192 lines
8.1 KiB
192 lines
8.1 KiB
id: teamos
name: TeamOS
description: "Team OS is a Private Torrent Tracker for SOFTWARE"
language: en-US
type: private
encoding: UTF-8
requestDelay: 2
- https://www.teamos.xyz/
- https://www.teamos-hkrg.com/
- https://teamos-hkrg.com/
- https://teamos.xyz/
- {id: 18, cat: PC, desc: "Team-OS VIP Releases"}
- {id: 23, cat: PC, desc: "Team OS Program"}
- {id: 19, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 Releases"}
- {id: 20, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 Releases 32 Bit"}
- {id: 21, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 Releases 64 Bit"}
- {id: 22, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 Releases x86-x64 AIO"}
- {id: 24, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8.1 Release"}
- {id: 25, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8.1 Release 32 Bit"}
- {id: 26, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8.1 Release 64 Bit"}
- {id: 27, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8.1 Release x86-x64 AIO"}
- {id: 107, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 Releases"}
- {id: 109, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 Releases 64 Bit"}
- {id: 110, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 Releases x86-x64 AIO"}
- {id: 28, cat: PC, desc: "Operating Systems"}
- {id: 29, cat: PC, desc: "Windows XP"}
- {id: 30, cat: PC, desc: "Windows XP 32 Bit"}
- {id: 31, cat: PC, desc: "Windows XP 64 Bit"}
- {id: 32, cat: PC, desc: "Windows XP x86/64+AIO"}
- {id: 33, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7"}
- {id: 34, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 32 Bit"}
- {id: 35, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 64 Bit"}
- {id: 36, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 x86/64+AIO"}
- {id: 37, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1"}
- {id: 38, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 32 Bit"}
- {id: 39, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 64 Bit"}
- {id: 40, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 x86/64+AIO"}
- {id: 42, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10"}
- {id: 43, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 (x86)"}
- {id: 44, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 (x64)"}
- {id: 45, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 10 (x86 & x64)"}
- {id: 157, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 11"}
- {id: 158, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 11 (x86)"}
- {id: 159, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 11 (x64)"}
- {id: 160, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 11 (x86 & x64)"}
- {id: 140, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "MacOS"}
- {id: 41, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Servers/Old Windows OS/Others"}
- {id: 112, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Servers Ghost Images"}
- {id: 113, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Servers 32 Bit Ghost Images"}
- {id: 114, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Servers 64 Bit Ghost Images"}
- {id: 46, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Windows Untouched ISO(MSDN)"}
- {id: 47, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 48, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 32 Bit Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 49, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 7 64 Bit Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 50, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Windows 7 x86/64+AIO Untouched ISO"}
- {id: 51, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 52, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 32 Bit Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 53, cat: PC, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 64 Bit Untouched (MSDN)"}
- {id: 54, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Windows 8 & 8.1 x86/64+AIO Untouched ISO"}
- {id: 58, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Microsoft Office Multi-lang Untouch ISO"}
- {id: 59, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "x86-x64 bit Untouched Iso"}
- {id: 55, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Server 2003 (Untouched)"}
- {id: 56, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Server 2003 32 Bit Untouched"}
- {id: 57, cat: PC, desc: "Windows Server 2003 64 Bit Untouched"}
- {id: 132, cat: PC, desc: "Linux/Unix"}
- {id: 60, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Software Releases"}
- {id: 71, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Activators/ Crack/ patch/ keygen"}
- {id: 75, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Adobe Plugins"}
- {id: 62, cat: PC/Mobile-Android, desc: "Android Apps"}
- {id: 141, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Mac Apps"}
- {id: 61, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Antivirus"}
- {id: 65, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Multimedia"}
- {id: 66, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Audio Apps"}
- {id: 68, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Photo Apps"}
- {id: 111, cat: PC/0day, desc: "3D Modeling"}
- {id: 67, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Video Apps"}
- {id: 76, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Customisation"}
- {id: 69, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Document Tools"}
- {id: 63, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Download Managers"}
- {id: 77, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Drivers and Necessary Tools"}
- {id: 64, cat: PC/0day, desc: "DVD Tools"}
- {id: 73, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Microsoft Office"}
- {id: 83, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Silent Apps"}
- {id: 72, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Other Softwares"}
- {id: 79, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Recovery Tools"}
- {id: 78, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Security Tools"}
- {id: 70, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Utility Tools"}
- {id: 74, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Web Tools"}
- {id: 80, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Windows Phone Apps"}
- {id: 81, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Developers"}
- {id: 82, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Designers"}
- {id: 84, cat: PC, desc: "TEAM OS Other Stuff Releases"}
- {id: 131, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "MAC Games"}
- {id: 88, cat: PC/Mobile-Android, desc: "Android Games"}
- {id: 85, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Games"}
- {id: 86, cat: Books/EBook, desc: "Ebooks"}
- {id: 87, cat: Other, desc: "Wallpapers, Themes & Screensavers"}
- {id: 89, cat: PC, desc: "Other Releases"}
- {id: 100, cat: Other, desc: "Tutorials"} # undocumented
search: [q]
book-search: [q]
- name: cookie
type: text
label: Cookie
- name: info
type: info
label: How to get the Cookie
default: "<ol><li>Login to this tracker with your browser</li><li>Open the <b>DevTools</b> panel by pressing <b>F12</b></li><li>Select the <b>Network</b> tab</li><li>Click on the <b>Doc</b> button (Chrome Browser) or <b>HTML</b> button (FireFox)</li><li>Refresh the page by pressing <b>F5</b></li><li>Click on the first row entry</li><li>Select the <b>Headers</b> tab on the Right panel</li><li>Find <b>'cookie:'</b> in the <b>Request Headers</b> section</li><li><b>Select</b> and <b>Copy</b> the whole cookie string <i>(everything after 'cookie: ')</i> and <b>Paste</b> here.</li></ol>"
- name: useragent
type: text
label: User-Agent
- name: info_useragent
type: info
label: How to get the User-Agent
default: "<ol><li>From the same place you fetched the cookie,</li><li>Find <b>'user-agent:'</b> in the <b>Request Headers</b> section</li><li><b>Select</b> and <b>Copy</b> the whole user-agent string <i>(everything after 'user-agent: ')</i> and <b>Paste</b> here.</li></ol>"
- name: freeleech
type: checkbox
label: Search freeleech only
default: false
method: cookie
cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}"
path: /
selector: a[href="/account/"]
User-Agent: ["{{ .Config.useragent }}"]
# 25 results per page
- path: "torrents/?filename={{ .Keywords }}&freeleech={{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}"
- path: "torrents/?filename={{ .Keywords }}&page=2&freeleech={{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}"
- path: "torrents/?filename={{ .Keywords }}&page=3&freeleech={{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}"
- path: "torrents/?filename={{ .Keywords }}&page=4&freeleech={{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}"
selector: tr.dataList-row:has(td.download)
selector: a[href^="/forums/"]
attribute: href
- name: regexp
args: "\\.(\\d+)\\/$"
selector: a[href^="/threads/"]
selector: a[href^="/threads/"]
attribute: href
selector: td.download a
attribute: href
selector: li.structItem-startDate a time
attribute: datetime
selector: td:nth-last-child(4)
selector: td:nth-last-child(3)
selector: td:nth-last-child(2)
selector: td:nth-last-child(1)
"span.label:contains(\"Freeleech\")": 0
"*": 1
text: 1
# global MR is 0.4 but torrents must be seeded for 3 days regardless of ratio
# minimumratio:
# text: 0.4
# 3 days (as seconds = 3 x 24 x 60 x 60)
text: 259200
# engine n/a