns StackItem if a change was applied */ redo () { this.redoing = true; let res; try { res = popStackItem(this, this.redoStack, 'redo'); } finally { this.redoing = false; } return res } /** * Are undo steps available? * * @return {boolean} `true` if undo is possible */ canUndo () { return this.undoStack.length > 0 } /** * Are redo steps available? * * @return {boolean} `true` if redo is possible */ canRedo () { return this.redoStack.length > 0 } destroy () { this.trackedOrigins.delete(this); this.doc.off('afterTransaction', this.afterTransactionHandler); super.destroy(); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder */ function * lazyStructReaderGenerator (decoder) { const numOfStateUpdates = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < numOfStateUpdates; i++) { const numberOfStructs = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); const client = decoder.readClient(); let clock = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfStructs; i++) { const info = decoder.readInfo(); // @todo use switch instead of ifs if (info === 10) { const len = decoding__namespace.readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder); yield new Skip(createID(client, clock), len); clock += len; } else if ((binary__namespace.BITS5 & info) !== 0) { const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (binary__namespace.BIT7 | binary__namespace.BIT8)) === 0; // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y` // and we read the next string as parentYKey. // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share` // @type {string|null} const struct = new Item( createID(client, clock), null, // left (info & binary__namespace.BIT8) === binary__namespace.BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null, // origin null, // right (info & binary__namespace.BIT7) === binary__namespace.BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null, // right origin // @ts-ignore Force writing a string here. cantCopyParentInfo ? (decoder.readParentInfo() ? decoder.readString() : decoder.readLeftID()) : null, // parent cantCopyParentInfo && (info & binary__namespace.BIT6) === binary__namespace.BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content ); yield struct; clock += struct.length; } else { const len = decoder.readLen(); yield new GC(createID(client, clock), len); clock += len; } } } } class LazyStructReader { /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @param {boolean} filterSkips */ constructor (decoder, filterSkips) { this.gen = lazyStructReaderGenerator(decoder); /** * @type {null | Item | Skip | GC} */ this.curr = null; this.done = false; this.filterSkips = filterSkips; this.next(); } /** * @return {Item | GC | Skip |null} */ next () { // ignore "Skip" structs do { this.curr = this.gen.next().value || null; } while (this.filterSkips && this.curr !== null && this.curr.constructor === Skip) return this.curr } } /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * */ const logUpdate = update => logUpdateV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder] * */ const logUpdateV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { const structs = []; const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)); const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false); for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = lazyDecoder.next()) { structs.push(curr); } logging__namespace.print('Structs: ', structs); const ds = readDeleteSet(updateDecoder); logging__namespace.print('DeleteSet: ', ds); }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * */ const decodeUpdate = (update) => decodeUpdateV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder] * */ const decodeUpdateV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { const structs = []; const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)); const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false); for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = lazyDecoder.next()) { structs.push(curr); } return { structs, ds: readDeleteSet(updateDecoder) } }; class LazyStructWriter { /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder */ constructor (encoder) { this.currClient = 0; this.startClock = 0; this.written = 0; this.encoder = encoder; /** * We want to write operations lazily, but also we need to know beforehand how many operations we want to write for each client. * * This kind of meta-information (#clients, #structs-per-client-written) is written to the restEncoder. * * We fragment the restEncoder and store a slice of it per-client until we know how many clients there are. * When we flush (toUint8Array) we write the restEncoder using the fragments and the meta-information. * * @type {Array<{ written: number, restEncoder: Uint8Array }>} */ this.clientStructs = []; } } /** * @param {Array} updates * @return {Uint8Array} */ const mergeUpdates = updates => mergeUpdatesV2(updates, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {typeof DSEncoderV1 | typeof DSEncoderV2} YEncoder * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} YDecoder * @return {Uint8Array} */ const encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2 = (update, YEncoder = DSEncoderV2, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { const encoder = new YEncoder(); const updateDecoder = new LazyStructReader(new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)), false); let curr = updateDecoder.curr; if (curr !== null) { let size = 0; let currClient = curr.id.client; let stopCounting = curr.id.clock !== 0; // must start at 0 let currClock = stopCounting ? 0 : curr.id.clock + curr.length; for (; curr !== null; curr = updateDecoder.next()) { if (currClient !== curr.id.client) { if (currClock !== 0) { size++; // We found a new client // write what we have to the encoder encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClient); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClock); } currClient = curr.id.client; currClock = 0; stopCounting = curr.id.clock !== 0; } // we ignore skips if (curr.constructor === Skip) { stopCounting = true; } if (!stopCounting) { currClock = curr.id.clock + curr.length; } } // write what we have if (currClock !== 0) { size++; encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClient); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClock); } // prepend the size of the state vector const enc = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(enc, size); encoding__namespace.writeBinaryEncoder(enc, encoder.restEncoder); encoder.restEncoder = enc; return encoder.toUint8Array() } else { encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0); return encoder.toUint8Array() } }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @return {Uint8Array} */ const encodeStateVectorFromUpdate = update => encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2(update, DSEncoderV1, UpdateDecoderV1); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} YDecoder * @return {{ from: Map, to: Map }} */ const parseUpdateMetaV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => { /** * @type {Map} */ const from = new Map(); /** * @type {Map} */ const to = new Map(); const updateDecoder = new LazyStructReader(new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)), false); let curr = updateDecoder.curr; if (curr !== null) { let currClient = curr.id.client; let currClock = curr.id.clock; // write the beginning to `from` from.set(currClient, currClock); for (; curr !== null; curr = updateDecoder.next()) { if (currClient !== curr.id.client) { // We found a new client // write the end to `to` to.set(currClient, currClock); // write the beginning to `from` from.set(curr.id.client, curr.id.clock); // update currClient currClient = curr.id.client; } currClock = curr.id.clock + curr.length; } // write the end to `to` to.set(currClient, currClock); } return { from, to } }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @return {{ from: Map, to: Map }} */ const parseUpdateMeta = update => parseUpdateMetaV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1); /** * This method is intended to slice any kind of struct and retrieve the right part. * It does not handle side-effects, so it should only be used by the lazy-encoder. * * @param {Item | GC | Skip} left * @param {number} diff * @return {Item | GC} */ const sliceStruct = (left, diff) => { if (left.constructor === GC) { const { client, clock } = left.id; return new GC(createID(client, clock + diff), left.length - diff) } else if (left.constructor === Skip) { const { client, clock } = left.id; return new Skip(createID(client, clock + diff), left.length - diff) } else { const leftItem = /** @type {Item} */ (left); const { client, clock } = leftItem.id; return new Item( createID(client, clock + diff), null, createID(client, clock + diff - 1), null, leftItem.rightOrigin, leftItem.parent, leftItem.parentSub, leftItem.content.splice(diff) ) } }; /** * * This function works similarly to `readUpdateV2`. * * @param {Array} updates * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder] * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV1 | typeof UpdateEncoderV2} [YEncoder] * @return {Uint8Array} */ const mergeUpdatesV2 = (updates, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2, YEncoder = UpdateEncoderV2) => { if (updates.length === 1) { return updates[0] } const updateDecoders = updates.map(update => new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update))); let lazyStructDecoders = updateDecoders.map(decoder => new LazyStructReader(decoder, true)); /** * @todo we don't need offset because we always slice before * @type {null | { struct: Item | GC | Skip, offset: number }} */ let currWrite = null; const updateEncoder = new YEncoder(); // write structs lazily const lazyStructEncoder = new LazyStructWriter(updateEncoder); // Note: We need to ensure that all lazyStructDecoders are fully consumed // Note: Should merge document updates whenever possible - even from different updates // Note: Should handle that some operations cannot be applied yet () while (true) { // Write higher clients first ⇒ sort by clientID & clock and remove decoders without content lazyStructDecoders = lazyStructDecoders.filter(dec => dec.curr !== null); lazyStructDecoders.sort( /** @type {function(any,any):number} */ (dec1, dec2) => { if (dec1.curr.id.client === dec2.curr.id.client) { const clockDiff = dec1.curr.id.clock - dec2.curr.id.clock; if (clockDiff === 0) { // @todo remove references to skip since the structDecoders must filter Skips. return dec1.curr.constructor === dec2.curr.constructor ? 0 : dec1.curr.constructor === Skip ? 1 : -1 // we are filtering skips anyway. } else { return clockDiff } } else { return dec2.curr.id.client - dec1.curr.id.client } } ); if (lazyStructDecoders.length === 0) { break } const currDecoder = lazyStructDecoders[0]; // write from currDecoder until the next operation is from another client or if filler-struct // then we need to reorder the decoders and find the next operation to write const firstClient = /** @type {Item | GC} */ (currDecoder.curr).id.client; if (currWrite !== null) { let curr = /** @type {Item | GC | null} */ (currDecoder.curr); let iterated = false; // iterate until we find something that we haven't written already // remember: first the high client-ids are written while (curr !== null && curr.id.clock + curr.length <= currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length && curr.id.client >= currWrite.struct.id.client) { curr = currDecoder.next(); iterated = true; } if ( curr === null || // current decoder is empty curr.id.client !== firstClient || // check whether there is another decoder that has has updates from `firstClient` (iterated && curr.id.clock > currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length) // the above while loop was used and we are potentially missing updates ) { continue } if (firstClient !== currWrite.struct.id.client) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset); currWrite = { struct: curr, offset: 0 }; currDecoder.next(); } else { if (currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length < curr.id.clock) { // @todo write currStruct & set currStruct = Skip(clock = currStruct.id.clock + currStruct.length, length = curr.id.clock - self.clock) if (currWrite.struct.constructor === Skip) { // extend existing skip currWrite.struct.length = curr.id.clock + curr.length - currWrite.struct.id.clock; } else { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset); const diff = curr.id.clock - currWrite.struct.id.clock - currWrite.struct.length; /** * @type {Skip} */ const struct = new Skip(createID(firstClient, currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length), diff); currWrite = { struct, offset: 0 }; } } else { // if (currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length >= curr.id.clock) { const diff = currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length - curr.id.clock; if (diff > 0) { if (currWrite.struct.constructor === Skip) { // prefer to slice Skip because the other struct might contain more information currWrite.struct.length -= diff; } else { curr = sliceStruct(curr, diff); } } if (!currWrite.struct.mergeWith(/** @type {any} */ (curr))) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset); currWrite = { struct: curr, offset: 0 }; currDecoder.next(); } } } } else { currWrite = { struct: /** @type {Item | GC} */ (currDecoder.curr), offset: 0 }; currDecoder.next(); } for ( let next = currDecoder.curr; next !== null && next.id.client === firstClient && next.id.clock === currWrite.struct.id.clock + currWrite.struct.length && next.constructor !== Skip; next = currDecoder.next() ) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset); currWrite = { struct: next, offset: 0 }; } } if (currWrite !== null) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset); currWrite = null; } finishLazyStructWriting(lazyStructEncoder); const dss = updateDecoders.map(decoder => readDeleteSet(decoder)); const ds = mergeDeleteSets(dss); writeDeleteSet(updateEncoder, ds); return updateEncoder.toUint8Array() }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {Uint8Array} sv * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder] * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV1 | typeof UpdateEncoderV2} [YEncoder] */ const diffUpdateV2 = (update, sv, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2, YEncoder = UpdateEncoderV2) => { const state = decodeStateVector(sv); const encoder = new YEncoder(); const lazyStructWriter = new LazyStructWriter(encoder); const decoder = new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)); const reader = new LazyStructReader(decoder, false); while (reader.curr) { const curr = reader.curr; const currClient = curr.id.client; const svClock = state.get(currClient) || 0; if (reader.curr.constructor === Skip) { // the first written struct shouldn't be a skip reader.next(); continue } if (curr.id.clock + curr.length > svClock) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructWriter, curr, math__namespace.max(svClock - curr.id.clock, 0)); reader.next(); while (reader.curr && reader.curr.id.client === currClient) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructWriter, reader.curr, 0); reader.next(); } } else { // read until something new comes up while (reader.curr && reader.curr.id.client === currClient && reader.curr.id.clock + reader.curr.length <= svClock) { reader.next(); } } } finishLazyStructWriting(lazyStructWriter); // write ds const ds = readDeleteSet(decoder); writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds); return encoder.toUint8Array() }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {Uint8Array} sv */ const diffUpdate = (update, sv) => diffUpdateV2(update, sv, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1); /** * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter */ const flushLazyStructWriter = lazyWriter => { if (lazyWriter.written > 0) { lazyWriter.clientStructs.push({ written: lazyWriter.written, restEncoder: encoding__namespace.toUint8Array(lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder) }); lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder = encoding__namespace.createEncoder(); lazyWriter.written = 0; } }; /** * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter * @param {Item | GC} struct * @param {number} offset */ const writeStructToLazyStructWriter = (lazyWriter, struct, offset) => { // flush curr if we start another client if (lazyWriter.written > 0 && lazyWriter.currClient !