
133 lines
7.2 KiB
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2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00
// Generated automatically by nearley, version 2.19.5
// http://github.com/Hardmath123/nearley
(function () {
function id(x) { return x[0]; }
function getValue(d) {
return d[0].value
function literals(list) {
var rules = {}
for (var lit of list) {
rules[lit] = {match: lit, next: 'main'}
return rules
var moo = require('moo')
var rules = Object.assign({
ws: {match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true, next: 'main'},
comment: /\#.*/,
arrow: {match: /[=-]+\>/, next: 'main'},
js: {
match: /\{\%(?:[^%]|\%[^}])*\%\}/,
value: x => x.slice(2, -2),
lineBreaks: true,
word: {match: /[\w\?\+]+/, next: 'afterWord'},
string: {
match: /"(?:[^\\"\n]|\\["\\/bfnrt]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})*"/,
value: x => JSON.parse(x),
next: 'main',
btstring: {
match: /`[^`]*`/,
value: x => x.slice(1, -1),
next: 'main',
lineBreaks: true,
}, literals([
",", "|", "$", "%", "(", ")",
":?", ":*", ":+",
"@include", "@builtin", "@",
var lexer = moo.states({
main: Object.assign({}, rules, {
charclass: {
match: /\.|\[(?:\\.|[^\\\n])+?\]/,
value: x => new RegExp(x),
// Both macro arguments and charclasses are both enclosed in [ ].
// We disambiguate based on whether the previous token was a `word`.
afterWord: Object.assign({}, rules, {
"[": {match: "[", next: 'main'},
function insensitive(sl) {
var s = sl.literal;
var result = [];
for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (c.toUpperCase() !== c || c.toLowerCase() !== c) {
result.push(new RegExp("[" + c.toLowerCase() + c.toUpperCase() + "]"));
} else {
result.push({literal: c});
return {subexpression: [{tokens: result, postprocess: function(d) {return d.join(""); }}]};
var grammar = {
Lexer: lexer,
ParserRules: [
{"name": "final$ebnf$1", "symbols": [(lexer.has("ws") ? {type: "ws"} : ws)], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "final$ebnf$1", "symbols": [], "postprocess": function(d) {return null;}},
{"name": "final", "symbols": ["_", "prog", "_", "final$ebnf$1"], "postprocess": function(d) { return d[1]; }},
{"name": "prog", "symbols": ["prod"], "postprocess": function(d) { return [d[0]]; }},
{"name": "prog", "symbols": ["prod", "ws", "prog"], "postprocess": function(d) { return [d[0]].concat(d[2]); }},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": ["word", "_", (lexer.has("arrow") ? {type: "arrow"} : arrow), "_", "expression+"], "postprocess": function(d) { return {name: d[0], rules: d[4]}; }},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": ["word", {"literal":"["}, "_", "wordlist", "_", {"literal":"]"}, "_", (lexer.has("arrow") ? {type: "arrow"} : arrow), "_", "expression+"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {macro: d[0], args: d[3], exprs: d[9]}}},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": [{"literal":"@"}, "_", "js"], "postprocess": function(d) { return {body: d[2]}; }},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": [{"literal":"@"}, "word", "ws", "word"], "postprocess": function(d) { return {config: d[1], value: d[3]}; }},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": [{"literal":"@include"}, "_", "string"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {include: d[2].literal, builtin: false}}},
{"name": "prod", "symbols": [{"literal":"@builtin"}, "_", "string"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {include: d[2].literal, builtin: true }}},
{"name": "expression+", "symbols": ["completeexpression"]},
{"name": "expression+", "symbols": ["expression+", "_", {"literal":"|"}, "_", "completeexpression"], "postprocess": function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); }},
{"name": "expressionlist", "symbols": ["completeexpression"]},
{"name": "expressionlist", "symbols": ["expressionlist", "_", {"literal":","}, "_", "completeexpression"], "postprocess": function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); }},
{"name": "wordlist", "symbols": ["word"]},
{"name": "wordlist", "symbols": ["wordlist", "_", {"literal":","}, "_", "word"], "postprocess": function(d) { return d[0].concat([d[4]]); }},
{"name": "completeexpression", "symbols": ["expr"], "postprocess": function(d) { return {tokens: d[0]}; }},
{"name": "completeexpression", "symbols": ["expr", "_", "js"], "postprocess": function(d) { return {tokens: d[0], postprocess: d[2]}; }},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": ["word"], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": [{"literal":"$"}, "word"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {mixin: d[1]}}},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": ["word", {"literal":"["}, "_", "expressionlist", "_", {"literal":"]"}], "postprocess": function(d) {return {macrocall: d[0], args: d[3]}}},
{"name": "expr_member$ebnf$1", "symbols": [{"literal":"i"}], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "expr_member$ebnf$1", "symbols": [], "postprocess": function(d) {return null;}},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": ["string", "expr_member$ebnf$1"], "postprocess": function(d) { if (d[1]) {return insensitive(d[0]); } else {return d[0]; } }},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": [{"literal":"%"}, "word"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {token: d[1]}}},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": ["charclass"], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": [{"literal":"("}, "_", "expression+", "_", {"literal":")"}], "postprocess": function(d) {return {'subexpression': d[2]} ;}},
{"name": "expr_member", "symbols": ["expr_member", "_", "ebnf_modifier"], "postprocess": function(d) {return {'ebnf': d[0], 'modifier': d[2]}; }},
{"name": "ebnf_modifier", "symbols": [{"literal":":+"}], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "ebnf_modifier", "symbols": [{"literal":":*"}], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "ebnf_modifier", "symbols": [{"literal":":?"}], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "expr", "symbols": ["expr_member"]},
{"name": "expr", "symbols": ["expr", "ws", "expr_member"], "postprocess": function(d){ return d[0].concat([d[2]]); }},
{"name": "word", "symbols": [(lexer.has("word") ? {type: "word"} : word)], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "string", "symbols": [(lexer.has("string") ? {type: "string"} : string)], "postprocess": d => ({literal: d[0].value})},
{"name": "string", "symbols": [(lexer.has("btstring") ? {type: "btstring"} : btstring)], "postprocess": d => ({literal: d[0].value})},
{"name": "charclass", "symbols": [(lexer.has("charclass") ? {type: "charclass"} : charclass)], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "js", "symbols": [(lexer.has("js") ? {type: "js"} : js)], "postprocess": getValue},
{"name": "_$ebnf$1", "symbols": ["ws"], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "_$ebnf$1", "symbols": [], "postprocess": function(d) {return null;}},
{"name": "_", "symbols": ["_$ebnf$1"]},
{"name": "ws", "symbols": [(lexer.has("ws") ? {type: "ws"} : ws)]},
{"name": "ws$ebnf$1", "symbols": [(lexer.has("ws") ? {type: "ws"} : ws)], "postprocess": id},
{"name": "ws$ebnf$1", "symbols": [], "postprocess": function(d) {return null;}},
{"name": "ws", "symbols": ["ws$ebnf$1", (lexer.has("comment") ? {type: "comment"} : comment), "_"]}
, ParserStart: "final"
if (typeof module !== 'undefined'&& typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = grammar;
} else {
window.grammar = grammar;