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We're glad that you're here! Homarr is a modern and easy to use dashboard that helps you to organize and manage your home network from one place. Control is at your fingertips.
We recommend you to read the getting started guide first. To edit this board you must enter the edit mode - only administrators can do this. Adding an app is the first step you should take. You can do this by clicking the Add tile
button at the top right and select App
. After you provided an internal URL, external URL and selected an icon you can drag it around when holding down the left mouse button. Make it bigger or smaller using the drag icon at the bottom right. When you're happy with it's position, you must exit edit mode to save your board. Adding widgets works the same way but may require additional configuration - read the documentation for more information.
To remove this widget, you must log in to your administrator account and click on the menu to delete it.
Your TODO list:
Read the documentation
Add your first app
Resize and drag your app to a different position
Add the clock widget to your dashboard
Create a new user