== struct.id.client) { flushLazyStructWriter(lazyWriter); } if (lazyWriter.written === 0) { lazyWriter.currClient = struct.id.client; // write next client lazyWriter.encoder.writeClient(struct.id.client); // write startClock encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder, struct.id.clock + offset); } struct.write(lazyWriter.encoder, offset); lazyWriter.written++; }; /** * Call this function when we collected all parts and want to * put all the parts together. After calling this method, * you can continue using the UpdateEncoder. * * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter */ const finishLazyStructWriting = (lazyWriter) => { flushLazyStructWriter(lazyWriter); // this is a fresh encoder because we called flushCurr const restEncoder = lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder; /** * Now we put all the fragments together. * This works similarly to `writeClientsStructs` */ // write # states that were updated - i.e. the clients encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(restEncoder, lazyWriter.clientStructs.length); for (let i = 0; i < lazyWriter.clientStructs.length; i++) { const partStructs = lazyWriter.clientStructs[i]; /** * Works similarly to `writeStructs` */ // write # encoded structs encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(restEncoder, partStructs.written); // write the rest of the fragment encoding__namespace.writeUint8Array(restEncoder, partStructs.restEncoder); } }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {function(Item|GC|Skip):Item|GC|Skip} blockTransformer * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} YDecoder * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV2 | typeof UpdateEncoderV1 } YEncoder */ const convertUpdateFormat = (update, blockTransformer, YDecoder, YEncoder) => { const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding__namespace.createDecoder(update)); const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false); const updateEncoder = new YEncoder(); const lazyWriter = new LazyStructWriter(updateEncoder); for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = lazyDecoder.next()) { writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyWriter, blockTransformer(curr), 0); } finishLazyStructWriting(lazyWriter); const ds = readDeleteSet(updateDecoder); writeDeleteSet(updateEncoder, ds); return updateEncoder.toUint8Array() }; /** * @typedef {Object} ObfuscatorOptions * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.formatting=true] * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.subdocs=true] * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.yxml=true] Whether to obfuscate nodeName / hookName */ /** * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} obfuscator */ const createObfuscator = ({ formatting = true, subdocs = true, yxml = true } = {}) => { let i = 0; const mapKeyCache = map__namespace.create(); const nodeNameCache = map__namespace.create(); const formattingKeyCache = map__namespace.create(); const formattingValueCache = map__namespace.create(); formattingValueCache.set(null, null); // end of a formatting range should always be the end of a formatting range /** * @param {Item|GC|Skip} block * @return {Item|GC|Skip} */ return block => { switch (block.constructor) { case GC: case Skip: return block case Item: { const item = /** @type {Item} */ (block); const content = item.content; switch (content.constructor) { case ContentDeleted: break case ContentType: { if (yxml) { const type = /** @type {ContentType} */ (content).type; if (type instanceof YXmlElement) { type.nodeName = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(nodeNameCache, type.nodeName, () => 'node-' + i); } if (type instanceof YXmlHook) { type.hookName = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(nodeNameCache, type.hookName, () => 'hook-' + i); } } break } case ContentAny: { const c = /** @type {ContentAny} */ (content); c.arr = c.arr.map(() => i); break } case ContentBinary: { const c = /** @type {ContentBinary} */ (content); c.content = new Uint8Array([i]); break } case ContentDoc: { const c = /** @type {ContentDoc} */ (content); if (subdocs) { c.opts = {}; c.doc.guid = i + ''; } break } case ContentEmbed: { const c = /** @type {ContentEmbed} */ (content); c.embed = {}; break } case ContentFormat: { const c = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content); if (formatting) { c.key = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(formattingKeyCache, c.key, () => i + ''); c.value = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(formattingValueCache, c.value, () => ({ i })); } break } case ContentJSON: { const c = /** @type {ContentJSON} */ (content); c.arr = c.arr.map(() => i); break } case ContentString: { const c = /** @type {ContentString} */ (content); c.str = string__namespace.repeat((i % 10) + '', c.str.length); break } default: // unknown content type error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } if (item.parentSub) { item.parentSub = map__namespace.setIfUndefined(mapKeyCache, item.parentSub, () => i + ''); } i++; return block } default: // unknown block-type error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } } }; /** * This function obfuscates the content of a Yjs update. This is useful to share * buggy Yjs documents while significantly limiting the possibility that a * developer can on the user. Note that it might still be possible to deduce * some information by analyzing the "structure" of the document or by analyzing * the typing behavior using the CRDT-related metadata that is still kept fully * intact. * * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} [opts] */ const obfuscateUpdate = (update, opts) => convertUpdateFormat(update, createObfuscator(opts), UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} [opts] */ const obfuscateUpdateV2 = (update, opts) => convertUpdateFormat(update, createObfuscator(opts), UpdateDecoderV2, UpdateEncoderV2); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update */ const convertUpdateFormatV1ToV2 = update => convertUpdateFormat(update, f__namespace.id, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV2); /** * @param {Uint8Array} update */ const convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1 = update => convertUpdateFormat(update, f__namespace.id, UpdateDecoderV2, UpdateEncoderV1); const errorComputeChanges = 'You must not compute changes after the event-handler fired.'; /** * @template {AbstractType} T * YEvent describes the changes on a YType. */ class YEvent { /** * @param {T} target The changed type. * @param {Transaction} transaction */ constructor (target, transaction) { /** * The type on which this event was created on. * @type {T} */ this.target = target; /** * The current target on which the observe callback is called. * @type {AbstractType} */ this.currentTarget = target; /** * The transaction that triggered this event. * @type {Transaction} */ this.transaction = transaction; /** * @type {Object|null} */ this._changes = null; /** * @type {null | Map} */ this._keys = null; /** * @type {null | Array<{ insert?: string | Array | object | AbstractType, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object }>} */ this._delta = null; /** * @type {Array|null} */ this._path = null; } /** * Computes the path from `y` to the changed type. * * @todo v14 should standardize on path: Array<{parent, index}> because that is easier to work with. * * The following property holds: * @example * let type = y * event.path.forEach(dir => { * type = type.get(dir) * }) * type === event.target // => true */ get path () { return this._path || (this._path = getPathTo(this.currentTarget, this.target)) } /** * Check if a struct is deleted by this event. * * In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted. * * @param {AbstractStruct} struct * @return {boolean} */ deletes (struct) { return isDeleted(this.transaction.deleteSet, struct.id) } /** * @type {Map} */ get keys () { if (this._keys === null) { if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) { throw error__namespace.create(errorComputeChanges) } const keys = new Map(); const target = this.target; const changed = /** @type Set */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target)); changed.forEach(key => { if (key !== null) { const item = /** @type {Item} */ (target._map.get(key)); /** * @type {'delete' | 'add' | 'update'} */ let action; let oldValue; if (this.adds(item)) { let prev = item.left; while (prev !== null && this.adds(prev)) { prev = prev.left; } if (this.deletes(item)) { if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) { action = 'delete'; oldValue = array__namespace.last(prev.content.getContent()); } else { return } } else { if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) { action = 'update'; oldValue = array__namespace.last(prev.content.getContent()); } else { action = 'add'; oldValue = undefined; } } } else { if (this.deletes(item)) { action = 'delete'; oldValue = array__namespace.last(/** @type {Item} */ item.content.getContent()); } else { return // nop } } keys.set(key, { action, oldValue }); } }); this._keys = keys; } return this._keys } /** * This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the * event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in * unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes * is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object. * * @type {Array<{insert?: string | Array | object | AbstractType, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object}>} */ get delta () { return this.changes.delta } /** * Check if a struct is added by this event. * * In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted. * * @param {AbstractStruct} struct * @return {boolean} */ adds (struct) { return struct.id.clock >= (this.transaction.beforeState.get(struct.id.client) || 0) } /** * This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the * event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in * unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes * is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object. * * @type {{added:Set,deleted:Set,keys:Map,delta:Array<{insert?:Array|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}} */ get changes () { let changes = this._changes; if (changes === null) { if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) { throw error__namespace.create(errorComputeChanges) } const target = this.target; const added = set__namespace.create(); const deleted = set__namespace.create(); /** * @type {Array<{insert:Array}|{delete:number}|{retain:number}>} */ const delta = []; changes = { added, deleted, delta, keys: this.keys }; const changed = /** @type Set */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target)); if (changed.has(null)) { /** * @type {any} */ let lastOp = null; const packOp = () => { if (lastOp) { delta.push(lastOp); } }; for (let item = target._start; item !== null; item = item.right) { if (item.deleted) { if (this.deletes(item) && !this.adds(item)) { if (lastOp === null || lastOp.delete === undefined) { packOp(); lastOp = { delete: 0 }; } lastOp.delete += item.length; deleted.add(item); } // else nop } else { if (this.adds(item)) { if (lastOp === null || lastOp.insert === undefined) { packOp(); lastOp = { insert: [] }; } lastOp.insert = lastOp.insert.concat(item.content.getContent()); added.add(item); } else { if (lastOp === null || lastOp.retain === undefined) { packOp(); lastOp = { retain: 0 }; } lastOp.retain += item.length; } } } if (lastOp !== null && lastOp.retain === undefined) { packOp(); } } this._changes = changes; } return /** @type {any} */ (changes) } } /** * Compute the path from this type to the specified target. * * @example * // `child` should be accessible via `type.get(path[0]).get(path[1])..` * const path = type.getPathTo(child) * // assuming `type instanceof YArray` * console.log(path) // might look like => [2, 'key1'] * child === type.get(path[0]).get(path[1]) * * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {AbstractType} child target * @return {Array} Path to the target * * @private * @function */ const getPathTo = (parent, child) => { const path = []; while (child._item !== null && child !== parent) { if (child._item.parentSub !== null) { // parent is map-ish path.unshift(child._item.parentSub); } else { // parent is array-ish let i = 0; let c = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (child._item.parent)._start; while (c !== child._item && c !== null) { if (!c.deleted && c.countable) { i += c.length; } c = c.right; } path.unshift(i); } child = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (child._item.parent); } return path }; const maxSearchMarker = 80; /** * A unique timestamp that identifies each marker. * * Time is relative,.. this is more like an ever-increasing clock. * * @type {number} */ let globalSearchMarkerTimestamp = 0; class ArraySearchMarker { /** * @param {Item} p * @param {number} index */ constructor (p, index) { p.marker = true; this.p = p; this.index = index; this.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++; } } /** * @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker */ const refreshMarkerTimestamp = marker => { marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++; }; /** * This is rather complex so this function is the only thing that should overwrite a marker * * @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker * @param {Item} p * @param {number} index */ const overwriteMarker = (marker, p, index) => { marker.p.marker = false; marker.p = p; p.marker = true; marker.index = index; marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++; }; /** * @param {Array} searchMarker * @param {Item} p * @param {number} index */ const markPosition = (searchMarker, p, index) => { if (searchMarker.length >= maxSearchMarker) { // override oldest marker (we don't want to create more objects) const marker = searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? a : b); overwriteMarker(marker, p, index); return marker } else { // create new marker const pm = new ArraySearchMarker(p, index); searchMarker.push(pm); return pm } }; /** * Search marker help us to find positions in the associative array faster. * * They speed up the process of finding a position without much bookkeeping. * * A maximum of `maxSearchMarker` objects are created. * * This function always returns a refreshed marker (updated timestamp) * * @param {AbstractType} yarray * @param {number} index */ const findMarker = (yarray, index) => { if (yarray._start === null || index === 0 || yarray._searchMarker === null) { return null } const marker = yarray._searchMarker.length === 0 ? null : yarray._searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => math__namespace.abs(index - a.index) < math__namespace.abs(index - b.index) ? a : b); let p = yarray._start; let pindex = 0; if (marker !== null) { p = marker.p; pindex = marker.index; refreshMarkerTimestamp(marker); // we used it, we might need to use it again } // iterate to right if possible while (p.right !== null && pindex < index) { if (!p.deleted && p.countable) { if (index < pindex + p.length) { break } pindex += p.length; } p = p.right; } // iterate to left if necessary (might be that pindex > index) while (p.left !== null && pindex > index) { p = p.left; if (!p.deleted && p.countable) { pindex -= p.length; } } // we want to make sure that p can't be merged with left, because that would screw up everything // in that cas just return what we have (it is most likely the best marker anyway) // iterate to left until p can't be merged with left while (p.left !== null && p.left.id.client === p.id.client && p.left.id.clock + p.left.length === p.id.clock) { p = p.left; if (!p.deleted && p.countable) { pindex -= p.length; } } // @todo remove! // assure position // { // let start = yarray._start // let pos = 0 // while (start !== p) { // if (!start.deleted && start.countable) { // pos += start.length // } // start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right) // } // if (pos !== pindex) { // debugger // throw new Error('Gotcha position fail!') // } // } // if (marker) { // if (window.lengthes == null) { // window.lengthes = [] // window.getLengthes = () => window.lengthes.sort((a, b) => a - b) // } // window.lengthes.push(marker.index - pindex) // console.log('distance', marker.index - pindex, 'len', p && p.parent.length) // } if (marker !== null && math__namespace.abs(marker.index - pindex) < /** @type {YText|YArray} */ (p.parent).length / maxSearchMarker) { // adjust existing marker overwriteMarker(marker, p, pindex); return marker } else { // create new marker return markPosition(yarray._searchMarker, p, pindex) } }; /** * Update markers when a change happened. * * This should be called before doing a deletion! * * @param {Array} searchMarker * @param {number} index * @param {number} len If insertion, len is positive. If deletion, len is negative. */ const updateMarkerChanges = (searchMarker, index, len) => { for (let i = searchMarker.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const m = searchMarker[i]; if (len > 0) { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let p = m.p; p.marker = false; // Ideally we just want to do a simple position comparison, but this will only work if // search markers don't point to deleted items for formats. // Iterate marker to prev undeleted countable position so we know what to do when updating a position while (p && (p.deleted || !p.countable)) { p = p.left; if (p && !p.deleted && p.countable) { // adjust position. the loop should break now m.index -= p.length; } } if (p === null || p.marker === true) { // remove search marker if updated position is null or if position is already marked searchMarker.splice(i, 1); continue } m.p = p; p.marker = true; } if (index < m.index || (len > 0 && index === m.index)) { // a simple index <= m.index check would actually suffice m.index = math__namespace.max(index, m.index + len); } } }; /** * Accumulate all (list) children of a type and return them as an Array. * * @param {AbstractType} t * @return {Array} */ const getTypeChildren = t => { let s = t._start; const arr = []; while (s) { arr.push(s); s = s.right; } return arr }; /** * Call event listeners with an event. This will also add an event to all * parents (for `.observeDeep` handlers). * * @template EventType * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {EventType} event */ const callTypeObservers = (type, transaction, event) => { const changedType = type; const changedParentTypes = transaction.changedParentTypes; while (true) { // @ts-ignore map__namespace.setIfUndefined(changedParentTypes, type, () => []).push(event); if (type._item === null) { break } type = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (type._item.parent); } callEventHandlerListeners(changedType._eH, event, transaction); }; /** * @template EventType * Abstract Yjs Type class */ class AbstractType { constructor () { /** * @type {Item|null} */ this._item = null; /** * @type {Map} */ this._map = new Map(); /** * @type {Item|null} */ this._start = null; /** * @type {Doc|null} */ this.doc = null; this._length = 0; /** * Event handlers * @type {EventHandler} */ this._eH = createEventHandler(); /** * Deep event handlers * @type {EventHandler>,Transaction>} */ this._dEH = createEventHandler(); /** * @type {null | Array} */ this._searchMarker = null; } /** * @return {AbstractType|null} */ get parent () { return this._item ? /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this._item.parent) : null } /** * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance. * * * Save this struct in the os * * This type is sent to other client * * Observer functions are fired * * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance * @param {Item|null} item */ _integrate (y, item) { this.doc = y; this._item = item; } /** * @return {AbstractType} */ _copy () { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {AbstractType} */ clone () { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} _encoder */ _write (_encoder) { } /** * The first non-deleted item */ get _first () { let n = this._start; while (n !== null && n.deleted) { n = n.right; } return n } /** * Creates YEvent and calls all type observers. * Must be implemented by each type. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} _parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified. */ _callObserver (transaction, _parentSubs) { if (!transaction.local && this._searchMarker) { this._searchMarker.length = 0; } } /** * Observe all events that are created on this type. * * @param {function(EventType, Transaction):void} f Observer function */ observe (f) { addEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f); } /** * Observe all events that are created by this type and its children. * * @param {function(Array>,Transaction):void} f Observer function */ observeDeep (f) { addEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f); } /** * Unregister an observer function. * * @param {function(EventType,Transaction):void} f Observer function */ unobserve (f) { removeEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f); } /** * Unregister an observer function. * * @param {function(Array>,Transaction):void} f Observer function */ unobserveDeep (f) { removeEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f); } /** * @abstract * @return {any} */ toJSON () {} } /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @return {Array} * * @private * @function */ const typeListSlice = (type, start, end) => { if (start < 0) { start = type._length + start; } if (end < 0) { end = type._length + end; } let len = end - start; const cs = []; let n = type._start; while (n !