
531 lines
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2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00
const {promises: fs, readFileSync} = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const moment = require('moment');
const glob = require('glob');
const {EmailAddressParser} = require('@tryghost/email-addresses');
class StaffServiceEmails {
constructor({logging, models, mailer, settingsHelpers, settingsCache, blogIcon, urlUtils, labs}) {
this.logging = logging;
this.models = models;
this.mailer = mailer;
this.settingsHelpers = settingsHelpers;
this.settingsCache = settingsCache;
this.blogIcon = blogIcon;
this.urlUtils = urlUtils;
this.labs = labs;
this.Handlebars = require('handlebars').create();
async notifyFreeMemberSignup({
member, attribution
}, options) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('free-signup', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `🥳 Free member signup: ${memberData.name}`;
let attributionTitle = attribution?.title || '';
// In case of a homepage attribution, we want to show the title as "Homepage" on email
if (attributionTitle === 'homepage') {
attributionTitle = 'Homepage';
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`);
const templateData = {
attributionUrl: attribution?.url || '',
referrerSource: attribution?.referrerSource,
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteIconUrl: this.blogIcon.getIconUrl({absolute: true, fallbackToDefault: false}),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: staffUrl
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-free-signup', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
async notifyPaidSubscriptionStarted({member, subscription, offer, tier, attribution}, options = {}) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-started', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `💸 Paid subscription started: ${memberData.name}`;
const amount = this.getAmount(subscription?.amount);
const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscription?.currency, amount});
const interval = subscription?.interval || '';
const tierData = {
name: tier?.name || '',
details: `${formattedAmount}/${interval}`
const subscriptionData = {
startedOn: this.getFormattedDate(subscription.startDate)
let offerData = this.getOfferData(offer);
let attributionTitle = attribution?.title || '';
// In case of a homepage attribution, we want to show the title as "Homepage" on email
if (attributionTitle === 'homepage') {
attributionTitle = 'Homepage';
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`);
const templateData = {
attributionUrl: attribution?.url || '',
referrerSource: attribution?.referrerSource,
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteIconUrl: this.blogIcon.getIconUrl({absolute: true, fallbackToDefault: false}),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: staffUrl
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-started', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
async notifyPaidSubscriptionCanceled({member, tier, subscription, cancelNow, expiryAt, canceledAt}, options = {}) {
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('paid-canceled', options);
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
const memberData = this.getMemberData(member);
const subject = `⚠️ Cancellation: ${memberData.name}`;
const amount = this.getAmount(subscription?.amount);
const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: subscription?.currency, amount});
const interval = subscription?.interval;
const tierDetail = `${formattedAmount}/${interval}`;
const tierData = {
name: tier?.name || '',
details: tierDetail
const subscriptionData = {
expiryAt: this.getFormattedDate(expiryAt),
cancelNow: cancelNow,
canceledAt: this.getFormattedDate(canceledAt),
cancellationReason: subscription.cancellationReason || ''
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`);
const templateData = {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteIconUrl: this.blogIcon.getIconUrl({absolute: true, fallbackToDefault: false}),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
staffUrl: staffUrl
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-paid-cancellation', templateData);
await this.sendMail({
* @param {object} recipient
* @param {string} recipient.email
* @param {string} recipient.slug
async getSharedData(recipient) {
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${recipient.slug}`);
return {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteIconUrl: this.blogIcon.getIconUrl({absolute: true, fallbackToDefault: false}),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: recipient.email,
staffUrl: staffUrl
* @param {object} eventData
* @param {object} eventData.milestone
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async notifyMilestoneReceived({milestone}) {
if (!milestone?.emailSentAt || milestone?.meta?.reason) {
// Do not send an email when no email was set to be sent or a reason
// not to send provided
const formattedValue = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: milestone?.currency, amount: milestone.value, maximumFractionDigits: 0});
const milestoneEmailConfig = require('./milestone-email-config')(this.settingsCache.get('title'), formattedValue);
const emailData = milestoneEmailConfig?.[milestone.type]?.[milestone.value];
if (!emailData || Object.keys(emailData).length === 0) {
// Do not attempt to send an email with invalid or missing data
this.logging.warn('No Milestone email sent. Invalid or missing data.');
const emailPromises = [];
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('milestone-received');
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`);
const templateData = {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
partial: `milestones/${milestone.value}`,
toEmail: to,
adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true),
staffUrl: staffUrl
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-milestone-received', templateData);
emailPromises.push(await this.sendMail({
subject: emailData.subject,
const results = await Promise.allSettled(emailPromises);
for (const result of results) {
if (result.status === 'rejected') {
* @param {object} eventData
* @param {import('@tryghost/donations').DonationPaymentEvent} eventData.donationPaymentEvent
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async notifyDonationReceived({donationPaymentEvent}) {
