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2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00
"{{amount}} characters left": "{{amount}} caratteri rimanenti",
"{{amount}} comments": "{{amount}} commenti",
"{{amount}} days ago": "{{amount}} giorni fa",
"{{amount}} hrs ago": "{{amount}} ore fa",
"{{amount}} mins ago": "{{amount}} minuti fa",
"{{amount}} months ago": "{{amount}} mesi fa",
"{{amount}} more": "{{amount}} in più",
"{{amount}} seconds ago": "{{amount}} secondi fa",
"{{amount}} weeks ago": "{{amount}} settimane fa",
"{{amount}} years ago": "{{amount}} anni fa",
"1 comment": "1 commento",
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"Add context to your comment, share your name and expertise to foster a healthy discussion.": "Aggiungi dettagli al tuo commento, condividi il tuo nome e le tue competenze per incoraggiare una conversazione sana.",
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"edited": "modificato",
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"Founder @ Acme Inc": "Megadirettore Galattico",
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"One day ago": "Un giorno fa",
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