== null && len > 0) { if (n.countable && !n.deleted) { const c = n.content.getContent(); if (c.length <= start) { start -= c.length; } else { for (let i = start; i < c.length && len > 0; i++) { cs.push(c[i]); len--; } start = 0; } } n = n.right; } return cs }; /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @return {Array} * * @private * @function */ const typeListToArray = type => { const cs = []; let n = type._start; while (n !== null) { if (n.countable && !n.deleted) { const c = n.content.getContent(); for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { cs.push(c[i]); } } n = n.right; } return cs }; /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @return {Array} * * @private * @function */ const typeListToArraySnapshot = (type, snapshot) => { const cs = []; let n = type._start; while (n !== null) { if (n.countable && isVisible(n, snapshot)) { const c = n.content.getContent(); for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { cs.push(c[i]); } } n = n.right; } return cs }; /** * Executes a provided function on once on every element of this YArray. * * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {function(any,number,any):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray. * * @private * @function */ const typeListForEach = (type, f) => { let index = 0; let n = type._start; while (n !== null) { if (n.countable && !n.deleted) { const c = n.content.getContent(); for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { f(c[i], index++, type); } } n = n.right; } }; /** * @template C,R * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {function(C,number,AbstractType):R} f * @return {Array} * * @private * @function */ const typeListMap = (type, f) => { /** * @type {Array} */ const result = []; typeListForEach(type, (c, i) => { result.push(f(c, i, type)); }); return result }; /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @return {IterableIterator} * * @private * @function */ const typeListCreateIterator = type => { let n = type._start; /** * @type {Array|null} */ let currentContent = null; let currentContentIndex = 0; return { [Symbol.iterator] () { return this }, next: () => { // find some content if (currentContent === null) { while (n !== null && n.deleted) { n = n.right; } // check if we reached the end, no need to check currentContent, because it does not exist if (n === null) { return { done: true, value: undefined } } // we found n, so we can set currentContent currentContent = n.content.getContent(); currentContentIndex = 0; n = n.right; // we used the content of n, now iterate to next } const value = currentContent[currentContentIndex++]; // check if we need to empty currentContent if (currentContent.length <= currentContentIndex) { currentContent = null; } return { done: false, value } } } }; /** * @param {AbstractType} type * @param {number} index * @return {any} * * @private * @function */ const typeListGet = (type, index) => { const marker = findMarker(type, index); let n = type._start; if (marker !== null) { n = marker.p; index -= marker.index; } for (; n !== null; n = n.right) { if (!n.deleted && n.countable) { if (index < n.length) { return n.content.getContent()[index] } index -= n.length; } } }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {Item?} referenceItem * @param {Array|Array|boolean|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content * * @private * @function */ const typeListInsertGenericsAfter = (transaction, parent, referenceItem, content) => { let left = referenceItem; const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; const store = doc.store; const right = referenceItem === null ? parent._start : referenceItem.right; /** * @type {Array|number|null>} */ let jsonContent = []; const packJsonContent = () => { if (jsonContent.length > 0) { left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentAny(jsonContent)); left.integrate(transaction, 0); jsonContent = []; } }; content.forEach(c => { if (c === null) { jsonContent.push(c); } else { switch (c.constructor) { case Number: case Object: case Boolean: case Array: case String: jsonContent.push(c); break default: packJsonContent(); switch (c.constructor) { case Uint8Array: case ArrayBuffer: left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentBinary(new Uint8Array(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (c)))); left.integrate(transaction, 0); break case Doc: left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (c))); left.integrate(transaction, 0); break default: if (c instanceof AbstractType) { left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentType(c)); left.integrate(transaction, 0); } else { throw new Error('Unexpected content type in insert operation') } } } } }); packJsonContent(); }; const lengthExceeded = () => error__namespace.create('Length exceeded!'); /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {number} index * @param {Array|Array|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content * * @private * @function */ const typeListInsertGenerics = (transaction, parent, index, content) => { if (index > parent._length) { throw lengthExceeded() } if (index === 0) { if (parent._searchMarker) { updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, index, content.length); } return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, null, content) } const startIndex = index; const marker = findMarker(parent, index); let n = parent._start; if (marker !== null) { n = marker.p; index -= marker.index; // we need to iterate one to the left so that the algorithm works if (index === 0) { // @todo refactor this as it actually doesn't consider formats n = n.prev; // important! get the left undeleted item so that we can actually decrease index index += (n && n.countable && !n.deleted) ? n.length : 0; } } for (; n !== null; n = n.right) { if (!n.deleted && n.countable) { if (index <= n.length) { if (index < n.length) { // insert in-between getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + index)); } break } index -= n.length; } } if (parent._searchMarker) { updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, content.length); } return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content) }; /** * Pushing content is special as we generally want to push after the last item. So we don't have to update * the serach marker. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {Array|Array|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content * * @private * @function */ const typeListPushGenerics = (transaction, parent, content) => { // Use the marker with the highest index and iterate to the right. const marker = (parent._searchMarker || []).reduce((maxMarker, currMarker) => currMarker.index > maxMarker.index ? currMarker : maxMarker, { index: 0, p: parent._start }); let n = marker.p; if (n) { while (n.right) { n = n.right; } } return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content) }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {number} index * @param {number} length * * @private * @function */ const typeListDelete = (transaction, parent, index, length) => { if (length === 0) { return } const startIndex = index; const startLength = length; const marker = findMarker(parent, index); let n = parent._start; if (marker !== null) { n = marker.p; index -= marker.index; } // compute the first item to be deleted for (; n !== null && index > 0; n = n.right) { if (!n.deleted && n.countable) { if (index < n.length) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + index)); } index -= n.length; } } // delete all items until done while (length > 0 && n !== null) { if (!n.deleted) { if (length < n.length) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + length)); } n.delete(transaction); length -= n.length; } n = n.right; } if (length > 0) { throw lengthExceeded() } if (parent._searchMarker) { updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, -startLength + length /* in case we remove the above exception */); } }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {string} key * * @private * @function */ const typeMapDelete = (transaction, parent, key) => { const c = parent._map.get(key); if (c !== undefined) { c.delete(transaction); } }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {string} key * @param {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType} value * * @private * @function */ const typeMapSet = (transaction, parent, key, value) => { const left = parent._map.get(key) || null; const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; let content; if (value == null) { content = new ContentAny([value]); } else { switch (value.constructor) { case Number: case Object: case Boolean: case Array: case String: content = new ContentAny([value]); break case Uint8Array: content = new ContentBinary(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (value)); break case Doc: content = new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (value)); break default: if (value instanceof AbstractType) { content = new ContentType(value); } else { throw new Error('Unexpected content type') } } } new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, null, null, parent, key, content).integrate(transaction, 0); }; /** * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {string} key * @return {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType|undefined} * * @private * @function */ const typeMapGet = (parent, key) => { const val = parent._map.get(key); return val !== undefined && !val.deleted ? val.content.getContent()[val.length - 1] : undefined }; /** * @param {AbstractType} parent * @return {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType|undefined>} * * @private * @function */ const typeMapGetAll = (parent) => { /** * @type {Object} */ const res = {}; parent._map.forEach((value, key) => { if (!value.deleted) { res[key] = value.content.getContent()[value.length - 1]; } }); return res }; /** * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {string} key * @return {boolean} * * @private * @function */ const typeMapHas = (parent, key) => { const val = parent._map.get(key); return val !== undefined && !val.deleted }; /** * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {string} key * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @return {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType|undefined} * * @private * @function */ const typeMapGetSnapshot = (parent, key, snapshot) => { let v = parent._map.get(key) || null; while (v !== null && (!snapshot.sv.has(v.id.client) || v.id.clock >= (snapshot.sv.get(v.id.client) || 0))) { v = v.left; } return v !== null && isVisible(v, snapshot) ? v.content.getContent()[v.length - 1] : undefined }; /** * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {Snapshot} snapshot * @return {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType|undefined>} * * @private * @function */ const typeMapGetAllSnapshot = (parent, snapshot) => { /** * @type {Object} */ const res = {}; parent._map.forEach((value, key) => { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let v = value; while (v !== null && (!snapshot.sv.has(v.id.client) || v.id.clock >= (snapshot.sv.get(v.id.client) || 0))) { v = v.left; } if (v !== null && isVisible(v, snapshot)) { res[key] = v.content.getContent()[v.length - 1]; } }); return res }; /** * @param {Map} map * @return {IterableIterator>} * * @private * @function */ const createMapIterator = map => iterator__namespace.iteratorFilter(map.entries(), /** @param {any} entry */ entry => !entry[1].deleted); /** * @module YArray */ /** * Event that describes the changes on a YArray * @template T * @extends YEvent> */ class YArrayEvent extends YEvent {} /** * A shared Array implementation. * @template T * @extends AbstractType> * @implements {Iterable} */ class YArray extends AbstractType { constructor () { super(); /** * @type {Array?} * @private */ this._prelimContent = []; /** * @type {Array} */ this._searchMarker = []; } /** * Construct a new YArray containing the specified items. * @template {Object|Array|number|null|string|Uint8Array} T * @param {Array} items * @return {YArray} */ static from (items) { /** * @type {YArray} */ const a = new YArray(); a.push(items); return a } /** * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance. * * * Save this struct in the os * * This type is sent to other client * * Observer functions are fired * * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance * @param {Item} item */ _integrate (y, item) { super._integrate(y, item); this.insert(0, /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent)); this._prelimContent = null; } /** * @return {YArray} */ _copy () { return new YArray() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YArray} */ clone () { /** * @type {YArray} */ const arr = new YArray(); arr.insert(0, this.toArray().map(el => el instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof el} */ (el.clone()) : el )); return arr } get length () { return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length } /** * Creates YArrayEvent and calls observers. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified. */ _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) { super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs); callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YArrayEvent(this, transaction)); } /** * Inserts new content at an index. * * Important: This function expects an array of content. Not just a content * object. The reason for this "weirdness" is that inserting several elements * is very efficient when it is done as a single operation. * * @example * // Insert character 'a' at position 0 * yarray.insert(0, ['a']) * // Insert numbers 1, 2 at position 1 * yarray.insert(1, [1, 2]) * * @param {number} index The index to insert content at. * @param {Array} content The array of content */ insert (index, content) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, /** @type {any} */ (content)); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, 0, ...content); } } /** * Appends content to this YArray. * * @param {Array} content Array of content to append. * * @todo Use the following implementation in all types. */ push (content) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeListPushGenerics(transaction, this, /** @type {any} */ (content)); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent).push(...content); } } /** * Prepends content to this YArray. * * @param {Array} content Array of content to prepend. */ unshift (content) { this.insert(0, content); } /** * Deletes elements starting from an index. * * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements * @param {number} length The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1. */ delete (index, length = 1) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, length); } } /** * Returns the i-th element from a YArray. * * @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray * @return {T} */ get (index) { return typeListGet(this, index) } /** * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array. * * @return {Array} */ toArray () { return typeListToArray(this) } /** * Returns a portion of this YArray into a JavaScript Array selected * from start to end (end not included). * * @param {number} [start] * @param {number} [end] * @return {Array} */ slice (start = 0, end = this.length) { return typeListSlice(this, start, end) } /** * Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object. * * @return {Array} */ toJSON () { return this.map(c => c instanceof AbstractType ? c.toJSON() : c) } /** * Returns an Array with the result of calling a provided function on every * element of this YArray. * * @template M * @param {function(T,number,YArray):M} f Function that produces an element of the new Array * @return {Array} A new array with each element being the result of the * callback function */ map (f) { return typeListMap(this, /** @type {any} */ (f)) } /** * Executes a provided function once on every element of this YArray. * * @param {function(T,number,YArray):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray. */ forEach (f) { typeListForEach(this, f); } /** * @return {IterableIterator} */ [Symbol.iterator] () { return typeListCreateIterator(this) } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YArrayRefID); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder * * @private * @function */ const readYArray = _decoder => new YArray(); /** * @module YMap */ /** * @template T * @extends YEvent> * Event that describes the changes on a YMap. */ class YMapEvent extends YEvent { /** * @param {YMap} ymap The YArray that changed. * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} subs The keys that changed. */ constructor (ymap, transaction, subs) { super(ymap, transaction); this.keysChanged = subs; } } /** * @template MapType * A shared Map implementation. * * @extends AbstractType> * @implements {Iterable<[string, MapType]>} */ class YMap extends AbstractType { /** * * @param {Iterable=} entries - an optional iterable to initialize the YMap */ constructor (entries) { super(); /** * @type {Map?} * @private */ this._prelimContent = null; if (entries === undefined) { this._prelimContent = new Map(); } else { this._prelimContent = new Map(entries); } } /** * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance. * * * Save this struct in the os * * This type is sent to other client * * Observer functions are fired * * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance * @param {Item} item */ _integrate (y, item) { super._integrate(y, item) ;/** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimContent).forEach((value, key) => { this.set(key, value); }); this._prelimContent = null; } /** * @return {YMap} */ _copy () { return new YMap() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YMap} */ clone () { /** * @type {YMap} */ const map = new YMap(); this.forEach((value, key) => { map.set(key, value instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof value} */ (value.clone()) : value); }); return map } /** * Creates YMapEvent and calls observers. