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2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00
import * as t from 'lib0/testing';
import * as prng from 'lib0/prng';
import * as encoding from 'lib0/encoding';
import * as decoding from 'lib0/decoding';
import * as syncProtocol from 'y-protocols/sync';
import * as object from 'lib0/object';
import * as map from 'lib0/map';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
export * from 'yjs';
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// @ts-ignore
window.Y = Y; // eslint-disable-line
* @param {TestYInstance} y // publish message created by `y` to all other online clients
* @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastMessage = (y, m) => {
if (y.tc.onlineConns.has(y)) {
y.tc.onlineConns.forEach(remoteYInstance => {
if (remoteYInstance !== y) {
remoteYInstance._receive(m, y);
let useV2 = false;
const encV1 = {
encodeStateAsUpdate: Y.encodeStateAsUpdate,
mergeUpdates: Y.mergeUpdates,
applyUpdate: Y.applyUpdate,
logUpdate: Y.logUpdate,
updateEventName: /** @type {'update'} */ ('update'),
diffUpdate: Y.diffUpdate
const encV2 = {
encodeStateAsUpdate: Y.encodeStateAsUpdateV2,
mergeUpdates: Y.mergeUpdatesV2,
applyUpdate: Y.applyUpdateV2,
logUpdate: Y.logUpdateV2,
updateEventName: /** @type {'updateV2'} */ ('updateV2'),
diffUpdate: Y.diffUpdateV2
let enc = encV1;
const useV1Encoding = () => {
useV2 = false;
enc = encV1;
const useV2Encoding = () => {
console.error('sync protocol doesnt support v2 protocol yet, fallback to v1 encoding'); // @Todo
useV2 = false;
enc = encV1;
class TestYInstance extends Y.Doc {
* @param {TestConnector} testConnector
* @param {number} clientID
constructor (testConnector, clientID) {
this.userID = clientID; // overwriting clientID
* @type {TestConnector}
this.tc = testConnector;
* @type {Map<TestYInstance, Array<Uint8Array>>}
this.receiving = new Map();
* The list of received updates.
* We are going to merge them later using Y.mergeUpdates and check if the resulting document is correct.
* @type {Array<Uint8Array>}
this.updates = [];
// set up observe on local model
this.on(enc.updateEventName, /** @param {Uint8Array} update @param {any} origin */ (update, origin) => {
if (origin !== testConnector) {
const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
syncProtocol.writeUpdate(encoder, update);
broadcastMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoder));
* Disconnect from TestConnector.
disconnect () {
this.receiving = new Map();
* Append yourself to the list of known Y instances in testconnector.
* Also initiate sync with all clients.
connect () {
if (!this.tc.onlineConns.has(this)) {
const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
syncProtocol.writeSyncStep1(encoder, this);
// publish SyncStep1
broadcastMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoder));
this.tc.onlineConns.forEach(remoteYInstance => {
if (remoteYInstance !== this) {
// remote instance sends instance to this instance
const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
syncProtocol.writeSyncStep1(encoder, remoteYInstance);
this._receive(encoding.toUint8Array(encoder), remoteYInstance);
* Receive a message from another client. This message is only appended to the list of receiving messages.
* TestConnector decides when this client actually reads this message.
* @param {Uint8Array} message
* @param {TestYInstance} remoteClient
_receive (message, remoteClient) {
map.setIfUndefined(this.receiving, remoteClient, () => /** @type {Array<Uint8Array>} */ ([])).push(message);
* Keeps track of TestYInstances.
* The TestYInstances add/remove themselves from the list of connections maiained in this object.
* I think it makes sense. Deal with it.
class TestConnector {
* @param {prng.PRNG} gen
constructor (gen) {
* @type {Set<TestYInstance>}
this.allConns = new Set();
* @type {Set<TestYInstance>}
this.onlineConns = new Set();
* @type {prng.PRNG}
this.prng = gen;
* Create a new Y instance and add it to the list of connections
* @param {number} clientID
createY (clientID) {
return new TestYInstance(this, clientID)
* Choose random connection and flush a random message from a random sender.
* If this function was unable to flush a message, because there are no more messages to flush, it returns false. true otherwise.