const emailPromises = [];
const users = await this.models.User.getEmailAlertUsers('donation');
const formattedAmount = this.getFormattedAmount({currency: donationPaymentEvent.currency, amount: donationPaymentEvent.amount / 100});
const subject = `💰 One-time payment received: ${formattedAmount} from ${donationPaymentEvent.name ?? donationPaymentEvent.email}`;
const memberData = donationPaymentEvent.memberId ? this.getMemberData({
id: donationPaymentEvent.memberId,
name: donationPaymentEvent.name ?? null,
email: donationPaymentEvent.email
}) : null;
for (const user of users) {
const to = user.email;
let staffUrl = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/settings/staff/${user.slug}`);
const templateData = {
siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
siteIconUrl: this.blogIcon.getIconUrl({absolute: true, fallbackToDefault: false}),
siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
fromEmail: this.fromEmailAddress,
toEmail: to,
adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true),
staffUrl: staffUrl,
donation: {
name: donationPaymentEvent.name ?? donationPaymentEvent.email,
email: donationPaymentEvent.email,
amount: formattedAmount,
donationMessage: donationPaymentEvent.donationMessage
accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color')
const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('donation', templateData);
emailPromises.push(await this.sendMail({
const results = await Promise.allSettled(emailPromises);
for (const result of results) {
if (result.status === 'rejected') {
// Utils
/** @private */
getMemberData(member) {
let name = member?.name || member?.email;
return {
email: member?.email,
showEmail: !!member?.name,
adminUrl: this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.urlFor('admin', true), '#', `/members/${member.id}`),
initials: this.extractInitials(name),
location: this.getGeolocationData(member.geolocation),
createdAt: member.created_at ? moment(member.created_at).format('D MMM YYYY') : null
/** @private */
getGeolocationData(geolocation) {
if (!geolocation) {
return null;
try {
const geolocationData = JSON.parse(geolocation);
return geolocationData?.country || null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
/** @private */
getFormattedAmount({amount = 0, currency, maximumFractionDigits = 2}) {
if (!currency) {
return amount > 0 ? Intl.NumberFormat('en', {maximumFractionDigits}).format(amount) : '';
return Intl.NumberFormat('en', {
style: 'currency',
currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
// see https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js/issues/123
minimumFractionDigits: maximumFractionDigits
/** @private */
getAmount(amount) {
if (!amount) {
return 0;
return amount / 100;
/** @private */
getFormattedDate(date) {
if (!date) {
return '';
return moment(date).format('D MMM YYYY');
/** @private */
getOfferData(offer) {
if (offer) {
let offAmount = '';
let offDuration = '';
if (offer.duration === 'once') {
offDuration = ', first payment';
} else if (offer.duration === 'repeating') {
offDuration = `, first ${offer.durationInMonths} months`;
} else if (offer.duration === 'forever') {
offDuration = `, forever`;
} else if (offer.duration === 'trial') {
offDuration = '';
if (offer.type === 'percent') {
offAmount = `${offer.amount}% off`;
} else if (offer.type === 'fixed') {
const amount = this.getAmount(offer.amount);
offAmount = `${this.getFormattedAmount({currency: offer.currency, amount})} off`;
} else if (offer.type === 'trial') {
offAmount = `${offer.amount} days free`;
return {
name: offer.name,
details: `${offAmount}${offDuration}`
get siteDomain() {
const [, siteDomain] = this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl()
.match(new RegExp('^https?://([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i'));
return siteDomain;
get defaultEmailDomain() {
return this.settingsHelpers.getDefaultEmailDomain();
get fromEmailAddress() {
if (this.settingsHelpers.useNewEmailAddresses()) {
return EmailAddressParser.stringify(this.settingsHelpers.getDefaultEmail());
return `ghost@${this.defaultEmailDomain}`;
extractInitials(name = '') {
const names = name.split(' ');
const initials = names.length > 1 ? [names[0][0], names[names.length - 1][0]] : [names[0][0]];
return initials.join('').toUpperCase();
async sendMail(message) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
let msg = Object.assign({
from: this.fromEmailAddress,
forceTextContent: true
}, message);
return this.mailer.send(msg);
registerPartials() {
const rootDirname = './email-templates/partials/';
const files = glob.sync('*.hbs', {cwd: path.join(__dirname, rootDirname)});
files.forEach((fileName) => {
const name = fileName.replace(/.hbs$/, '');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, rootDirname, `${name}.hbs`);
const content = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
this.Handlebars.registerPartial(name, content);
registerHelpers() {
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('eq', function (arg, value, options) {
if (arg === value) {
return options.fn(this);
} else {
return options.inverse(this);
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('limit', function (array, limit) {
if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
return [];
return array.slice(0,limit);
this.Handlebars.registerHelper('encodeURIComponent', function (string) {
return encodeURIComponent(string);
async renderHTML(templateName, data) {
const htmlTemplateSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './email-templates/', `${templateName}.hbs`), 'utf8');
const htmlTemplate = this.Handlebars.compile(Buffer.from(htmlTemplateSource).toString());
let sharedData = {};
if (data.recipient) {
sharedData = await this.getSharedData(data.recipient);
const html = htmlTemplate({
const juice = require('juice');
return juice(html, {inlinePseudoElements: true, removeStyleTags: true});
async renderText(templateName, data) {
const textTemplate = require(`./email-templates/${templateName}.txt.js`);
let sharedData = {};
if (data.recipient) {
sharedData = await this.getSharedData(data.recipient);
return textTemplate({
async renderEmailTemplate(templateName, data) {
const html = await this.renderHTML(templateName, data);
const text = await this.renderText(templateName, data);
return {html, text};
module.exports = StaffServiceEmails;