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified. */ _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) { callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YMapEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs)); } /** * Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object. * * @return {Object} */ toJSON () { /** * @type {Object} */ const map = {}; this._map.forEach((item, key) => { if (!item.deleted) { const v = item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1]; map[key] = v instanceof AbstractType ? v.toJSON() : v; } }); return map } /** * Returns the size of the YMap (count of key/value pairs) * * @return {number} */ get size () { return [...createMapIterator(this._map)].length } /** * Returns the keys for each element in the YMap Type. * * @return {IterableIterator} */ keys () { return iterator__namespace.iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[0]) } /** * Returns the values for each element in the YMap Type. * * @return {IterableIterator} */ values () { return iterator__namespace.iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1]) } /** * Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs * * @return {IterableIterator<[string, MapType]>} */ entries () { return iterator__namespace.iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => /** @type {any} */ ([v[0], v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1]])) } /** * Executes a provided function on once on every key-value pair. * * @param {function(MapType,string,YMap):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray. */ forEach (f) { this._map.forEach((item, key) => { if (!item.deleted) { f(item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1], key, this); } }); } /** * Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs * * @return {IterableIterator<[string, MapType]>} */ [Symbol.iterator] () { return this.entries() } /** * Remove a specified element from this YMap. * * @param {string} key The key of the element to remove. */ delete (key) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapDelete(transaction, this, key); }); } else { /** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimContent).delete(key); } } /** * Adds or updates an element with a specified key and value. * @template {MapType} VAL * * @param {string} key The key of the element to add to this YMap * @param {VAL} value The value of the element to add * @return {VAL} */ set (key, value) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapSet(transaction, this, key, /** @type {any} */ (value)); }); } else { /** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimContent).set(key, value); } return value } /** * Returns a specified element from this YMap. * * @param {string} key * @return {MapType|undefined} */ get (key) { return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, key)) } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified key exists or not. * * @param {string} key The key to test. * @return {boolean} */ has (key) { return typeMapHas(this, key) } /** * Removes all elements from this YMap. */ clear () { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { this.forEach(function (_value, key, map) { typeMapDelete(transaction, map, key); }); }); } else { /** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimContent).clear(); } } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YMapRefID); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder * * @private * @function */ const readYMap = _decoder => new YMap(); /** * @module YText */ /** * @param {any} a * @param {any} b * @return {boolean} */ const equalAttrs = (a, b) => a === b || (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a && b && object__namespace.equalFlat(a, b)); class ItemTextListPosition { /** * @param {Item|null} left * @param {Item|null} right * @param {number} index * @param {Map} currentAttributes */ constructor (left, right, index, currentAttributes) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.index = index; this.currentAttributes = currentAttributes; } /** * Only call this if you know that this.right is defined */ forward () { if (this.right === null) { error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } switch (this.right.content.constructor) { case ContentFormat: if (!this.right.deleted) { updateCurrentAttributes(this.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (this.right.content)); } break default: if (!this.right.deleted) { this.index += this.right.length; } break } this.left = this.right; this.right = this.right.right; } } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {ItemTextListPosition} pos * @param {number} count steps to move forward * @return {ItemTextListPosition} * * @private * @function */ const findNextPosition = (transaction, pos, count) => { while (pos.right !== null && count > 0) { switch (pos.right.content.constructor) { case ContentFormat: if (!pos.right.deleted) { updateCurrentAttributes(pos.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (pos.right.content)); } break default: if (!pos.right.deleted) { if (count < pos.right.length) { // split right getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(pos.right.id.client, pos.right.id.clock + count)); } pos.index += pos.right.length; count -= pos.right.length; } break } pos.left = pos.right; pos.right = pos.right.right; // pos.forward() - we don't forward because that would halve the performance because we already do the checks above } return pos }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {number} index * @param {boolean} useSearchMarker * @return {ItemTextListPosition} * * @private * @function */ const findPosition = (transaction, parent, index, useSearchMarker) => { const currentAttributes = new Map(); const marker = useSearchMarker ? findMarker(parent, index) : null; if (marker) { const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(marker.p.left, marker.p, marker.index, currentAttributes); return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index - marker.index) } else { const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, parent._start, 0, currentAttributes); return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index) } }; /** * Negate applied formats * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {Map} negatedAttributes * * @private * @function */ const insertNegatedAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes) => { // check if we really need to remove attributes while ( currPos.right !== null && ( currPos.right.deleted === true || ( currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat && equalAttrs(negatedAttributes.get(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key), /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value) ) ) ) { if (!currPos.right.deleted) { negatedAttributes.delete(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key); } currPos.forward(); } const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; negatedAttributes.forEach((val, key) => { const left = currPos.left; const right = currPos.right; const nextFormat = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val)); nextFormat.integrate(transaction, 0); currPos.right = nextFormat; currPos.forward(); }); }; /** * @param {Map} currentAttributes * @param {ContentFormat} format * * @private * @function */ const updateCurrentAttributes = (currentAttributes, format) => { const { key, value } = format; if (value === null) { currentAttributes.delete(key); } else { currentAttributes.set(key, value); } }; /** * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {Object} attributes * * @private * @function */ const minimizeAttributeChanges = (currPos, attributes) => { // go right while attributes[right.key] === right.value (or right is deleted) while (true) { if (currPos.right === null) { break } else if (currPos.right.deleted || (currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat && equalAttrs(attributes[(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content)).key] ?? null, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value))) ; else { break } currPos.forward(); } }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {Object} attributes * @return {Map} * * @private * @function **/ const insertAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, attributes) => { const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; const negatedAttributes = new Map(); // insert format-start items for (const key in attributes) { const val = attributes[key]; const currentVal = currPos.currentAttributes.get(key) ?? null; if (!equalAttrs(currentVal, val)) { // save negated attribute (set null if currentVal undefined) negatedAttributes.set(key, currentVal); const { left, right } = currPos; currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val)); currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0); currPos.forward(); } } return negatedAttributes }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {string|object|AbstractType} text * @param {Object} attributes * * @private * @function **/ const insertText = (transaction, parent, currPos, text, attributes) => { currPos.currentAttributes.forEach((_val, key) => { if (attributes[key] === undefined) { attributes[key] = null; } }); const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes); const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes); // insert content const content = text.constructor === String ? new ContentString(/** @type {string} */ (text)) : (text instanceof AbstractType ? new ContentType(text) : new ContentEmbed(text)); let { left, right, index } = currPos; if (parent._searchMarker) { updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, content.getLength()); } right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, content); right.integrate(transaction, 0); currPos.right = right; currPos.index = index; currPos.forward(); insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes); }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {AbstractType} parent * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {number} length * @param {Object} attributes * * @private * @function */ const formatText = (transaction, parent, currPos, length, attributes) => { const doc = transaction.doc; const ownClientId = doc.clientID; minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes); const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes); // iterate until first non-format or null is found // delete all formats with attributes[format.key] != null // also check the attributes after the first non-format as we do not want to insert redundant negated attributes there // eslint-disable-next-line no-labels iterationLoop: while ( currPos.right !== null && (length > 0 || ( negatedAttributes.size > 0 && (currPos.right.deleted || currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat) ) ) ) { if (!currPos.right.deleted) { switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) { case ContentFormat: { const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content); const attr = attributes[key]; if (attr !== undefined) { if (equalAttrs(attr, value)) { negatedAttributes.delete(key); } else { if (length === 0) { // no need to further extend negatedAttributes // eslint-disable-next-line no-labels break iterationLoop } negatedAttributes.set(key, value); } currPos.right.delete(transaction); } else { currPos.currentAttributes.set(key, value); } break } default: if (length < currPos.right.length) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(currPos.right.id.client, currPos.right.id.clock + length)); } length -= currPos.right.length; break } } currPos.forward(); } // Quill just assumes that the editor starts with a newline and that it always // ends with a newline. We only insert that newline when a new newline is // inserted - i.e when length is bigger than type.length if (length > 0) { let newlines = ''; for (; length > 0; length--) { newlines += '\n'; } currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), currPos.left, currPos.left && currPos.left.lastId, currPos.right, currPos.right && currPos.right.id, parent, null, new ContentString(newlines)); currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0); currPos.forward(); } insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes); }; /** * Call this function after string content has been deleted in order to * clean up formatting Items. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} start * @param {Item|null} curr exclusive end, automatically iterates to the next Content Item * @param {Map} startAttributes * @param {Map} currAttributes * @return {number} The amount of formatting Items deleted. * * @function */ const cleanupFormattingGap = (transaction, start, curr, startAttributes, currAttributes) => { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let end = start; /** * @type {Map} */ const endFormats = map__namespace.create(); while (end && (!end.countable || end.deleted)) { if (!end.deleted && end.content.constructor === ContentFormat) { const cf = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content); endFormats.set(cf.key, cf); } end = end.right; } let cleanups = 0; let reachedCurr = false; while (start !== end) { if (curr === start) { reachedCurr = true; } if (!start.deleted) { const content = start.content; switch (content.constructor) { case ContentFormat: { const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content); const startAttrValue = startAttributes.get(key) ?? null; if (endFormats.get(key) !== content || startAttrValue === value) { // Either this format is overwritten or it is not necessary because the attribute already existed. start.delete(transaction); cleanups++; if (!reachedCurr && (currAttributes.get(key) ?? null) === value && startAttrValue !== value) { if (startAttrValue === null) { currAttributes.delete(key); } else { currAttributes.set(key, startAttrValue); } } } if (!reachedCurr && !start.deleted) { updateCurrentAttributes(currAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content)); } break } } } start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right); } return cleanups }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item | null} item */ const cleanupContextlessFormattingGap = (transaction, item) => { // iterate until item.right is null or content while (item && item.right && (item.right.deleted || !item.right.countable)) { item = item.right; } const attrs = new Set(); // iterate back until a content item is found while (item && (item.deleted || !item.countable)) { if (!item.deleted && item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) { const key = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content).key; if (attrs.has(key)) { item.delete(transaction); } else { attrs.add(key); } } item = item.left; } }; /** * This function is experimental and subject to change / be removed. * * Ideally, we don't need this function at all. Formatting attributes should be cleaned up * automatically after each change. This function iterates twice over the complete YText type * and removes unnecessary formatting attributes. This is also helpful for testing. * * This function won't be exported anymore as soon as there is confidence that the YText type works as intended. * * @param {YText} type * @return {number} How many formatting attributes have been cleaned up. */ const cleanupYTextFormatting = type => { let res = 0; transact(/** @type {Doc} */ (type.doc), transaction => { let start = /** @type {Item} */ (type._start); let end = type._start; let startAttributes = map__namespace.create(); const currentAttributes = map__namespace.copy(startAttributes); while (end) { if (end.deleted === false) { switch (end.content.constructor) { case ContentFormat: updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content)); break default: res += cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, end, startAttributes, currentAttributes); startAttributes = map__namespace.copy(currentAttributes); start = end; break } } end = end.right; } }); return res }; /** * This will be called by the transction once the event handlers are called to potentially cleanup * formatting attributes. * * @param {Transaction} transaction */ const cleanupYTextAfterTransaction = transaction => { /** * @type {Set} */ const needFullCleanup = new Set(); // check if another formatting item was inserted const doc = transaction.doc; for (const [client, afterClock] of transaction.afterState.entries()) { const clock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0; if (afterClock === clock) { continue } iterateStructs(transaction, /** @type {Array} */ (doc.store.clients.get(client)), clock, afterClock, item => { if ( !item.deleted && /** @type {Item} */ (item).content.constructor === ContentFormat && item.constructor !== GC ) { needFullCleanup.add(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent); } }); } // cleanup in a new transaction transact(doc, (t) => { iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, transaction.deleteSet, item => { if (item instanceof GC || !(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent)._hasFormatting) || needFullCleanup.has(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent))) { return } const parent = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent); if (item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) { needFullCleanup.add(parent); } else { // If no formatting attribute was inserted or deleted, we can make due with contextless // formatting cleanups. // Contextless: it is not necessary to compute currentAttributes for the affected position. cleanupContextlessFormattingGap(t, item); } }); // If a formatting item was inserted, we simply clean the whole type. // We need to compute currentAttributes for the current position anyway. for (const yText of needFullCleanup) { cleanupYTextFormatting(yText); } }); }; /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos * @param {number} length * @return {ItemTextListPosition} * * @private * @function */ const deleteText = (transaction, currPos, length) => { const startLength = length; const startAttrs = map__namespace.copy(currPos.currentAttributes); const start = currPos.right; while (length > 0 && currPos.right !== null) { if (currPos.right.deleted === false) { switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) { case ContentType: case ContentEmbed: case ContentString: if (length < currPos.right.length) { getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(currPos.right.id.client, currPos.right.id.clock + length)); } length -= currPos.right.length; currPos.right.delete(transaction); break } } currPos.forward(); } if (start) { cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, currPos.right, startAttrs, currPos.currentAttributes); } const parent = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (/** @type {Item} */ (currPos.left || currPos.right).parent); if (parent._searchMarker) { updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, -startLength + length); } return currPos }; /** * The Quill Delta format represents changes on a text document with * formatting information. For mor information visit {@link https://quilljs.com/docs/delta/|Quill Delta} * * @example * { * ops: [ * { insert: 'Gandalf', attributes: { bold: true } }, * { insert: ' the ' }, * { insert: 'Grey', attributes: { color: '#cccccc' } } * ] * } * */ /** * Attributes that can be assigned to a selection of text. * * @example * { * bold: true, * font-size: '40px' * } * * @typedef {Object} TextAttributes */ /** * @extends YEvent * Event that describes the changes on a YText type. */ class YTextEvent extends YEvent { /** * @param {YText} ytext * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} subs The keys that changed */ constructor (ytext, transaction, subs) { super(ytext, transaction); /** * Whether the children changed. * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.childListChanged = false; /** * Set of all changed attributes. * @type {Set} */ this.keysChanged = new Set(); subs.forEach((sub) => { if (sub === null) { this.childListChanged = true; } else { this.keysChanged.add(sub); } }); } /** * @type {{added:Set,deleted:Set,keys:Map,delta:Array<{insert?:Array|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}} */ get changes () { if (this._changes === null) { /** * @type {{added:Set,deleted:Set,keys:Map,delta:Array<{insert?:Array|string|AbstractType|object, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}} */ const changes = { keys: this.keys, delta: this.delta, added: new Set(), deleted: new Set() }; this._changes = changes; } return /** @type {any} */ (this._changes) } /** * Compute the changes in the delta format. * A {@link https://quilljs.com/docs/delta/|Quill Delta}) that represents the changes on the document. * * @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object}>} * * @public */ get delta () { if (this._delta === null) { const y = /** @type {Doc} */ (this.target.doc); /** * @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object}>} */ const delta = []; transact(y, transaction => { const currentAttributes = new Map(); // saves all current attributes for insert const oldAttributes = new Map(); let item = this.target._start; /** * @type {string?