* @return {boolean}
flushRandomMessage () {
const gen = this.prng;
const conns = Array.from(this.onlineConns).filter(conn => conn.receiving.size > 0);
if (conns.length > 0) {
const receiver = prng.oneOf(gen, conns);
const [sender, messages] = prng.oneOf(gen, Array.from(receiver.receiving));
const m = messages.shift();
if (messages.length === 0) {
if (m === undefined) {
return this.flushRandomMessage()
const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
// console.log('receive (' + sender.userID + '->' + receiver.userID + '):\n', syncProtocol.stringifySyncMessage(decoding.createDecoder(m), receiver))
// do not publish data created when this function is executed (could be ss2 or update message)
syncProtocol.readSyncMessage(decoding.createDecoder(m), encoder, receiver, receiver.tc);
if (encoding.length(encoder) > 0) {
// send reply message
sender._receive(encoding.toUint8Array(encoder), receiver);
return true
return false
* @return {boolean} True iff this function actually flushed something
flushAllMessages () {
let didSomething = false;
while (this.flushRandomMessage()) {
didSomething = true;
return didSomething
reconnectAll () {
this.allConns.forEach(conn => conn.connect());
disconnectAll () {
this.allConns.forEach(conn => conn.disconnect());
syncAll () {
* @return {boolean} Whether it was possible to disconnect a randon connection.
disconnectRandom () {
if (this.onlineConns.size === 0) {
return false
prng.oneOf(this.prng, Array.from(this.onlineConns)).disconnect();
return true
* @return {boolean} Whether it was possible to reconnect a random connection.
reconnectRandom () {
* @type {Array<TestYInstance>}
const reconnectable = [];
this.allConns.forEach(conn => {
if (!this.onlineConns.has(conn)) {
if (reconnectable.length === 0) {
return false
prng.oneOf(this.prng, reconnectable).connect();
return true
* @template T
* @param {t.TestCase} tc
* @param {{users?:number}} conf
* @param {InitTestObjectCallback<T>} [initTestObject]
* @return {{testObjects:Array<any>,testConnector:TestConnector,users:Array<TestYInstance>,array0:Y.Array<any>,array1:Y.Array<any>,array2:Y.Array<any>,map0:Y.Map<any>,map1:Y.Map<any>,map2:Y.Map<any>,map3:Y.Map<any>,text0:Y.Text,text1:Y.Text,text2:Y.Text,xml0:Y.XmlElement,xml1:Y.XmlElement,xml2:Y.XmlElement}}
const init = (tc, { users = 5 } = {}, initTestObject) => {
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const result = {
users: []
const gen = tc.prng;
// choose an encoding approach at random
if (prng.bool(gen)) {
} else {
const testConnector = new TestConnector(gen);
result.testConnector = testConnector;
for (let i = 0; i < users; i++) {
const y = testConnector.createY(i);
y.clientID = i;
result['array' + i] = y.getArray('array');
result['map' + i] = y.getMap('map');
result['xml' + i] = y.get('xml', Y.XmlElement);
result['text' + i] = y.getText('text');
result.testObjects = result.users.map(initTestObject || (() => null));
return /** @type {any} */ (result)
* 1. reconnect and flush all
* 2. user 0 gc
* 3. get type content
* 4. disconnect & reconnect all (so gc is propagated)
* 5. compare os, ds, ss
* @param {Array<TestYInstance>} users
const compare = users => {
users.forEach(u => u.connect());
while (users[0].tc.flushAllMessages()) {} // eslint-disable-line
// For each document, merge all received document updates with Y.mergeUpdates and create a new document which will be added to the list of "users"
// This ensures that mergeUpdates works correctly
const mergedDocs = users.map(user => {
const ydoc = new Y.Doc();
enc.applyUpdate(ydoc, enc.mergeUpdates(user.updates));
return ydoc
users.push(.../** @type {any} */(mergedDocs));
const userArrayValues = users.map(u => u.getArray('array').toJSON());
const userMapValues = users.map(u => u.getMap('map').toJSON());
const userXmlValues = users.map(u => u.get('xml', Y.XmlElement).toString());
const userTextValues = users.map(u => u.getText('text').toDelta());
for (const u of users) {
t.assert(u.store.pendingDs === null);
t.assert(u.store.pendingStructs === null);
// Test Array iterator
t.compare(users[0].getArray('array').toArray(), Array.from(users[0].getArray('array')));