} */ let action = null; /** * @type {Object} */ const attributes = {}; // counts added or removed new attributes for retain /** * @type {string|object} */ let insert = ''; let retain = 0; let deleteLen = 0; const addOp = () => { if (action !== null) { /** * @type {any} */ let op = null; switch (action) { case 'delete': if (deleteLen > 0) { op = { delete: deleteLen }; } deleteLen = 0; break case 'insert': if (typeof insert === 'object' || insert.length > 0) { op = { insert }; if (currentAttributes.size > 0) { op.attributes = {}; currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => { if (value !== null) { op.attributes[key] = value; } }); } } insert = ''; break case 'retain': if (retain > 0) { op = { retain }; if (!object__namespace.isEmpty(attributes)) { op.attributes = object__namespace.assign({}, attributes); } } retain = 0; break } if (op) delta.push(op); action = null; } }; while (item !== null) { switch (item.content.constructor) { case ContentType: case ContentEmbed: if (this.adds(item)) { if (!this.deletes(item)) { addOp(); action = 'insert'; insert = item.content.getContent()[0]; addOp(); } } else if (this.deletes(item)) { if (action !== 'delete') { addOp(); action = 'delete'; } deleteLen += 1; } else if (!item.deleted) { if (action !== 'retain') { addOp(); action = 'retain'; } retain += 1; } break case ContentString: if (this.adds(item)) { if (!this.deletes(item)) { if (action !== 'insert') { addOp(); action = 'insert'; } insert += /** @type {ContentString} */ (item.content).str; } } else if (this.deletes(item)) { if (action !== 'delete') { addOp(); action = 'delete'; } deleteLen += item.length; } else if (!item.deleted) { if (action !== 'retain') { addOp(); action = 'retain'; } retain += item.length; } break case ContentFormat: { const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content); if (this.adds(item)) { if (!this.deletes(item)) { const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) ?? null; if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) { if (action === 'retain') { addOp(); } if (equalAttrs(value, (oldAttributes.get(key) ?? null))) { delete attributes[key]; } else { attributes[key] = value; } } else if (value !== null) { item.delete(transaction); } } } else if (this.deletes(item)) { oldAttributes.set(key, value); const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) ?? null; if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) { if (action === 'retain') { addOp(); } attributes[key] = curVal; } } else if (!item.deleted) { oldAttributes.set(key, value); const attr = attributes[key]; if (attr !== undefined) { if (!equalAttrs(attr, value)) { if (action === 'retain') { addOp(); } if (value === null) { delete attributes[key]; } else { attributes[key] = value; } } else if (attr !== null) { // this will be cleaned up automatically by the contextless cleanup function item.delete(transaction); } } } if (!item.deleted) { if (action === 'insert') { addOp(); } updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content)); } break } } item = item.right; } addOp(); while (delta.length > 0) { const lastOp = delta[delta.length - 1]; if (lastOp.retain !== undefined && lastOp.attributes === undefined) { // retain delta's if they don't assign attributes delta.pop(); } else { break } } }); this._delta = delta; } return /** @type {any} */ (this._delta) } } /** * Type that represents text with formatting information. * * This type replaces y-richtext as this implementation is able to handle * block formats (format information on a paragraph), embeds (complex elements * like pictures and videos), and text formats (**bold**, *italic*). * * @extends AbstractType */ class YText extends AbstractType { /** * @param {String} [string] The initial value of the YText. */ constructor (string) { super(); /** * Array of pending operations on this type * @type {Array?} */ this._pending = string !== undefined ? [() => this.insert(0, string)] : []; /** * @type {Array|null} */ this._searchMarker = []; /** * Whether this YText contains formatting attributes. * This flag is updated when a formatting item is integrated (see ContentFormat.integrate) */ this._hasFormatting = false; } /** * Number of characters of this text type. * * @type {number} */ get length () { return this._length } /** * @param {Doc} y * @param {Item} item */ _integrate (y, item) { super._integrate(y, item); try { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).forEach(f => f()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } this._pending = null; } _copy () { return new YText() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YText} */ clone () { const text = new YText(); text.applyDelta(this.toDelta()); return text } /** * Creates YTextEvent and calls observers. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified. */ _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) { super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs); const event = new YTextEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs); callTypeObservers(this, transaction, event); // If a remote change happened, we try to cleanup potential formatting duplicates. if (!transaction.local && this._hasFormatting) { transaction._needFormattingCleanup = true; } } /** * Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type. * * @public */ toString () { let str = ''; /** * @type {Item|null} */ let n = this._start; while (n !== null) { if (!n.deleted && n.countable && n.content.constructor === ContentString) { str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str; } n = n.right; } return str } /** * Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type. * * @return {string} * @public */ toJSON () { return this.toString() } /** * Apply a {@link Delta} on this shared YText type. * * @param {any} delta The changes to apply on this element. * @param {object} opts * @param {boolean} [opts.sanitize] Sanitize input delta. Removes ending newlines if set to true. * * * @public */ applyDelta (delta, { sanitize = true } = {}) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { const currPos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, this._start, 0, new Map()); for (let i = 0; i < delta.length; i++) { const op = delta[i]; if (op.insert !== undefined) { // Quill assumes that the content starts with an empty paragraph. // Yjs/Y.Text assumes that it starts empty. We always hide that // there is a newline at the end of the content. // If we omit this step, clients will see a different number of // paragraphs, but nothing bad will happen. const ins = (!sanitize && typeof op.insert === 'string' && i === delta.length - 1 && currPos.right === null && op.insert.slice(-1) === '\n') ? op.insert.slice(0, -1) : op.insert; if (typeof ins !== 'string' || ins.length > 0) { insertText(transaction, this, currPos, ins, op.attributes || {}); } } else if (op.retain !== undefined) { formatText(transaction, this, currPos, op.retain, op.attributes || {}); } else if (op.delete !== undefined) { deleteText(transaction, currPos, op.delete); } } }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.applyDelta(delta)); } } /** * Returns the Delta representation of this YText type. * * @param {Snapshot} [snapshot] * @param {Snapshot} [prevSnapshot] * @param {function('removed' | 'added', ID):any} [computeYChange] * @return {any} The Delta representation of this type. * * @public */ toDelta (snapshot, prevSnapshot, computeYChange) { /** * @type{Array} */ const ops = []; const currentAttributes = new Map(); const doc = /** @type {Doc} */ (this.doc); let str = ''; let n = this._start; function packStr () { if (str.length > 0) { // pack str with attributes to ops /** * @type {Object} */ const attributes = {}; let addAttributes = false; currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => { addAttributes = true; attributes[key] = value; }); /** * @type {Object} */ const op = { insert: str }; if (addAttributes) { op.attributes = attributes; } ops.push(op); str = ''; } } const computeDelta = () => { while (n !== null) { if (isVisible(n, snapshot) || (prevSnapshot !== undefined && isVisible(n, prevSnapshot))) { switch (n.content.constructor) { case ContentString: { const cur = currentAttributes.get('ychange'); if (snapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, snapshot)) { if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== n.id.client || cur.type !== 'removed') { packStr(); currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('removed', n.id) : { type: 'removed' }); } } else if (prevSnapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, prevSnapshot)) { if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== n.id.client || cur.type !== 'added') { packStr(); currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('added', n.id) : { type: 'added' }); } } else if (cur !== undefined) { packStr(); currentAttributes.delete('ychange'); } str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str; break } case ContentType: case ContentEmbed: { packStr(); /** * @type {Object} */ const op = { insert: n.content.getContent()[0] }; if (currentAttributes.size > 0) { const attrs = /** @type {Object} */ ({}); op.attributes = attrs; currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => { attrs[key] = value; }); } ops.push(op); break } case ContentFormat: if (isVisible(n, snapshot)) { packStr(); updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (n.content)); } break } } n = n.right; } packStr(); }; if (snapshot || prevSnapshot) { // snapshots are merged again after the transaction, so we need to keep the // transaction alive until we are done transact(doc, transaction => { if (snapshot) { splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, snapshot); } if (prevSnapshot) { splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, prevSnapshot); } computeDelta(); }, 'cleanup'); } else { computeDelta(); } return ops } /** * Insert text at a given index. * * @param {number} index The index at which to start inserting. * @param {String} text The text to insert at the specified position. * @param {TextAttributes} [attributes] Optionally define some formatting * information to apply on the inserted * Text. * @public */ insert (index, text, attributes) { if (text.length <= 0) { return } const y = this.doc; if (y !== null) { transact(y, transaction => { const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index, !attributes); if (!attributes) { attributes = {}; // @ts-ignore pos.currentAttributes.forEach((v, k) => { attributes[k] = v; }); } insertText(transaction, this, pos, text, attributes); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insert(index, text, attributes)); } } /** * Inserts an embed at a index. * * @param {number} index The index to insert the embed at. * @param {Object | AbstractType} embed The Object that represents the embed. * @param {TextAttributes} [attributes] Attribute information to apply on the * embed * * @public */ insertEmbed (index, embed, attributes) { const y = this.doc; if (y !== null) { transact(y, transaction => { const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index, !attributes); insertText(transaction, this, pos, embed, attributes || {}); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insertEmbed(index, embed, attributes || {})); } } /** * Deletes text starting from an index. * * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting. * @param {number} length The number of characters to remove. Defaults to 1. * * @public */ delete (index, length) { if (length === 0) { return } const y = this.doc; if (y !== null) { transact(y, transaction => { deleteText(transaction, findPosition(transaction, this, index, true), length); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.delete(index, length)); } } /** * Assigns properties to a range of text. * * @param {number} index The position where to start formatting. * @param {number} length The amount of characters to assign properties to. * @param {TextAttributes} attributes Attribute information to apply on the * text. * * @public */ format (index, length, attributes) { if (length === 0) { return } const y = this.doc; if (y !== null) { transact(y, transaction => { const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index, false); if (pos.right === null) { return } formatText(transaction, this, pos, length, attributes); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.format(index, length, attributes)); } } /** * Removes an attribute. * * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks. * * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed. * * @public */ removeAttribute (attributeName) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.removeAttribute(attributeName)); } } /** * Sets or updates an attribute. * * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks. * * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set. * @param {any} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set. * * @public */ setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue); }); } else { /** @type {Array} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue)); } } /** * Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name. * * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks. * * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the * queried value. * @return {any} The queried attribute value. * * @public */ getAttribute (attributeName) { return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName)) } /** * Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object. * * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks. * * @return {Object} A JSON Object that describes the attributes. * * @public */ getAttributes () { return typeMapGetAll(this) } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YTextRefID); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder * @return {YText} * * @private * @function */ const readYText = _decoder => new YText(); /** * @module YXml */ /** * Define the elements to which a set of CSS queries apply. * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors|CSS_Selectors} * * @example * query = '.classSelector' * query = 'nodeSelector' * query = '#idSelector' * * @typedef {string} CSS_Selector */ /** * Dom filter function. * * @callback domFilter * @param {string} nodeName The nodeName of the element * @param {Map} attributes The map of attributes. * @return {boolean} Whether to include the Dom node in the YXmlElement. */ /** * Represents a subset of the nodes of a YXmlElement / YXmlFragment and a * position within them. * * Can be created with {@link YXmlFragment#createTreeWalker} * * @public * @implements {Iterable} */ class YXmlTreeWalker { /** * @param {YXmlFragment | YXmlElement} root * @param {function(AbstractType):boolean} [f] */ constructor (root, f = () => true) { this._filter = f; this._root = root; /** * @type {Item} */ this._currentNode = /** @type {Item} */ (root._start); this._firstCall = true; } [Symbol.iterator] () { return this } /** * Get the next node. * * @return {IteratorResult} The next node. * * @public */ next () { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let n = this._currentNode; let type = n && n.content && /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type; if (n !== null && (!this._firstCall || n.deleted || !this._filter(type))) { // if first call, we check if we can use the first item do { type = /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type; if (!n.deleted && (type.constructor === YXmlElement || type.constructor === YXmlFragment) && type._start !== null) { // walk down in the tree n = type._start; } else { // walk right or up in the tree while (n !== null) { if (n.right !== null) { n = n.right; break } else if (n.parent === this._root) { n = null; } else { n = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (n.parent)._item; } } } } while (n !== null && (n.deleted || !this._filter(/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type))) } this._firstCall = false; if (n === null) { // @ts-ignore return { value: undefined, done: true } } this._currentNode = n; return { value: /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type, done: false } } } /** * Represents a list of {@link YXmlElement}.and {@link YXmlText} types. * A YxmlFragment is similar to a {@link YXmlElement}, but it does not have a * nodeName and it does not have attributes. Though it can be bound to a DOM * element - in this case the attributes and the nodeName are not shared. * * @public * @extends AbstractType */ class YXmlFragment extends AbstractType { constructor () { super(); /** * @type {Array|null} */ this._prelimContent = []; } /** * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null} */ get firstChild () { const first = this._first; return first ? first.content.getContent()[0] : null } /** * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance. * * * Save this struct in the os * * This type is sent to other client * * Observer functions are fired * * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance * @param {Item} item */ _integrate (y, item) { super._integrate(y, item); this.insert(0, /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent)); this._prelimContent = null; } _copy () { return new YXmlFragment() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YXmlFragment} */ clone () { const el = new YXmlFragment(); // @ts-ignore el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item)); return el } get length () { return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length } /** * Create a subtree of childNodes. * * @example * const walker = elem.createTreeWalker(dom => dom.nodeName === 'div') * for (let node in walker) { * // `node` is a div node * nop(node) * } * * @param {function(AbstractType):boolean} filter Function that is called on each child element and * returns a Boolean indicating whether the child * is to be included in the subtree. * @return {YXmlTreeWalker} A subtree and a position within it. * * @public */ createTreeWalker (filter) { return new YXmlTreeWalker(this, filter) } /** * Returns the first YXmlElement that matches the query. * Similar to DOM's {@link querySelector}. * * Query support: * - tagname * TODO: * - id * - attribute * * @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children. * @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook|null} The first element that matches the query or null. * * @public */ querySelector (query) { query = query.toUpperCase(); // @ts-ignore const iterator = new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query); const next = iterator.next(); if (next.done) { return null } else { return next.value } } /** * Returns all YXmlElements that match the query. * Similar to Dom's {@link querySelectorAll}. * * @todo Does not yet support all queries. Currently only query by tagName. * * @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children * @return {Array} The elements that match this query. * * @public */ querySelectorAll (query) { query = query.toUpperCase(); // @ts-ignore return array__namespace.from(new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query)) } /** * Creates YXmlEvent and calls observers. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Set} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified. */ _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) { callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YXmlEvent(this, parentSubs, transaction)); } /** * Get the string representation of all the children of this YXmlFragment. * * @return {string} The string representation of all children. */ toString () { return typeListMap(this, xml => xml.toString()).join('') } /** * @return {string} */ toJSON () { return this.toString() } /** * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement. * * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define * this when calling this method in * nodejs) * @param {Object} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks * are presented in the DOM * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is * used if DomBinding wants to create a * association to the created DOM type. * @return {Node} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element} * * @public */ toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) { const fragment = _document.createDocumentFragment(); if (binding !== undefined) { binding._createAssociation(fragment, this); } typeListForEach(this, xmlType => { fragment.insertBefore(xmlType.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding), null); }); return fragment } /** * Inserts new content at an index. * * @example * // Insert character 'a' at position 0 * xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')]) * * @param {number} index The index to insert content at * @param {Array} content The array of content */ insert (index, content) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, content); }); } else { // @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated this._prelimContent.splice(index, 0, ...content); } } /** * Inserts new content at an index. * * @example * // Insert character 'a' at position 0 * xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')]) * * @param {null|Item|YXmlElement|YXmlText} ref The index to insert content at * @param {Array} content The array of content */ insertAfter (ref, content) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { const refItem = (ref && ref instanceof AbstractType) ? ref._item : ref; typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, this, refItem, content); }); } else { const pc = /** @type {Array} */ (this._prelimContent); const index = ref === null ? 0 : pc.findIndex(el => el === ref) + 1; if (index === 0 && ref !== null) { throw error__namespace.create('Reference item not found') } pc.splice(index, 0, ...content); } } /** * Deletes elements starting from an index. * * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements * @param {number} [length=1] The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1. */ delete (index, length = 1) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length); }); } else { // @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated this._prelimContent.splice(index, length); } } /** * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array. * * @return {Array} */ toArray () { return typeListToArray(this) } /** * Appends content to this YArray. * * @param {Array} content Array of content to append. */ push (content) { this.insert(this.length, content); } /** * Prepends content to this YArray. * * @param {Array} content Array of content to prepend. */ unshift (content) { this.insert(0, content); } /** * Returns the i-th element from a YArray. * * @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray * @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ get (index) { return typeListGet(this, index) } /** * Returns a portion of this YXmlFragment into a JavaScript Array selected * from start to end (end not included). * * @param {number} [start] * @param {number} [end] * @return {Array} */ slice (start = 0, end = this.length) { return typeListSlice(this, start, end) } /** * Executes a provided function on once on every child element. * * @param {function(YXmlElement|YXmlText,number, typeof self):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray. */ forEach (f) { typeListForEach(this, f); } /** * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an * BinaryEncoder. * * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer. * * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to. */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YXmlFragmentRefID); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder * @return {YXmlFragment} * * @private * @function */ const readYXmlFragment = _decoder => new YXmlFragment(); /** * @typedef {Object|number|null|Array|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType} ValueTypes */ /** * An YXmlElement imitates the behavior of a * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element * * * An YXmlElement has attributes (key value pairs) * * An YXmlElement has childElements that must inherit from YXmlElement * * @template {{ [key: string]: ValueTypes }} [KV={ [key: string]: string }] */ class YXmlElement extends YXmlFragment { constructor (nodeName = 'UNDEFINED') { super(); this.nodeName = nodeName; /** * @type {Map|null} */ this._prelimAttrs = new Map(); } /** * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null} */ get nextSibling () { const n = this._item ? this._item.next : null; return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null } /** * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null} */ get prevSibling () { const n = this._item ? this._item.prev : null; return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null } /** * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance. * * * Save this struct in the os * * This type is sent to other client * * Observer functions are fired * * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance * @param {Item} item */ _integrate (y, item) { super._integrate(y, item) ;(/** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimAttrs)).forEach((value, key) => { this.setAttribute(key, value); }); this._prelimAttrs = null; } /** * Creates an Item with the same effect as this Item (without position effect) * * @return {YXmlElement} */ _copy () { return new YXmlElement(this.nodeName) } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YXmlElement} */ clone () { /** * @type {YXmlElement} */ const el = new YXmlElement(this.nodeName); const attrs = this.getAttributes(); object__namespace.forEach(attrs, (value, key) => { if (typeof value === 'string') { el.setAttribute(key, value); } }); // @ts-ignore el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item)); return el } /** * Returns the XML serialization of this YXmlElement. * The attributes are ordered by attribute-name, so you can easily use this * method to compare YXmlElements * * @return {string} The string representation of this type. * * @public */ toString () { const attrs = this.getAttributes(); const stringBuilder = []; const keys = []; for (const key in attrs) { keys.push(key); } keys.sort(); const keysLen = keys.length; for (let i = 0; i < keysLen; i++) { const key = keys[i]; stringBuilder.push(key + '="' + attrs[key] + '"'); } const nodeName = this.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase(); const attrsString = stringBuilder.length > 0 ? ' ' + stringBuilder.join(' ') : ''; return `<${nodeName}${attrsString}>${super.toString()}` } /** * Removes an attribute from this YXmlElement. * * @param {string} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed. * * @public */ removeAttribute (attributeName) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName); }); } else { /** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimAttrs).delete(attributeName); } } /** * Sets or updates an attribute. * * @template {keyof KV & string} KEY * * @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set. * @param {KV[KEY]} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set. * * @public */ setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) { if (this.doc !== null) { transact(this.doc, transaction => { typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue); }); } else { /** @type {Map} */ (this._prelimAttrs).set(attributeName, attributeValue); } } /** * Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name. * * @template {keyof KV & string} KEY * * @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the * queried value. * @return {KV[KEY]|undefined} The queried attribute value. * * @public */ getAttribute (attributeName) { return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName)) } /** * Returns whether an attribute exists * * @param {string} attributeName The attribute name to check for existence. * @return {boolean} whether the attribute exists. * * @public */ hasAttribute (attributeName) { return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapHas(this, attributeName)) } /** * Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object. * * @param {Snapshot} [snapshot] * @return {{ [Key in Extract]?: KV[Key]}} A JSON Object that describes the attributes. * * @public */ getAttributes (snapshot) { return /** @type {any} */ (snapshot ? typeMapGetAllSnapshot(this, snapshot) : typeMapGetAll(this)) } /** * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement. * * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define * this when calling this method in * nodejs) * @param {Object} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks * are presented in the DOM * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is * used if DomBinding wants to create a * association to the created DOM type. * @return {Node} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element} * * @public */ toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) { const dom = _document.createElement(this.nodeName); const attrs = this.getAttributes(); for (const key in attrs) { const value = attrs[key]; if (typeof value === 'string') { dom.setAttribute(key, value); } } typeListForEach(this, yxml => { dom.appendChild(yxml.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding)); }); if (binding !== undefined) { binding._createAssociation(dom, this); } return dom } /** * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an * BinaryEncoder. * * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer. * * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to. */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YXmlElementRefID); encoder.writeKey(this.nodeName); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {YXmlElement} * * @function */ const readYXmlElement = decoder => new YXmlElement(decoder.readKey()); /** * @extends YEvent * An Event that describes changes on a YXml Element or Yxml Fragment */ class YXmlEvent extends YEvent { /** * @param {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlFragment} target The target on which the event is created. * @param {Set} subs The set of changed attributes. `null` is included if the * child list changed. * @param {Transaction} transaction The transaction instance with wich the * change was created. */ constructor (target, subs, transaction) { super(target, transaction); /** * Whether the children changed. * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.childListChanged = false; /** * Set of all changed attributes. * @type {Set} */ this.attributesChanged = new Set(); subs.forEach((sub) => { if (sub === null) { this.childListChanged = true; } else { this.attributesChanged.add(sub); } }); } } /** * You can manage binding to a custom type with YXmlHook. * * @extends {YMap} */ class YXmlHook extends YMap { /** * @param {string} hookName nodeName of the Dom Node. */ constructor (hookName) { super(); /** * @type {string} */ this.hookName = hookName; } /** * Creates an Item with the same effect as this Item (without position effect) */ _copy () { return new YXmlHook(this.hookName) } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YXmlHook} */ clone () { const el = new YXmlHook(this.hookName); this.forEach((value, key) => { el.set(key, value); }); return el } /** * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement. * * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define * this when calling this method in * nodejs) * @param {Object.} [hooks] Optional property to customize how hooks * are presented in the DOM * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is * used if DomBinding wants to create a * association to the created DOM type * @return {Element} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element} * * @public */ toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) { const hook = hooks[this.hookName]; let dom; if (hook !== undefined) { dom = hook.createDom(this); } else { dom = document.createElement(this.hookName); } dom.setAttribute('data-yjs-hook', this.hookName); if (binding !== undefined) { binding._createAssociation(dom, this); } return dom } /** * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an * BinaryEncoder. * * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer. * * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to. */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YXmlHookRefID); encoder.writeKey(this.hookName); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {YXmlHook} * * @private * @function */ const readYXmlHook = decoder => new YXmlHook(decoder.readKey()); /** * Represents text in a Dom Element. In the future this type will also handle * simple formatting information like bold and italic. */ class YXmlText extends YText { /** * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null} */ get nextSibling () { const n = this._item ? this._item.next : null; return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null } /** * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null} */ get prevSibling () { const n = this._item ? this._item.prev : null; return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null } _copy () { return new YXmlText() } /** * Makes a copy of this data type that can be included somewhere else. * * Note that the content is only readable _after_ it has been included somewhere in the Ydoc. * * @return {YXmlText} */ clone () { const text = new YXmlText(); text.applyDelta(this.toDelta()); return text } /** * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlText. * * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define * this when calling this method in * nodejs) * @param {Object} [hooks] Optional property to customize how hooks * are presented in the DOM * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is * used if DomBinding wants to create a * association to the created DOM type. * @return {Text} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element} * * @public */ toDOM (_document = document, hooks, binding) { const dom = _document.createTextNode(this.toString()); if (binding !== undefined) { binding._createAssociation(dom, this); } return dom } toString () { // @ts-ignore return this.toDelta().map(delta => { const nestedNodes = []; for (const nodeName in delta.attributes) { const attrs = []; for (const key in delta.attributes[nodeName]) { attrs.push({ key, value: delta.attributes[nodeName][key] }); } // sort attributes to get a unique order attrs.sort((a, b) => a.key < b.key ? -1 : 1); nestedNodes.push({ nodeName, attrs }); } // sort node order to get a unique order nestedNodes.sort((a, b) => a.nodeName < b.nodeName ? -1 : 1); // now convert to dom string let str = ''; for (let i = 0; i < nestedNodes.length; i++) { const node = nestedNodes[i]; str += `<${node.nodeName}`; for (let j = 0; j < node.attrs.length; j++) { const attr = node.attrs[j]; str += ` ${attr.key}="${attr.value}"`; } str += '>'; } str += delta.insert; for (let i = nestedNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { str += ``; } return str }).join('') } /** * @return {string} */ toJSON () { return this.toString() } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder */ _write (encoder) { encoder.writeTypeRef(YXmlTextRefID); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {YXmlText} * * @private * @function */ const readYXmlText = decoder => new YXmlText(); class AbstractStruct { /** * @param {ID} id * @param {number} length */ constructor (id, length) { this.id = id; this.length = length; } /** * @type {boolean} */ get deleted () { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * Merge this struct with the item to the right. * This method is already assuming that `this.id.clock + this.length === this.id.clock`. * Also this method does *not* remove right from StructStore! * @param {AbstractStruct} right * @return {boolean} wether this merged with right */ mergeWith (right) { return false } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to. * @param {number} offset * @param {number} encodingRef */ write (encoder, offset, encodingRef) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {number} offset */ integrate (transaction, offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } } const structGCRefNumber = 0; /** * @private */ class GC extends AbstractStruct { get deleted () { return true } delete () {} /** * @param {GC} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { if (this.constructor !