// Test Map iterator
const ymapkeys = Array.from(users[0].getMap('map').keys());
t.assert(ymapkeys.length === Object.keys(userMapValues[0]).length);
ymapkeys.forEach(key => t.assert(object.hasProperty(userMapValues[0], key)));
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const mapRes = {};
for (const [k, v] of users[0].getMap('map')) {
mapRes[k] = v instanceof Y.AbstractType ? v.toJSON() : v;
t.compare(userMapValues[0], mapRes);
// Compare all users
for (let i = 0; i < users.length - 1; i++) {
t.compare(userArrayValues[i].length, users[i].getArray('array').length);
t.compare(userArrayValues[i], userArrayValues[i + 1]);
t.compare(userMapValues[i], userMapValues[i + 1]);
t.compare(userXmlValues[i], userXmlValues[i + 1]);
t.compare(userTextValues[i].map(/** @param {any} a */ a => typeof a.insert === 'string' ? a.insert : ' ').join('').length, users[i].getText('text').length);
t.compare(userTextValues[i], userTextValues[i + 1], '', (_constructor, a, b) => {
if (a instanceof Y.AbstractType) {
t.compare(a.toJSON(), b.toJSON());
} else if (a !== b) {
t.fail('Deltas dont match');
return true
t.compare(Y.encodeStateVector(users[i]), Y.encodeStateVector(users[i + 1]));
Y.equalDeleteSets(Y.createDeleteSetFromStructStore(users[i].store), Y.createDeleteSetFromStructStore(users[i + 1].store));
compareStructStores(users[i].store, users[i + 1].store);
t.compare(Y.encodeSnapshot(Y.snapshot(users[i])), Y.encodeSnapshot(Y.snapshot(users[i + 1])));
users.map(u => u.destroy());
* @param {Y.Item?} a
* @param {Y.Item?} b
* @return {boolean}
const compareItemIDs = (a, b) => a === b || (a !== null && b != null && Y.compareIDs(a.id, b.id));
* @param {import('../src/internals.js').StructStore} ss1
* @param {import('../src/internals.js').StructStore} ss2
const compareStructStores = (ss1, ss2) => {
t.assert(ss1.clients.size === ss2.clients.size);
for (const [client, structs1] of ss1.clients) {
const structs2 = /** @type {Array<Y.AbstractStruct>} */ (ss2.clients.get(client));
t.assert(structs2 !== undefined && structs1.length === structs2.length);
for (let i = 0; i < structs1.length; i++) {
const s1 = structs1[i];
const s2 = structs2[i];
// checks for abstract struct
if (
s1.constructor !== s2.constructor ||
!Y.compareIDs(s1.id, s2.id) ||
s1.deleted !== s2.deleted ||
// @ts-ignore
s1.length !== s2.length
) {
t.fail('Structs dont match');
if (s1 instanceof Y.Item) {
if (
!(s2 instanceof Y.Item) ||
!((s1.left === null && s2.left === null) || (s1.left !== null && s2.left !== null && Y.compareIDs(s1.left.lastId, s2.left.lastId))) ||
!compareItemIDs(s1.right, s2.right) ||
!Y.compareIDs(s1.origin, s2.origin) ||
!Y.compareIDs(s1.rightOrigin, s2.rightOrigin) ||
s1.parentSub !== s2.parentSub
) {
return t.fail('Items dont match')
// make sure that items are connected correctly
t.assert(s1.left === null || s1.left.right === s1);
t.assert(s1.right === null || s1.right.left === s1);
t.assert(s2.left === null || s2.left.right === s2);
t.assert(s2.right === null || s2.right.left === s2);
* @template T
* @callback InitTestObjectCallback
* @param {TestYInstance} y
* @return {T}
* @template T
* @param {t.TestCase} tc
* @param {Array<function(Y.Doc,prng.PRNG,T):void>} mods
* @param {number} iterations
* @param {InitTestObjectCallback<T>} [initTestObject]
const applyRandomTests = (tc, mods, iterations, initTestObject) => {
const gen = tc.prng;
const result = init(tc, { users: 5 }, initTestObject);
const { testConnector, users } = result;
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (prng.int32(gen, 0, 100) <= 2) {
// 2% chance to disconnect/reconnect a random user
if (prng.bool(gen)) {
} else {
} else if (prng.int32(gen, 0, 100) <= 1) {
// 1% chance to flush all
} else if (prng.int32(gen, 0, 100) <= 50) {
// 50% chance to flush a random message
const user = prng.int32(gen, 0, users.length - 1);
const test = prng.oneOf(gen, mods);
test(users[user], gen, result.testObjects[user]);
return result
export { TestConnector, TestYInstance, applyRandomTests, compare, compareItemIDs, compareStructStores, enc, encV1, encV2, init, useV2 };
//# sourceMappingURL=testHelper.mjs.map