== right.constructor) { return false } this.length += right.length; return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {number} offset */ integrate (transaction, offset) { if (offset > 0) { this.id.clock += offset; this.length -= offset; } addStruct(transaction.doc.store, this); } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeInfo(structGCRefNumber); encoder.writeLen(this.length - offset); } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @return {null | number} */ getMissing (transaction, store) { return null } } class ContentBinary { /** * @param {Uint8Array} content */ constructor (content) { this.content = content; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return 1 } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [this.content] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentBinary} */ copy () { return new ContentBinary(this.content) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentBinary} */ splice (offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {ContentBinary} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { return false } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) {} /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeBuf(this.content); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 3 } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2 } decoder * @return {ContentBinary} */ const readContentBinary = decoder => new ContentBinary(decoder.readBuf()); class ContentDeleted { /** * @param {number} len */ constructor (len) { this.len = len; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return this.len } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return false } /** * @return {ContentDeleted} */ copy () { return new ContentDeleted(this.len) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentDeleted} */ splice (offset) { const right = new ContentDeleted(this.len - offset); this.len = offset; return right } /** * @param {ContentDeleted} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { this.len += right.len; return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) { addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet, item.id.client, item.id.clock, this.len); item.markDeleted(); } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeLen(this.len - offset); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 1 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2 } decoder * @return {ContentDeleted} */ const readContentDeleted = decoder => new ContentDeleted(decoder.readLen()); /** * @param {string} guid * @param {Object} opts */ const createDocFromOpts = (guid, opts) => new Doc({ guid, ...opts, shouldLoad: opts.shouldLoad || opts.autoLoad || false }); /** * @private */ class ContentDoc { /** * @param {Doc} doc */ constructor (doc) { if (doc._item) { console.error('This document was already integrated as a sub-document. You should create a second instance instead with the same guid.'); } /** * @type {Doc} */ this.doc = doc; /** * @type {any} */ const opts = {}; this.opts = opts; if (!doc.gc) { opts.gc = false; } if (doc.autoLoad) { opts.autoLoad = true; } if (doc.meta !== null) { opts.meta = doc.meta; } } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return 1 } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [this.doc] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentDoc} */ copy () { return new ContentDoc(createDocFromOpts(this.doc.guid, this.opts)) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentDoc} */ splice (offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {ContentDoc} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { return false } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) { // this needs to be reflected in doc.destroy as well this.doc._item = item; transaction.subdocsAdded.add(this.doc); if (this.doc.shouldLoad) { transaction.subdocsLoaded.add(this.doc); } } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) { if (transaction.subdocsAdded.has(this.doc)) { transaction.subdocsAdded.delete(this.doc); } else { transaction.subdocsRemoved.add(this.doc); } } /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) { } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeString(this.doc.guid); encoder.writeAny(this.opts); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 9 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentDoc} */ const readContentDoc = decoder => new ContentDoc(createDocFromOpts(decoder.readString(), decoder.readAny())); /** * @private */ class ContentEmbed { /** * @param {Object} embed */ constructor (embed) { this.embed = embed; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return 1 } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [this.embed] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentEmbed} */ copy () { return new ContentEmbed(this.embed) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentEmbed} */ splice (offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {ContentEmbed} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { return false } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) {} /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeJSON(this.embed); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 5 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentEmbed} */ const readContentEmbed = decoder => new ContentEmbed(decoder.readJSON()); /** * @private */ class ContentFormat { /** * @param {string} key * @param {Object} value */ constructor (key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return 1 } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return false } /** * @return {ContentFormat} */ copy () { return new ContentFormat(this.key, this.value) } /** * @param {number} _offset * @return {ContentFormat} */ splice (_offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {ContentFormat} _right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (_right) { return false } /** * @param {Transaction} _transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (_transaction, item) { // @todo searchmarker are currently unsupported for rich text documents const p = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent); p._searchMarker = null; p._hasFormatting = true; } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeKey(this.key); encoder.writeJSON(this.value); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 6 } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentFormat} */ const readContentFormat = decoder => new ContentFormat(decoder.readKey(), decoder.readJSON()); /** * @private */ class ContentJSON { /** * @param {Array} arr */ constructor (arr) { /** * @type {Array} */ this.arr = arr; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return this.arr.length } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return this.arr } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentJSON} */ copy () { return new ContentJSON(this.arr) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentJSON} */ splice (offset) { const right = new ContentJSON(this.arr.slice(offset)); this.arr = this.arr.slice(0, offset); return right } /** * @param {ContentJSON} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { this.arr = this.arr.concat(right.arr); return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) {} /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { const len = this.arr.length; encoder.writeLen(len - offset); for (let i = offset; i < len; i++) { const c = this.arr[i]; encoder.writeString(c === undefined ? 'undefined' : JSON.stringify(c)); } } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 2 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentJSON} */ const readContentJSON = decoder => { const len = decoder.readLen(); const cs = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const c = decoder.readString(); if (c === 'undefined') { cs.push(undefined); } else { cs.push(JSON.parse(c)); } } return new ContentJSON(cs) }; class ContentAny { /** * @param {Array} arr */ constructor (arr) { /** * @type {Array} */ this.arr = arr; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return this.arr.length } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return this.arr } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentAny} */ copy () { return new ContentAny(this.arr) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentAny} */ splice (offset) { const right = new ContentAny(this.arr.slice(offset)); this.arr = this.arr.slice(0, offset); return right } /** * @param {ContentAny} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { this.arr = this.arr.concat(right.arr); return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) {} /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { const len = this.arr.length; encoder.writeLen(len - offset); for (let i = offset; i < len; i++) { const c = this.arr[i]; encoder.writeAny(c); } } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 8 } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentAny} */ const readContentAny = decoder => { const len = decoder.readLen(); const cs = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { cs.push(decoder.readAny()); } return new ContentAny(cs) }; /** * @private */ class ContentString { /** * @param {string} str */ constructor (str) { /** * @type {string} */ this.str = str; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return this.str.length } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return this.str.split('') } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentString} */ copy () { return new ContentString(this.str) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentString} */ splice (offset) { const right = new ContentString(this.str.slice(offset)); this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset); // Prevent encoding invalid documents because of splitting of surrogate pairs: https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/248 const firstCharCode = this.str.charCodeAt(offset - 1); if (firstCharCode >= 0xD800 && firstCharCode <= 0xDBFF) { // Last character of the left split is the start of a surrogate utf16/ucs2 pair. // We don't support splitting of surrogate pairs because this may lead to invalid documents. // Replace the invalid character with a unicode replacement character (� / U+FFFD) this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset - 1) + '�'; // replace right as well right.str = '�' + right.str.slice(1); } return right } /** * @param {ContentString} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { this.str += right.str; return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) {} /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) {} /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) {} /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeString(offset === 0 ? this.str : this.str.slice(offset)); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 4 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentString} */ const readContentString = decoder => new ContentString(decoder.readString()); /** * @type {Array>} * @private */ const typeRefs = [ readYArray, readYMap, readYText, readYXmlElement, readYXmlFragment, readYXmlHook, readYXmlText ]; const YArrayRefID = 0; const YMapRefID = 1; const YTextRefID = 2; const YXmlElementRefID = 3; const YXmlFragmentRefID = 4; const YXmlHookRefID = 5; const YXmlTextRefID = 6; /** * @private */ class ContentType { /** * @param {AbstractType} type */ constructor (type) { /** * @type {AbstractType} */ this.type = type; } /** * @return {number} */ getLength () { return 1 } /** * @return {Array} */ getContent () { return [this.type] } /** * @return {boolean} */ isCountable () { return true } /** * @return {ContentType} */ copy () { return new ContentType(this.type._copy()) } /** * @param {number} offset * @return {ContentType} */ splice (offset) { throw error__namespace.methodUnimplemented() } /** * @param {ContentType} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { return false } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} item */ integrate (transaction, item) { this.type._integrate(transaction.doc, item); } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) { let item = this.type._start; while (item !== null) { if (!item.deleted) { item.delete(transaction); } else if (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0)) { // This will be gc'd later and we want to merge it if possible // We try to merge all deleted items after each transaction, // but we have no knowledge about that this needs to be merged // since it is not in transaction.ds. Hence we add it to transaction._mergeStructs transaction._mergeStructs.push(item); } item = item.right; } this.type._map.forEach(item => { if (!item.deleted) { item.delete(transaction); } else if (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0)) { // same as above transaction._mergeStructs.push(item); } }); transaction.changed.delete(this.type); } /** * @param {StructStore} store */ gc (store) { let item = this.type._start; while (item !== null) { item.gc(store, true); item = item.right; } this.type._start = null; this.type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item | null} item */ (item) => { while (item !== null) { item.gc(store, true); item = item.left; } }); this.type._map = new Map(); } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { this.type._write(encoder); } /** * @return {number} */ getRef () { return 7 } } /** * @private * * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @return {ContentType} */ const readContentType = decoder => new ContentType(typeRefs[decoder.readTypeRef()](decoder)); /** * @todo This should return several items * * @param {StructStore} store * @param {ID} id * @return {{item:Item, diff:number}} */ const followRedone = (store, id) => { /** * @type {ID|null} */ let nextID = id; let diff = 0; let item; do { if (diff > 0) { nextID = createID(nextID.client, nextID.clock + diff); } item = getItem(store, nextID); diff = nextID.clock - item.id.clock; nextID = item.redone; } while (nextID !== null && item instanceof Item) return { item, diff } }; /** * Make sure that neither item nor any of its parents is ever deleted. * * This property does not persist when storing it into a database or when * sending it to other peers * * @param {Item|null} item * @param {boolean} keep */ const keepItem = (item, keep) => { while (item !== null && item.keep !== keep) { item.keep = keep; item = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (item.parent)._item; } }; /** * Split leftItem into two items * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {Item} leftItem * @param {number} diff * @return {Item} * * @function * @private */ const splitItem = (transaction, leftItem, diff) => { // create rightItem const { client, clock } = leftItem.id; const rightItem = new Item( createID(client, clock + diff), leftItem, createID(client, clock + diff - 1), leftItem.right, leftItem.rightOrigin, leftItem.parent, leftItem.parentSub, leftItem.content.splice(diff) ); if (leftItem.deleted) { rightItem.markDeleted(); } if (leftItem.keep) { rightItem.keep = true; } if (leftItem.redone !== null) { rightItem.redone = createID(leftItem.redone.client, leftItem.redone.clock + diff); } // update left (do not set leftItem.rightOrigin as it will lead to problems when syncing) leftItem.right = rightItem; // update right if (rightItem.right !== null) { rightItem.right.left = rightItem; } // right is more specific. transaction._mergeStructs.push(rightItem); // update parent._map if (rightItem.parentSub !== null && rightItem.right === null) { /** @type {AbstractType} */ (rightItem.parent)._map.set(rightItem.parentSub, rightItem); } leftItem.length = diff; return rightItem }; /** * @param {Array} stack * @param {ID} id */ const isDeletedByUndoStack = (stack, id) => array__namespace.some(stack, /** @param {StackItem} s */ s => isDeleted(s.deletions, id)); /** * Redoes the effect of this operation. * * @param {Transaction} transaction The Yjs instance. * @param {Item} item * @param {Set} redoitems * @param {DeleteSet} itemsToDelete * @param {boolean} ignoreRemoteMapChanges * @param {import('../utils/UndoManager.js').UndoManager} um * * @return {Item|null} * * @private */ const redoItem = (transaction, item, redoitems, itemsToDelete, ignoreRemoteMapChanges, um) => { const doc = transaction.doc; const store = doc.store; const ownClientID = doc.clientID; const redone = item.redone; if (redone !== null) { return getItemCleanStart(transaction, redone) } let parentItem = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (item.parent)._item; /** * @type {Item|null} */ let left = null; /** * @type {Item|null} */ let right; // make sure that parent is redone if (parentItem !== null && parentItem.deleted === true) { // try to undo parent if it will be undone anyway if (parentItem.redone === null && (!redoitems.has(parentItem) || redoItem(transaction, parentItem, redoitems, itemsToDelete, ignoreRemoteMapChanges, um) === null)) { return null } while (parentItem.redone !== null) { parentItem = getItemCleanStart(transaction, parentItem.redone); } } const parentType = parentItem === null ? /** @type {AbstractType} */ (item.parent) : /** @type {ContentType} */ (parentItem.content).type; if (item.parentSub === null) { // Is an array item. Insert at the old position left = item.left; right = item; // find next cloned_redo items while (left !== null) { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let leftTrace = left; // trace redone until parent matches while (leftTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (leftTrace.parent)._item !== parentItem) { leftTrace = leftTrace.redone === null ? null : getItemCleanStart(transaction, leftTrace.redone); } if (leftTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (leftTrace.parent)._item === parentItem) { left = leftTrace; break } left = left.left; } while (right !== null) { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let rightTrace = right; // trace redone until parent matches while (rightTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (rightTrace.parent)._item !== parentItem) { rightTrace = rightTrace.redone === null ? null : getItemCleanStart(transaction, rightTrace.redone); } if (rightTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (rightTrace.parent)._item === parentItem) { right = rightTrace; break } right = right.right; } } else { right = null; if (item.right && !ignoreRemoteMapChanges) { left = item; // Iterate right while right is in itemsToDelete // If it is intended to delete right while item is redone, we can expect that item should replace right. while (left !== null && left.right !== null && (left.right.redone || isDeleted(itemsToDelete, left.right.id) || isDeletedByUndoStack(um.undoStack, left.right.id) || isDeletedByUndoStack(um.redoStack, left.right.id))) { left = left.right; // follow redone while (left.redone) left = getItemCleanStart(transaction, left.redone); } if (left && left.right !== null) { // It is not possible to redo this item because it conflicts with a // change from another client return null } } else { left = parentType._map.get(item.parentSub) || null; } } const nextClock = getState(store, ownClientID); const nextId = createID(ownClientID, nextClock); const redoneItem = new Item( nextId, left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parentType, item.parentSub, item.content.copy() ); item.redone = nextId; keepItem(redoneItem, true); redoneItem.integrate(transaction, 0); return redoneItem }; /** * Abstract class that represents any content. */ class Item extends AbstractStruct { /** * @param {ID} id * @param {Item | null} left * @param {ID | null} origin * @param {Item | null} right * @param {ID | null} rightOrigin * @param {AbstractType|ID|null} parent Is a type if integrated, is null if it is possible to copy parent from left or right, is ID before integration to search for it. * @param {string | null} parentSub * @param {AbstractContent} content */ constructor (id, left, origin, right, rightOrigin, parent, parentSub, content) { super(id, content.getLength()); /** * The item that was originally to the left of this item. * @type {ID | null} */ this.origin = origin; /** * The item that is currently to the left of this item. * @type {Item | null} */ this.left = left; /** * The item that is currently to the right of this item. * @type {Item | null} */ this.right = right; /** * The item that was originally to the right of this item. * @type {ID | null} */ this.rightOrigin = rightOrigin; /** * @type {AbstractType|ID|null} */ this.parent = parent; /** * If the parent refers to this item with some kind of key (e.g. YMap, the * key is specified here. The key is then used to refer to the list in which * to insert this item. If `parentSub = null` type._start is the list in * which to insert to. Otherwise it is `parent._map`. * @type {String | null} */ this.parentSub = parentSub; /** * If this type's effect is redone this type refers to the type that undid * this operation. * @type {ID | null} */ this.redone = null; /** * @type {AbstractContent} */ this.content = content; /** * bit1: keep * bit2: countable * bit3: deleted * bit4: mark - mark node as fast-search-marker * @type {number} byte */ this.info = this.content.isCountable() ? binary__namespace.BIT2 : 0; } /** * This is used to mark the item as an indexed fast-search marker * * @type {boolean} */ set marker (isMarked) { if (((this.info & binary__namespace.BIT4) > 0) !== isMarked) { this.info ^= binary__namespace.BIT4; } } get marker () { return (this.info & binary__namespace.BIT4) > 0 } /** * If true, do not garbage collect this Item. */ get keep () { return (this.info & binary__namespace.BIT1) > 0 } set keep (doKeep) { if (this.keep !== doKeep) { this.info ^= binary__namespace.BIT1; } } get countable () { return (this.info & binary__namespace.BIT2) > 0 } /** * Whether this item was deleted or not. * @type {Boolean} */ get deleted () { return (this.info & binary__namespace.BIT3) > 0 } set deleted (doDelete) { if (this.deleted !== doDelete) { this.info ^= binary__namespace.BIT3; } } markDeleted () { this.info |= binary__namespace.BIT3; } /** * Return the creator clientID of the missing op or define missing items and return null. * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @return {null | number} */ getMissing (transaction, store) { if (this.origin && this.origin.client !== this.id.client && this.origin.clock >= getState(store, this.origin.client)) { return this.origin.client } if (this.rightOrigin && this.rightOrigin.client !== this.id.client && this.rightOrigin.clock >= getState(store, this.rightOrigin.client)) { return this.rightOrigin.client } if (this.parent && this.parent.constructor === ID && this.id.client !== this.parent.client && this.parent.clock >= getState(store, this.parent.client)) { return this.parent.client } // We have all missing ids, now find the items if (this.origin) { this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction, store, this.origin); this.origin = this.left.lastId; } if (this.rightOrigin) { this.right = getItemCleanStart(transaction, this.rightOrigin); this.rightOrigin = this.right.id; } if ((this.left && this.left.constructor === GC) || (this.right && this.right.constructor === GC)) { this.parent = null; } else if (!this.parent) { // only set parent if this shouldn't be garbage collected if (this.left && this.left.constructor === Item) { this.parent = this.left.parent; this.parentSub = this.left.parentSub; } if (this.right && this.right.constructor === Item) { this.parent = this.right.parent; this.parentSub = this.right.parentSub; } } else if (this.parent.constructor === ID) { const parentItem = getItem(store, this.parent); if (parentItem.constructor === GC) { this.parent = null; } else { this.parent = /** @type {ContentType} */ (parentItem.content).type; } } return null } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {number} offset */ integrate (transaction, offset) { if (offset > 0) { this.id.clock += offset; this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction, transaction.doc.store, createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock - 1)); this.origin = this.left.lastId; this.content = this.content.splice(offset); this.length -= offset; } if (this.parent) { if ((!this.left && (!this.right || this.right.left !== null)) || (this.left && this.left.right !== this.right)) { /** * @type {Item|null} */ let left = this.left; /** * @type {Item|null} */ let o; // set o to the first conflicting item if (left !== null) { o = left.right; } else if (this.parentSub !== null) { o = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null; while (o !== null && o.left !== null) { o = o.left; } } else { o = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._start; } // TODO: use something like DeleteSet here (a tree implementation would be best) // @todo use global set definitions /** * @type {Set} */ const conflictingItems = new Set(); /** * @type {Set} */ const itemsBeforeOrigin = new Set(); // Let c in conflictingItems, b in itemsBeforeOrigin // ***{origin}bbbb{this}{c,b}{c,b}{o}*** // Note that conflictingItems is a subset of itemsBeforeOrigin while (o !== null && o !== this.right) { itemsBeforeOrigin.add(o); conflictingItems.add(o); if (compareIDs(this.origin, o.origin)) { // case 1 if (o.id.client < this.id.client) { left = o; conflictingItems.clear(); } else if (compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, o.rightOrigin)) { // this and o are conflicting and point to the same integration points. The id decides which item comes first. // Since this is to the left of o, we can break here break } // else, o might be integrated before an item that this conflicts with. If so, we will find it in the next iterations } else if (o.origin !== null && itemsBeforeOrigin.has(getItem(transaction.doc.store, o.origin))) { // use getItem instead of getItemCleanEnd because we don't want / need to split items. // case 2 if (!conflictingItems.has(getItem(transaction.doc.store, o.origin))) { left = o; conflictingItems.clear(); } } else { break } o = o.right; } this.left = left; } // reconnect left/right + update parent map/start if necessary if (this.left !== null) { const right = this.left.right; this.right = right; this.left.right = this; } else { let r; if (this.parentSub !== null) { r = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null; while (r !== null && r.left !== null) { r = r.left; } } else { r = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._start ;/** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._start = this; } this.right = r; } if (this.right !== null) { this.right.left = this; } else if (this.parentSub !== null) { // set as current parent value if right === null and this is parentSub /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._map.set(this.parentSub, this); if (this.left !== null) { // this is the current attribute value of parent. delete right this.left.delete(transaction); } } // adjust length of parent if (this.parentSub === null && this.countable && !this.deleted) { /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._length += this.length; } addStruct(transaction.doc.store, this); this.content.integrate(transaction, this); // add parent to transaction.changed addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent), this.parentSub); if ((/** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._item !== null && /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._item.deleted) || (this.parentSub !== null && this.right !== null)) { // delete if parent is deleted or if this is not the current attribute value of parent this.delete(transaction); } } else { // parent is not defined. Integrate GC struct instead new GC(this.id, this.length).integrate(transaction, 0); } } /** * Returns the next non-deleted item */ get next () { let n = this.right; while (n !== null && n.deleted) { n = n.right; } return n } /** * Returns the previous non-deleted item */ get prev () { let n = this.left; while (n !== null && n.deleted) { n = n.left; } return n } /** * Computes the last content address of this Item. */ get lastId () { // allocating ids is pretty costly because of the amount of ids created, so we try to reuse whenever possible return this.length === 1 ? this.id : createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock + this.length - 1) } /** * Try to merge two items * * @param {Item} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { if ( this.constructor === right.constructor && compareIDs(right.origin, this.lastId) && this.right === right && compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, right.rightOrigin) && this.id.client === right.id.client && this.id.clock + this.length === right.id.clock && this.deleted === right.deleted && this.redone === null && right.redone === null && this.content.constructor === right.content.constructor && this.content.mergeWith(right.content) ) { const searchMarker = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent)._searchMarker; if (searchMarker) { searchMarker.forEach(marker => { if (marker.p === right) { // right is going to be "forgotten" so we need to update the marker marker.p = this; // adjust marker index if (!this.deleted && this.countable) { marker.index -= this.length; } } }); } if (right.keep) { this.keep = true; } this.right = right.right; if (this.right !== null) { this.right.left = this; } this.length += right.length; return true } return false } /** * Mark this Item as deleted. * * @param {Transaction} transaction */ delete (transaction) { if (!this.deleted) { const parent = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent); // adjust the length of parent if (this.countable && this.parentSub === null) { parent._length -= this.length; } this.markDeleted(); addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet, this.id.client, this.id.clock, this.length); addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, parent, this.parentSub); this.content.delete(transaction); } } /** * @param {StructStore} store * @param {boolean} parentGCd */ gc (store, parentGCd) { if (!this.deleted) { throw error__namespace.unexpectedCase() } this.content.gc(store); if (parentGCd) { replaceStruct(store, this, new GC(this.id, this.length)); } else { this.content = new ContentDeleted(this.length); } } /** * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an * BinaryEncoder. * * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer. * * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to. * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { const origin = offset > 0 ? createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock + offset - 1) : this.origin; const rightOrigin = this.rightOrigin; const parentSub = this.parentSub; const info = (this.content.getRef() & binary__namespace.BITS5) | (origin === null ? 0 : binary__namespace.BIT8) | // origin is defined (rightOrigin === null ? 0 : binary__namespace.BIT7) | // right origin is defined (parentSub === null ? 0 : binary__namespace.BIT6); // parentSub is non-null encoder.writeInfo(info); if (origin !== null) { encoder.writeLeftID(origin); } if (rightOrigin !== null) { encoder.writeRightID(rightOrigin); } if (origin === null && rightOrigin === null) { const parent = /** @type {AbstractType} */ (this.parent); if (parent._item !== undefined) { const parentItem = parent._item; if (parentItem === null) { // parent type on y._map // find the correct key const ykey = findRootTypeKey(parent); encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey encoder.writeString(ykey); } else { encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id encoder.writeLeftID(parentItem.id); } } else if (parent.constructor === String) { // this edge case was added by differential updates encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey encoder.writeString(parent); } else if (parent.constructor === ID) { encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id encoder.writeLeftID(parent); } else { error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } if (parentSub !== null) { encoder.writeString(parentSub); } } this.content.write(encoder, offset); } } /** * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder * @param {number} info */ const readItemContent = (decoder, info) => contentRefs[info & binary__namespace.BITS5](decoder); /** * A lookup map for reading Item content. * * @type {Array} */ const contentRefs = [ () => { error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); }, // GC is not ItemContent readContentDeleted, // 1 readContentJSON, // 2 readContentBinary, // 3 readContentString, // 4 readContentEmbed, // 5 readContentFormat, // 6 readContentType, // 7 readContentAny, // 8 readContentDoc, // 9 () => { error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } // 10 - Skip is not ItemContent ]; const structSkipRefNumber = 10; /** * @private */ class Skip extends AbstractStruct { get deleted () { return true } delete () {} /** * @param {Skip} right * @return {boolean} */ mergeWith (right) { if (this.constructor !== right.constructor) { return false } this.length += right.length; return true } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {number} offset */ integrate (transaction, offset) { // skip structs cannot be integrated error__namespace.unexpectedCase(); } /** * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder * @param {number} offset */ write (encoder, offset) { encoder.writeInfo(structSkipRefNumber); // write as VarUint because Skips can't make use of predictable length-encoding encoding__namespace.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, this.length - offset); } /** * @param {Transaction} transaction * @param {StructStore} store * @return {null | number} */ getMissing (transaction, store) { return null } } /** eslint-env browser */ const glo = /** @type {any} */ (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window // @ts-ignore : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {}); const importIdentifier = '__ $YJS$ __'; if (glo[importIdentifier] === true) { /** * Dear reader of this message. Please take this seriously. * * If you see this message, make sure that you only import one version of Yjs. In many cases, * your package manager installs two versions of Yjs that are used by different packages within your project. * Another reason for this message is that some parts of your project use the commonjs version of Yjs * and others use the EcmaScript version of Yjs. * * This often leads to issues that are hard to debug. We often need to perform constructor checks, * e.g. `struct instanceof GC`. If you imported different versions of Yjs, it is impossible for us to * do the constructor checks anymore - which might break the CRDT algorithm. * * https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/438 */ console.error('Yjs was already imported. This breaks constructor checks and will lead to issues! - https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/438'); } glo[importIdentifier] = true; exports.AbsolutePosition = AbsolutePosition; exports.AbstractConnector = AbstractConnector; exports.AbstractStruct = AbstractStruct; exports.AbstractType = AbstractType; exports.Array = YArray; exports.ContentAny = ContentAny; exports.ContentBinary = ContentBinary; exports.ContentDeleted = ContentDeleted; exports.ContentDoc = ContentDoc; exports.ContentEmbed = ContentEmbed; exports.ContentFormat = ContentFormat; exports.ContentJSON = ContentJSON; exports.ContentString = ContentString; exports.ContentType = ContentType; exports.Doc = Doc; exports.GC = GC; exports.ID = ID; exports.Item = Item; exports.Map = YMap; exports.PermanentUserData = PermanentUserData; exports.RelativePosition = RelativePosition; exports.Skip = Skip; exports.Snapshot = Snapshot; exports.Text = YText; exports.Transaction = Transaction; exports.UndoManager = UndoManager; exports.UpdateDecoderV1 = UpdateDecoderV1; exports.UpdateDecoderV2 = UpdateDecoderV2; exports.UpdateEncoderV1 = UpdateEncoderV1; exports.UpdateEncoderV2 = UpdateEncoderV2; exports.XmlElement = YXmlElement; exports.XmlFragment = YXmlFragment; exports.XmlHook = YXmlHook; exports.XmlText = YXmlText; exports.YArrayEvent = YArrayEvent; exports.YEvent = YEvent; exports.YMapEvent = YMapEvent; exports.YTextEvent = YTextEvent; exports.YXmlEvent = YXmlEvent; exports.applyUpdate = applyUpdate; exports.applyUpdateV2 = applyUpdateV2; exports.cleanupYTextFormatting = cleanupYTextFormatting; exports.compareIDs = compareIDs; exports.compareRelativePositions = compareRelativePositions; exports.convertUpdateFormatV1ToV2 = convertUpdateFormatV1ToV2; exports.convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1 = convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1; exports.createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition = createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition; exports.createDeleteSet = createDeleteSet; exports.createDeleteSetFromStructStore = createDeleteSetFromStructStore; exports.createDocFromSnapshot = createDocFromSnapshot; exports.createID = createID; exports.createRelativePositionFromJSON = createRelativePositionFromJSON; exports.createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex = createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex; exports.createSnapshot = createSnapshot; exports.decodeRelativePosition = decodeRelativePosition; exports.decodeSnapshot = decodeSnapshot; exports.decodeSnapshotV2 = decodeSnapshotV2; exports.decodeStateVector = decodeStateVector; exports.decodeUpdate = decodeUpdate; exports.decodeUpdateV2 = decodeUpdateV2; exports.diffUpdate = diffUpdate; exports.diffUpdateV2 = diffUpdateV2; exports.emptySnapshot = emptySnapshot; exports.encodeRelativePosition = encodeRelativePosition; exports.encodeSnapshot = encodeSnapshot; exports.encodeSnapshotV2 = encodeSnapshotV2; exports.encodeStateAsUpdate = encodeStateAsUpdate; exports.encodeStateAsUpdateV2 = encodeStateAsUpdateV2; exports.encodeStateVector = encodeStateVector; exports.encodeStateVectorFromUpdate = encodeStateVectorFromUpdate; exports.encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2 = encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2; exports.equalDeleteSets = equalDeleteSets; exports.equalSnapshots = equalSnapshots; exports.findIndexSS = findIndexSS; exports.findRootTypeKey = findRootTypeKey; exports.getItem = getItem; exports.getState = getState; exports.getTypeChildren = getTypeChildren; exports.isDeleted = isDeleted; exports.isParentOf = isParentOf; exports.iterateDeletedStructs = iterateDeletedStructs; exports.logType = logType; exports.logUpdate = logUpdate; exports.logUpdateV2 = logUpdateV2; exports.mergeDeleteSets = mergeDeleteSets; exports.mergeUpdates = mergeUpdates; exports.mergeUpdatesV2 = mergeUpdatesV2; exports.obfuscateUpdate = obfuscateUpdate; exports.obfuscateUpdateV2 = obfuscateUpdateV2; exports.parseUpdateMeta = parseUpdateMeta; exports.parseUpdateMetaV2 = parseUpdateMetaV2; exports.readUpdate = readUpdate; exports.readUpdateV2 = readUpdateV2; exports.relativePositionToJSON = relativePositionToJSON; exports.snapshot = snapshot; exports.snapshotContainsUpdate = snapshotContainsUpdate; exports.transact = transact; exports.tryGc = tryGc; exports.typeListToArraySnapshot = typeListToArraySnapshot; exports.typeMapGetAllSnapshot = typeMapGetAllSnapshot; exports.typeMapGetSnapshot = typeMapGetSnapshot; //# sourceMappingURL=yjs.cjs.map